F1 2019 Will Feature Microtransactions — Including Items Only Available Via CashF1 2019 

What if, both are bad, and Codemasters' come off looking worse for it when you consider their actions specifically from DiRT 4 onward, but also earlier as well, also play into it?

Man you're like a broken record. You don't like Codemasters. We all hear ya loud and clear.

I bet half the people complaining don't even play F1 online anyway so they would never even notice.
Since I’m the first to post I’ll be the first to say it...

They can shove the micro transactions where the sun don’t shine.

I’m really against all this and if it turns out that it is used for anything other than customisation, I’ll be an unhappy bunny! Stop making things specifically for cash purchases dammit! No everyone who scrapes to even buy the game, can afford to pay for this stuff. It puts a fair amount of users at a disadvantage!

So, they want us to rent an arcade room, like more coins in-more game??? And this is evolution of games.... ?
Australians spent $4.029 billion dollars on video gaming and hardware in 2018 while the biggest growth area was in microtransactions and in-game purchases — including cosmetic items, DLC and season passes — which research firm Teslyte said had grown 190 per cent year on year, much of it driven by the phenomenally popular Battle Royale game Fortnite. (News.com.au).
Ok,Release the game for free then and maybe I will purchase DLC cause by the look of it these companies are not suffering/lacking development capital.
Pay to win.
How are cosmetic customisation options in any way pay to win?

My opinion on this is the same as most of us, but if they make the customisation items ridiculoudly hard to obtain without ponying up some cash, Then that would be incredibly scummy.
How are cosmetic customisation options in any way pay to win?

My opinion on this is the same as most of us, but if they make the customisation items ridiculoudly hard to obtain without ponying up some cash, Then that would be incredibly scummy.

Cosmetics yep it is so harmless am I right when something looks so good that you cant have it but you have to buy it.

Cosmetics prey on human psychology because we like stuff that looks good and catches our eye.

Due to the argument that its cosmetics led to worst forms of microtransactions and it is going to get worse.

Ghost recon wildlands is one of the worst in these regards.
The dollar has lost 50% of its purchasing power over the past 30 years. 30 years ago games cost $60. Today they cost $60.

The MSRP of a 1990 Honda Civic was $10,000. The MSRP of a 2019 Honda Civic is $20,000.

Development costs are way higher than 30 years ago with how complex games have become. So I do understand the plethora of DLC lately. Perhaps the most popular games are able to absorb the higher costs given that they sell millions of copies and are usually full of microtransactions.

I think it's time for the gaming industry to get together and agree on a new base price, say $80, and drop all this DLC crap that just angers everyone and splits the playerbase online. They end up charging $80 to $120 once you add in all that extra crap, anyway.

You do realize that once the price increase happens you will see additional micro transactions shortly after. Our only hope of getting rid of these transactions is a law being passed to stop it. There is no way a company like EA will stop them unless they are forced to stop.
You do realize that once the price increase happens you will see additional micro transactions shortly after. Our only hope of getting rid of these transactions is a law being passed to stop it. There is no way a company like EA will stop them unless they are forced to stop.

I wasn't referring to microtransactions. I was referring to DLC. More and more games are being released with up to half of the content behind a DLC paywall. Raise the price of games and give us the complete game on Day 1, please. Or do like SMS with Project CARS 2: DLC packs but on top of a base game with an ENORMOUS amount of content.
Lol those that keep saying "the price is the same but development cost has skyrocketed so its ok they're just trying to make their money back". Keep letting the game industry play the victim for you. These gaming companies are making 5x -10x what they invest on game sales alone. Their shareholders and Ceo's, Cfo's management are making bank, the devs actually get paid waaaay less for the work they put in yet these companies still feel the need to cut cost at all cost while at the same time introduce microtransactions. Their Memo is not to recuperate the money they spent and break even. Its to make huge profit at all cost and thats it.
No. PD just allows you to... pay to have a competitive advantage in their online-focused racing game over those without as much money/time to spend?

That's... better?
How on earth does anyone get a "competitive advantage " by buying cars with real money in GT Sport?.
The recommended retail price of AAA games have largely stayed the same over the course of three decades while development costs have skyrocketed, so it is no surprise game developers are looking for some way to recoup the costs.

Also, gaming has gone from a niche hobby for neckbeards and children to a mainstream entertainment medium. There are not many media which can boast of financial success to compare with, say, GTAV. The unit price is a function of both the cost of production AND the available market size.

If games are more expensive to make, then they should charge more for them. Or make smaller games for cheaper. Or both.
Also, gaming has gone from a niche hobby for neckbeards and children to a mainstream entertainment medium. There are not many media which can boast of financial success to compare with, say, GTAV. The unit price is a function of both the cost of production AND the available market size.

