Exeter GT Tuning (Updated with new seasonal setups)

  • Thread starter shaunm80
Except 6th fastest is a DS3 user. It just takes about a day :crazy: for your brain to adjust then it's not so bad. Until you get back in a normal car. :lol:

I did all the RB events with a DS3.

Now, having a wheel, you'd be surprised how fast you gotta move your arms. It's a whole new and different skill set. One that I'm still learning. I eventually got a 5:20 at Sierra but that was fine for me. Soren can have that win because I do not like Sierra at all.

Good job Soren. 👍
I Love that track and also the car even if she sometimes are a pain in the A**
I have amended my typo error now. :) Thanks for letting me know. @LordJCS has created a tune for this car which is a higher scoring drift car and may be what you need to gold this event using this particular car. Give it a go and see how it handles for you.

Looking forward to seeing what you make of my new set of tunes. Loads more going to be going on at some point too, 13 cars sitting in my garage at the moment that are waiting to be improved. :)

Actually it's not the same car. To my knowledge i have not made a tune for the C-West Räzo Silvia.. The one i did make was for the Race/touring car version that first saw the light of day when it got released as part of the DLC for GT5..

speaking of tunes. Sorry for not posting any yesterday. I seem to have come down with some kind of stommach flu or some other bug.

Not feeling too good atm.

I'll see if i can get the missus to help me out with posting the tunes as i have to be ready to run to the porcelain throne in a second's notice.

I'm willing to bet that most if not all of you are feeling better than me right now.

Have a great day my fellow gear heads.
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That's why i don't fall in love with the Red Bull , only problems so far

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I just had a stomache thing also. Barfed for the first time in years and spent a day in the bathroom on the toilet. One of those, I'm afraid to fart because I'm not sure type of situations. :lol:

If you got what I had, it'll be over in two days. Feel better soon! 👍

Oh there will be no farting,coughing or sneezing for at least 3 to 4 days, just to be on the safe side.

Well, it is official. the BBC has gone to pot and there is hardly anything on worth watching these days. They have just announced that they will not be televising any F1 from now on due to "budget cuts". I could name 5 shows that should have been cut before F1 but no.. they leave all the shoddy and boring non-sport programmes on which I have no interest in what so ever.

It has now been moved to Channel 4 which is irritating to say the least because they put adverts in every 12 minutes. It is like watching Australian television except we pay for the privilege of watching adverts.
Actually it's not the same car. To my knowledge i have not made a tune for the C-West Räzo Silvia.. The one i did make was for the Race/touring car version that first saw the light of day when it got released as part of the DLC for GT5..

speaking of tunes. Sorry for not posting any yesterday. I seem to have come down with some kind of stommach flu or some other bug.

Not feeling too good atm.

I'll see if i can get the missus to help me out with posting the tunes as i have to be ready to run to the porcelain throne in a second's notice.

I'm willing to bet that most if not all of you are feeling better than me right now.

Have a great day my fellow gear heads.
eww bad time to get sick.
Super green shakes. That will knock just about anything out and keep you from getting sick down the road.
125 grams of mixed baby greens, Spinach, kale and swiss chard.
90ish grams of Avacado.
1 tablespoon ground flax seed
100 ml orange juice.
1-2 tablespoon(s) of sugar.
1-4 ice cubes(depending on size)
250 ml water, pref filtered or spring.

Blend like hell till smooth.
I managed to get 2 minutes into this race but I was well behind the alien @Soren Jacquet's blue line and felt slow in comparison to him.

I started with your settings for the X2014 and used them for the X2011 and got a bronze time of 5:56.221. I switched to the stock X2014 car and got a silver time of 5:34.783 and then the fun started as I tried for gold. I loaded your tune in and I couldn't keep up with my silver ghost...it felt slow to me as well. I was thinking a change in final gear?

I mixed and matched your tune along with other transmission settings to no avail. I went back to stock settings and became quick again but I couldn't handle the car during the wet sections. Your tune is very stable but I feel like I am losing a lot of time in the fast sections.

I settled in with DrAug's tune and achieved a gold time of 5:19.725 after several reboots to get different wet track conditions. I won't have much more time to do this TT as I am getting ready to head to your neck of the woods for Christmas holiday with my son and his family just outside of London...

I started with your settings for the X2014 and used them for the X2011 and got a bronze time of 5:56.221. I switched to the stock X2014 car and got a silver time of 5:34.783 and then the fun started as I tried for gold. I loaded your tune in and I couldn't keep up with my silver ghost...it felt slow to me as well. I was thinking a change in final gear?

I mixed and matched your tune along with other transmission settings to no avail. I went back to stock settings and became quick again but I couldn't handle the car during the wet sections. Your tune is very stable but I feel like I am losing a lot of time in the fast sections.

I settled in with DrAug's tune and achieved a gold time of 5:19.725 after several reboots to get different wet track conditions. I won't have much more time to do this TT as I am getting ready to head to your neck of the woods for Christmas holiday with my son and his family just outside of London...

