F1 2016: First ScreenshotsF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Dionisiy
Yes, i got a head start, my game shop is picking this up on weds morning. I can play 10 days early offline. Just wanted come on here a brag about that. Its made my week !
I'll have to go with Ferrari.
I'd love to beat Vettel. But having that little ***** not on the track at all would be even better :D
Yes, i got a head start, my game shop is picking this up on weds morning. I can play 10 days early offline. Just wanted come on here a brag about that. Its made my week !
So jealous!! :bowdown:
Although bear in mind lots is supposed to come in the day one patch, so if the AI is a little off etc than this will be fixed in that patch :cheers:
Do we have a final list of ALL compatible wheels yet? Let's not assume that all the wheels from the 2015 game will work this time around. Fanatec being supported by Codemasters is my biggest concern because that's what I use. LOL =)
Do we have a final list of ALL compatible wheels yet? Let's not assume that all the wheels from the 2015 game will work this time around. Fanatec being supported by Codemasters is my biggest concern because that's what I use. LOL =)

Codies have supported all the fanatec stuff in 2015 and dirt rally, so I can't see them dropping fanatec support for 2016, it'd make no sense at all, considering 2016 runs on the same engine as 2015. The only games on ps4 that won't support fanatec wheels will be ps4 first and second party games like driveclub and gt sport. Anything else that supports racing wheels will support fanatec. Certainly that has been the case so far.
Career Mode Trailer


I just noticed that they even included pit boards, they've thought of everything!!! :drool: This will be my first pre-order since GT6!:D
Really looking forward to F1 2016 (and Assetto Corsa as well). Great new trailer. Just like the real thing. Two Mercedes in a collision and an awful start. Codemaster has eye for detail ;)
I'm almost getting excited for this, sounds like a good step up from previous versions.

Thrustmaster wheel support good?
I'm almost getting excited for this, sounds like a good step up from previous versions.

Thrustmaster wheel support good?
Wheel support hasn't been confirmed yet, but it's a safe assumption that any wheels compatible with the PS4 will work.
Yesterday the F1 2016 Career trailer and today another 30 minutes of gameplay.

Last week I was live @Hockenheim. When I look at this footage it really looks like the real thing.

And for the Dutch speakers (or Google translate) also a preview special. In a nutshell:
source: http://www.psx-sense.nl/244538/special-f1-2016-en-vele-verbeteringen-en-vernieuwingen/

- limited damage model, because of FIA requirements. They do not want that you can damage a complete car. But e.g. flat tire, engine blow up and front wing all have obviously impact on car behavior.

- career mode news is already commented in other posts.

- online can also be a complete 1 year season with the same individuals/teams who started at the beginning of the season.

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Took the 19th and 20th off work for this. I'm ready.
Yesterday the F1 2016
- limited damage model, because of FIA requirements. They do not want that you can damage a complete car. But e.g. flat tire, engine blow up and front wing all have obviously impact on car behavior.

Is this a change from previous gameplay we've seen?
Is this a change from previous gameplay we've seen?

No. By limited damage model, they mean you can't destroy the rear wing, smash off the engine cover, or damage the cockpit, which has always been the case with official F1 games. In the areas they are allowed to damage, they've upped the ante with the "simulation damage" option. Front wings have various levels of damage, and even a very slight tap (example, light contact with a leading car's tyre on one side of your wing) can damage the cascade elements, and this year even small damage like that to the front wing will have a noticeable effect on the car's balance.

Other damage includes visual damage to the sidepods (cracks and scrapes when contacted), more major front wing damage, nose cone damage, punctures, and losing wheels. You'll lose the wheels easier in simulation damage mode too. Also, on the mechanical damage front, you can damage your gearbox I believe, and engine wear is much more pronounced, and has more significance in the race, and you can blow up your engine. I read somewhere that random engine failures are in for the player and AI too, but in the footage so far I've only seen the random failures happen to AI cars, so don't take tat bit as gospel.

All in all, the damage is more sensitive, more realistic, and has more of an impact on the car, than in any previous codies F1 game. Add this to the improved tyre model, and reworked kerb and wet track physics, and it looks like Codies are taking a big step in the right direction (realism) with 2016.
I read somewhere that random engine failures are in for the player and AI too, but in the footage so far I've only seen the random failures happen to AI cars, so don't take tat bit as gospel.
I can't imagine that it would be random for the player - if a perfectly good power unit cut out at random, it would be a bit of a slap in the face. Chances of an engine failure would probably increase with increased wear, but it could be randomised for the AI without too much of a problem.
I can't imagine that it would be random for the player - if a perfectly good power unit cut out at random, it would be a bit of a slap in the face. Chances of an engine failure would probably increase with increased wear, but it could be randomised for the AI without too much of a problem.