If games are more expensive to make, then they should charge more for them. Or make smaller games for cheaper. Or both.
btw not just a mainstream entertainment medium but the most valuable mainstream entertainment medium of all time. Yet these companies try to justify microtransactions as if their game that cost them on average 20 - 60million$$ didn't just net them 400 - 700million on game sales alone. I smell bulls***
Well there goes any hope for GRID. No doubt that will have 5 "Pre order editions" and mircotransactions.
Wow, what a shocker. All of the Anti-Codemasters crowd ripping into this news with their GTS pom pom's on.

So let me get this straight.. It's okay to flat out buy cars with real money without grinding for them on GTS but, it's the worst thing ever to be able to buy a special livery on F1-19?


lol in Iracing you buy cars and tracks in forza you buy dlc car pack so does PC2, AC and the rallys games. the first option in sport mode in GT sport is to chose a manufacture witch give 2 car mandatory machines for the championship season, and finish the single player and track experience will earn you close to 10mil
Most of the game above have a livery creation tools with no extra cost so you can make any special, replica and original livery you want . that said making ppl pay for livery now thats is just cheap
Wow, what a shocker. All of the Anti-Codemasters crowd ripping into this news with their GTS pom pom's on.

So let me get this straight.. It's okay to flat out buy cars with real money without grinding for them on GTS but, it's the worst thing ever to be able to buy a special livery on F1-19?


How is this the same?? One is charging cars and the other are liveries??

Both are bad but liveries are much worse all they had to do was put in a livery editor so people can make their own designs instead its getting charged for money.
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lol in Iracing you buy cars and tracks in forza you buy dlc car pack so does PC2, AC and the rallys games. the first option in sport mode in GT sport is to chose a manufacture witch give 2 car mandatory machines for the championship season, and finish the single player and track experience will earn you close to 10mil
Most of the game above have a livery creation tools with no extra cost so you can make any special, replica and original livery you want . that said making ppl pay for livery now thats is just cheap
Nobody is making anybody buy anything.

From what I understand, all of the cars in F1-19 are available, but some special liveries are purchasable.

Oh really??? You are able to edit the livery on the F1 AMG F1 W08 EQ? :)

How is this the same?? One is charging cars and the other are liveries??

Bothbare bad but liveries are much worse all they had to do was put in a livery editor so people can make their own designs instead its getting charged for money.
Huh? Purchasing liveries are worst then purchasing cars?

No way.

So, you're saying that it's okay for you and I to put in the time, sweat and tears and grind to make game money to purchase cars, and to have some newcomer with cash in his pocket where he can buy all the cars with real money without having to work for it is okay?
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Lol those that keep saying "the price is the same but development cost has skyrocketed so its ok they're just trying to make their money back". Keep letting the game industry play the victim for you. These gaming companies are making 5x -10x what they invest on game sales alone.

This is not true at all. There are thousands of developers out there who aren't making anywhere near that much money from their games.

Their shareholders and Ceo's, Cfo's management are making bank, the devs actually get paid waaaay less for the work they put in

Compared to what, exactly? CEOs and CFOs make a lot more than those lower down in the company because they have to contend with much higher levels of responsibility. If something goes wrong they're the ones in the firing line. They are the faces of the company. I know a few CEOs in the games industry and they work ridiculously hard to earn their wages.

yet these companies still feel the need to cut cost at all cost while at the same time introduce microtransactions. Their Memo is not to recuperate the money they spent and break even. Its to make huge profit at all cost and thats it.

Actually "their memo" in most cases is to stay in business and keep developing games which costs more money. They have to make profits because they want to continue to employ people while new titles are in production while still maintaining old titles with DLC and bug fixes. If you release a game and you make your development costs back that's not going to do much towards paying your employees to work on patches and I'm sure the landlord won't accept promises as payment for rent.