My settings were designed to slow the car down to manageable speed for me. It is slower for sure on fast straights but around the corners it seemed easier on the DS3. This car is not my cup of tea in all honesty hence the type of tune it is. Glad you achieved gold in the end with another tune though. :)

Enjoy your trip the other side of the pond. It is quite mild here at the moment so you should have quite a nice winter time here.
Enjoy your trip the other side of the pond. It is quite mild here at the moment so you should have quite a nice winter time here.

Good news on the mild temps...👍

I changed the final gear to 3.000 on your tune and was able to keep up with my gold ghost and if I had more time, I am sure I can get a gold time with your tune. I do love how stable the car is in/out of the corners...

I am using a DFGT wheel as I could never play this or GT5 with the DS3...:)
Yeah once you add the fan it's all about throttle steering and praying, alot of praying. :lol:
I'm not the praying kind of person. Tried that in the past & the line was either busy or disconnected.
When you get the fan car under your skin then it´s a Nice car , but yes it´s takes time to get to know it .
It's still fantasy land & that's why I have problems. I'm a realist.
Well, it is official. the BBC has gone to pot and there is hardly anything on worth watching these days. They have just announced that they will not be televising any F1 from now on due to "budget cuts". I could name 5 shows that should have been cut before F1 but no.. they leave all the shoddy and boring non-sport programmes on which I have no interest in what so ever.

It has now been moved to Channel 4 which is irritating to say the least because they put adverts in every 12 minutes. It is like watching Australian television except we pay for the privilege of watching adverts.

They definitely could have removed a bunch of their more costly productions before moving one of the core sports (look at BBC Sport website and you'll see Formula 1 up there with Football, Cricket, and Rugby). Channel 4 have said that the races will be 100% ad-free, which is good to hear, but I can imagine they'll load up the pre-race and post-race coverage with ads!
In Australia, Channel 10 have the F1 coverage. For our home GP, we get half day telecasts on Saturday & Sunday filled with absolute crap. Shameless self promotion of other Channel 10 'celebrities' mostly proving they have absolutely no interest in F1 whatsoever.
For the remaining races of the season, we get some races as a delayed 'live' broadcast & the other half are a 1 hour highlights package on the Monday night filled with ads.
All this comes free of charge & if you don't like it, Rupert Murdoch will happily take $50/month for a FOXTEL subscription that includes F1 live.
I have to say, with the current state of F1, I've missed a few races for the first time in my life this year & it hasn't worried me one little bit. If Dan Ricciardo in his watch powered, energy drink special has another year of the same & the silver cars continue to dominate, I'll be missing a lot more in 2016 too.
Here we go...

Time for two tunes made for some sideways shenanigans.

First out is the Pozzi Motorsports Camaro RS.. aka: "Iron man" or "Jarvis" ( your choice).

1283kg @ 53/47

CH tires

No oil change.

Semi racing exhaust


Susp: Fully custom.


RH 60 / 60
SR 29,45 / 5,35
DC 7 / 6
DE 6 / 7
ARB 6 / 6
CAM 5,5 / 3,5
TOE -0,12 / 0,08

Race brakes:
1 9





Trans: Fully custom:

Set topspeed to 240kmh /149mph then gears as follows.

1: 3,180
2: 2,396
3: 1,855
4: 1,487
5: 1,225
6: 1,028

Final: 3,495


After this stage you can slap on +2 sized rims.

I went for Boyd Coddington's painted in one of the many shades of gold chrome, GT CHROME 010-W

For the body of the car i went for : Gran Turismo Red Metallic (From Mazda Furai)


This one really steps out on you when you step on the gas, so be careful.. Throttle control is key with this one.

Have fun..


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The second tune is for the Amuse S2000 GT1 Turbo (Premium Version)

CH Tires

1120kg @ 46/54


No oil change

Power limiter 100%


Susp: Fully custom:


RH 110 / 110
SR 7,40 / 10,31
DC 7 / 6
DE 7 / 7
ARB 6 / 6
CAM 5,5 / 3,5
TOE -0,15 / 0,10


Race brakes:

1 9





Trans: Fully custom:

Set topspeed 240khm / 149mph then the gears as follows.

1: 3,051
2: 2,345
3: 1,845
4: 1,502
5: 1,205
6: 1,055
7: 0,903

Final: 4,230


Once the tune is done you can slap on the bigger rims.

In this case i went for the Enkei RPF1's yet again, painted in GT CHROME 001-W
+2 size

Body: Copper Red Mica.

Calipers: GT6 Chrome 005.


This thing really gives me a smile everytime i drive it.

Try it out and see if it can make you smile too

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Whaat is happening. Was over 2.5 sec infront of my own fastes shaddow but did I get that time nooooo arrrrgh damn game
Get your 8 kg universal persuasion tool out. Rant and rave than eat some cake.
You need to drink more coffee :lol:.
No he don't need more coffee he is already hyper enough he needs super carrot cake muffins!

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