My settings for the
Fanatec CSR Elite/CSP V2 on the PS3:
linearity of steering becomes natural 1:1 ratio (no need for artificial messing with Sensitivity/Linearity options in-game)
all *noise* in FFB efects is severely reduced: motor grinding, steering hickups on slopes and fast changes of direction and such
FFB is now fully-informative (countersteer is possible without sudden spin, you can feel the *enivronmental* effects in full, the feel for grip is vastly improved..)
- all together resulting with 100% smooth sensitivity of steering
*On-wheel settings (via Fanatec on-the-fly settings):
SEN 320-330 (crucial setting) / FF 100 / SHO 20 / DRI 005 (crucial setting) / ABS 025 / LIN 0 / DEA 0 / SPR 0 / DPR -3 (crucial setting)
NOTE to above: Drift setting (DRI 005) will drastically ease the dampers of the motors and allow for smooth steering. Spring (SPR) has to be left on 0 in order to mantatin proper FFB-effects sensation. Damper (DPR -3) setting will further remove all post-rumbling effects form the wheel and enhance the smoothness even further. My ABS setting is my personal and subjective, so that one is not important for actual steering sensation.
*In-game Advanced Wheel Settings > both settings below are applied in the game option menu:
DDZ 0 / SAT 0 / LIN 0 / THR DZZ 0 / THR SAT 0 / BRK DDZ 2 / BRK SAT 25
NOTE to above: There is no need to have either deadzone, saturation or linearity "overrides" applied once you dial the Sensation (SEN) setting on your wheel to 320-330. Brake Deadzone and Brake Saturation settings are also my personal and purely subjective, so experiment with those for your own pedal-set or way you drive.
*In-game Force Feedback options:
ENV EFF 10% / FFB STR 80% / WHL WGH 0%
NOTE to above: Fanatec CSRE has very strong FFB motors compared to G25 (F1 2012 uses G25 profiler for CSRE), so I had to dial down all post-processing effects in order to maintatin smooth steering and still fell curbs, road and everything. Above setting works perfectly for me, but once you made all alterations reccomended above, you can play with these settings until you find what suits you most
**NOTE: All settings above are probably equaly good for CSW model on the PS3 as for CSR Elite. For the *ordinary* Fanatec CSR model (not Elite) I presume how some settings
do not apply - especially DRI, SPR and DPR - because that wheel have totally different mechanical construction than CSR Elite and CSW models (different motors, no Direct Sensor, etc.) - so I advise further testing for CSR users.
Detailed explanation of everything with details and reasoning >