F1 2016: First ScreenshotsF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
Yes its amazing how much money they pump into the F1 cars, how many expert genius engineers work on the cars and develop them, and all to make sure they are impossible to drive................

Oh and I bet your in that 2% lol....
Of course im in that 2% only the elite drivers in the world can drive an F1 properly. Dont kid yourself on you could be an F1 driver because your good at a Codemasters game :lol:
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Of course im in that 2% only the elite drivers in the world can drive an F1 properly. Dont kid yourself on you could be an F1 driver because your good at a Codemasters game :lol:

Huh? I got 2015 F1 for £12.50 and its utter garbage, i'm talking about real life, I didn't realise the aim of the game in F1 was to make the worst handling undrivable car possible... Must explain why HRT did so well....oh, hang on...
Engine sounds seem better. Hard to tell from a video but it looks like there's more weight and feel in the front end going through corners too.

Yeah also if you watch the videos that guy uses (linked in the description I believe) without his commentary over the top of the sound, you can get a better idea of how much the sound has improved. Wind and rain noises are better, but more importantly, the engine sounds are much more throaty, and the turbo whistle is very pronounced. That HAAS actually sounds like the Ferrari engine, which is awesome, because in F1 2015 all the cars sounded like heavily muffled lawn mowers.
Great stuff indeed. So confirmed things from this press release/trailer:

Formation lap
Manual starts with full clutch control
More pit lane control
Wheel teathers
Pit boards
Realistic damage
Proper number fonts for player number
22 player online

Count me in!
Great stuff indeed. So confirmed things from this press release/trailer:

Formation lap
Manual starts with full clutch control
More pit lane control
Wheel teathers
Pit boards
Realistic damage
Proper number fonts for player number
22 player online

Count me in!
Yea, lookin' good this year. Formation lap is a nice touch although I'll probably do it once or twice and turn it off, knowing me. Hopefully the cockpit FOV can be adjusted this year.
Formation lap
Manual starts with full clutch control

I've been wanting these, especially the second one, for ages. It'll be great to have control over how much tyre temp you've got at the start of the race, and my biggest problem with previous F1 games was the fact that the start had nothing to do with the player, so when you got a worse start than the AI, it just felt artificial. Manual starts with clutch control are a big deal for me. It'll be awesome trying to perfect the start, and when you mess it up, you'll only have yourself to blame for losing places down to turn one.

More pit lane control
Wheel teathers
Pit boards
Realistic damage

These are all also great news for fans of immersion in racing games. More control in the pit lane, just like having full control of race starts, is great, as it gives the player more things they need to get right. No more driving into the pit lane, taking your hands off the wheel, and having a rest for 20 odd seconds lol.

Pit boards will add a nice touch, and a good bit of life to the start/finish straight, which will definitely give the player the feeling they are really there.

Realistic damage speaks for itself. Sim fans will all be happy with that. Also, the wheel tethers are just another realistic touch that will aid immersion.
Pit boards will add a nice touch, and a good bit of life to the start/finish straight, which will definitely give the player the feeling they are really there.
I can't remember the last time I saw a pit board in Formula One.
I can't remember the last time I saw a pit board in Formula One.

Well regardless of whether you've been paying attention or not, they are most definitely still used by every team.





It's not something we, as fans, take notice of. We tend to pay attention to the cars, not the pit wall. Tonight while you watch the British GP, when the coverage is showing cars going down the pit straight, if you take notice of the pit wall, you'll see pit boards going out regularly.
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As someone who has pre-ordered a game before (though no racing games), let me say it typically isn't worth it. With an F1 title, there most likely won't be any form of a bonus, and I would highly doubt it is going to sell out in stores on day 1 (assuming you don't get a digital version).

I suppose really the only things they could do for a pre-order bonus would be special helmets for career mode/online, special car liveries (maybe from preseason testing) if the FIA/FOM/Teams would allow it, and maybe a "classic" car for hot-lapping.
I've been burned by pre-orders in the past, so I won't pre-order anything anymore, even if it's a game I'm really looking forward to. I rarely even buy a game day one anymore, as I was burned a few times in the PS3 era buying games at full price only to find they were not worth it (*cough* GT6 *cough*).

However, with that said, I am very much looking forward to this game, and although I won't pre-order anything anymore, I may have to buy it as soon as it comes out. Not many games have me excited enough to pay full price, but this, AC, and No Man's Sky are all looking too good to hold out on. I say this as someone who has paid full price for only 3 out of the 51 PS4 games that I own lol.
I pre-order, but only because I want to guarantee a copy. My local stores only order minimal copies of games like F1 2016 and Dirt Rally, and I do admit that I like pre-order bonuses; Far Cry 4 shipped with a pretty substantial bit of extra content. The trend that I dislike is retailer-exclusive content.

Given the licencing restrictions that FOM put on the game, it's unlikely to be an issue, though.
I pre-order, but only because I want to guarantee a copy. My local stores only order minimal copies of games like F1 2016 and Dirt Rally, and I do admit that I like pre-order bonuses; Far Cry 4 shipped with a pretty substantial bit of extra content. The trend that I dislike is retailer-exclusive content.

Given the licencing restrictions that FOM put on the game, it's unlikely to be an issue, though.

Yeah fair enough, that's a decent reason to pre-order. I'd say you could always get a digital copy, but I'm guessing that like me, you prefer physical copies. Luckily for me, there really aren't a lot of F1 fans in my town, as is evidenced by the well stocked shelves of F1 games whenever a new one comes out. So I'm not worried about missing out.

Looks a lot more challenging in the wet than in past games - and that's in the best car on the grid :lol:. For those who think it's the 2015 Merc, Codies base the early models from the cars used in pre season testing, so therefore the Merc will have the 15 nose/ no S Duct. They will update the models later:lol:.
For some reason it sounds like Codies have perfected the Ferrari engine sound, however there isn't much improvement in the Merc or Renault, not really sure what's going on there :irked:.
Anyway, still can't wait , definitely going to be the best F1 game ever made (unless all the highlight features are broken lol:lol:).
Looks alright. Hopefully this year we can turn the rain drops off that appear on the screen. Hate that affect. Would like to see some of these preview videos from the cockpit FOV. Apparently it's supposed to be adjustable this year.
I'm really liking what I see so far. I enjoyed the 2015 game but this seems so much better and more fleshed out.

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