Well I searched the web for a bit but was only able to find 1 tune for this car (Ford Taurus SHO)
I went in expecting it to be a few seconds faster but I found the opposite. My tune got a 1:22.054 on midfield but the best I could pull off in the other tune was 1:25.212.
My conclusion is that either my tune is actually pretty good, or this other tune is just really bad, but I got it off the gt6 directory so I don't think that's it
Edit: took one of Shaun's cars with a similar power, weight, FF N/A out on the same track and my Taurus was still 1.6 seconds faster. Starting to think my tune is actually of good quality.
I used Shaun's 147 GTA at 450
Also here is the link to the Taurus tune I used