Yeah, the engine can and will fail if abused, and not even just from wear. I saw one bloke blow an engine by limiter bashing it for about 10 seconds, and this was a brand new engine, so they're not the bulletproof type we're used to in Codies' F1 games. As far as random failures go, I don't see why that would be such a bad thing, because it's not like it's unrealistic. Almost every race I've seen people do in the preview build of 2016 has shown engine wear, with the guys that are pushing hard in rich fuel mix for extended periods being warned by the engineer that their engine will be down on power due to the wear. So considering how seemingly easy it is to overheat and/or wear the engines, I can see it being quite easy to blow an engine. This is with the "simulation damage" turned on. I'd assume that if someone doesn't like failures, they can always turn the damage down to normal, or completely off.

As I said though, I haven't seen a brand new engine fail randomly in a player car in the preview build yet, so I don't even know if what I read was true. I've seen it happen to the AI, and I've seen the player's engine blow pretty easily from abuse. I've also seen tyre punctures happen to tyres that aren't completely worn. One bloke was doing a test to see how easily he could puncture the tyres from wear, and despite the outside front being significantly more worn, the inside front, being at around 70% wear, blew out when he rode it over a kerb. This to me suggests that failures in the game won't be down to a simple wear scale, with failures occurring once a wear gauge reaches max, but rather being more of a random chance, with the likelihood of a failure being higher at higher wear rates (and temps for engine).
Yesterday the F1 2016 Career trailer and today another 30 minutes of gameplay.

Last week I was live @Hockenheim. When I look at this footage it really looks like the real thing.

And for the Dutch speakers (or Google translate) also a preview special. In a nutshell:
source: http://www.psx-sense.nl/244538/special-f1-2016-en-vele-verbeteringen-en-vernieuwingen/

- limited damage model, because of FIA requirements. They do not want that you can damage a complete car. But e.g. flat tire, engine blow up and front wing all have obviously impact on car behavior.

- career mode news is already commented in other posts.

- online can also be a complete 1 year season with the same individuals/teams who started at the beginning of the season.

Nog ff volhouden kerel;). (Almost)
pre-ordered on Steam (last F1 game was F1 2010 on PS3 so it is about time right?) :D

We need a photo and video threads soon :dopey:
The lighting seems really bad, in some shots it looks very flat with a general lack of lighting variance/shadows.


Damn I figured it'd be you or someone to show the light (yeah bad joke) on the game that isn't seen.

I mean in general I'm pretty happy with what I've seen over the last few iterations, the cars don't look super saturated with color, and their isn't weird patchy/glitch graphics in other areas. To be honest it's what I've been expecting out of a group given rights to develop this time of game.

The video @BrainsBush has posted has given me more confidence than I've had in the series...ever I'd say.

Thanks for the link. That's exactly the answer I expected from Codemasters. Everyone was so sure that the same wheels from F1 2015 on the PS4 would also be supported on F1 2016. As we now see this is not the case. FANATEC support has been dropped from their PS4 version of the game. Very sad...$60.00 bucks saved I suppose.

Anyway, it's clear these developers have been pushed to stop supporting FANATEC hardware from the back-end...

From the BLOG above:

"Statement with regards to Fanatec not being on the supported wheel list on PS4:

Codemasters will continue to support officially approved peripherals for PlayStation 4 in F1 2016. We appreciate that this is far from an ideal situation and as always we are making every effort we can to support our community. Sadly this matter is out of our hands, but we will continue our dialogue with both Sony and Fanatec to try to find a solution."

Maybe someday FANATEC will release a licensed PS4 wheel rim for the PS4 like they did X-Box One, but I highly doubt it.
A little over 6 days now! So pumped.
Maybe someday FANATEC will release a licensed PS4 wheel rim for the PS4 like they did X-Box One, but I highly doubt it.

It is aligned to Fanatec's blog post from early March:

Given this, I anticipate the same thing with Assetto Corsa in 2 weeks' time (although if you read the comments on the blog there are guys offering hope).

Let's assume Fanatec wants to get their PS4 wheel fully licensed and available to buy in time for Gran Turismo Sport, that would mean a post-release F1 2016 patch in December/January to add support in?