There are some companies who I believe are taking the piss a little with their microtransactions but looking at the system in F1 2019 Codemasters isn't one of them.
Cosmetics yep it is so harmless am I right when something looks so good that you cant have it but you have to buy it.
Sounds like those people should get some help if they are physically incapable of not having something just because it is available. I've had many games with straight cosmetics dlc. Off the top of my head I've bought 3 in games that weren't free to play:
  1. The ones from GT5 that were included as part of a larger DLC package.
  2. All of of the character costumes in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse.
  3. One of the costume packs from Ultra Street Fighter IV

Lol those that keep saying "the price is the same but development cost has skyrocketed so its ok they're just trying to make their money back". Keep letting the game industry play the victim for you.
They "aren't playing the victim." The price for the typical games have skyrocketed in the past decade. This should not at all be news and was discussed quite a bit before this current console generation even started (which itself was already nearly 6 years ago); nor is it only limited to blockbuster titles like CoD or GTA with 100+ million dollars thrown at them. There have been games that have sold millions of copies where they still underperformed enough to make the publisher take breaks from continuing the franchise. There have been games that have sold millions of copies that have underperformed so much that the publisher considered it an outright failure and shuttered/merged the development studio. There have been games that have sold consistently well, but the rapidly increasing cost of each installment has become so concerning that the developer has given up and sold off the IP to a bigger publisher. It's why even actual game publishers have turned to Kickstarter to try and cover part of development before considering development of some games.

If you have 20 million dollars to throw at something (which is probably pretty good estimate for the typical development floor in 2019), there's nothing at all wrong with hoping that your return on investment is not less than what you initially spent in the first place. A typical game with a 20 million dollar development costs could tank a smaller developer outright if it doesn't profit enough to keep the developer afloat while the next game is being made. This also shouldn't be news, since the movie industry has grappled with the same thing as their development costs have also increased over the same span. It's why sales projections for games are frequently instead sales expectations that the publisher is demanding; because the more the initial investment the greater the risk. Microtransactions and DLC and Season Passes mitigate that risk significantly in a way that a $60 purchase price for a game that costs 4 times or whatever as much to make as it might have in 2006 doesn't.

These gaming companies are making 5x -10x what they invest on game sales alone.
Yet these companies try to justify microtransactions as if their game that cost them on average 20 - 60million$$ didn't just net them 400 - 700million on game sales alone. I smell bulls***
Typical game companies are absolutely not making "5x -10x what they invest on game sales alone." Typical videogames are absolutely not making "400 - 700million on game sales alone". Even if you don't want to consider how much of a game's gross sales actually goes to a publisher/developer, stop and think for just a second how many copies a game actually needs to sell to clear 400 million dollars in revenue before trying to string together arguments of how much profit a game publisher must be making if they only spent 20-60 million developing the game in question. How many games actually sell over 6 million copies? Sure as hell none of Codemasters F1 games have.

It only damages whatever point you're trying to make to act as if Codemasters is clearing hundreds of millions of dollars on each F1 game they sell. It only damages whatever point you're trying to make to act as if any typical publisher is clearing hundreds of millions of dollars on any typical game they sell.
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lol we'll just see how the gaming industry goes i guess while they try to "stay a float' or whatever you guys wanna call it.
To the author... iRacing does not have microtransactions. Maybe you should at least know what you're talking about about before you post it on the Internet with tons of people reading it. iRacing is a strictly pay for content game, there is a distinct difference. You don't buy a base game and then have microtransactions; you buy the exact content that you wish to license and that is all.
CEOs and CFOs make a lot more than those lower down in the company because they have to contend with much higher levels of responsibility. If something goes wrong they're the ones in the firing line.

Not really, unless it's something ridiculously catastrophic like Dieselgate, which required systematic corruption in the first place. CEOs and CFOs aren't the ones losing their jobs over stuff like Mass Effect: Andromeda, devs are. The big wigs carry on while the studio gets shut down.
Not really, unless it's something ridiculously catastrophic like Dieselgate, which required systematic corruption in the first place. CEOs and CFOs aren't the ones losing their jobs over stuff like Mass Effect: Andromeda, devs are. The big wigs carry on while the studio gets shut down.
Yeah. People should differentiate between Developers and Publishers. Most of the time Publishers gets the biggest cash while Developers is the first to get victimized by the industry despite being the one with the most work.

See also: EA.
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Yeah. People should differentiate between Developers and Publishers. Most of the time Publishers gets the biggest cash while Developers is the first that victimized by the industry despite being the one with the most work.

See also: EA.

Ea has destroyed so many studios which had so many talented people what a shame.

Destruction of Westwood and Pandemic tells us all we need to know about EA.

Lets not forget how EA tried to destroy SMS.
Not really, unless it's something ridiculously catastrophic like Dieselgate, which required systematic corruption in the first place. CEOs and CFOs aren't the ones losing their jobs over stuff like Mass Effect: Andromeda, devs are. The big wigs carry on while the studio gets shut down.

This is confusing a few high profile cases with the rest of the games industry. Most studios do not operate like this. Those that do get written about a lot because of how awful it is.

Even in the cases where the CEOs keep their jobs they still accept the responsibility of high level failures and are tasked with fixing them.

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