F1 22 - General DiscussionF1 22 

I had a chance to play this yesterday and to me the cars lack a big chunk of downforce.

With all the confidence in the world I started my flying lap at Silverstone, tipped the car into Abbey at full throttle and expected to run through the two high speed sweepers without much issue.

A bit like this(click on watch on YouTube to watch it):

Yet to my horror I immediately went wide on the first right hander... The car seemingly has nowhere near enough downforce to comfortably get through that corner flat. Which going by what I've seen from the onboards of this weekends F1 is nothing like the real thing.

The weird thing is that the cars drive the absolute opposite to what I was expecting. I thought they would be cumbersome around the slower bends and downforce monsters around the fast stuff.

But I was able to hit the kerbs with relatively regular consistency through the slower stuff but through the really quick stuff it felt like the car was broken because of the lack of downforce. Maggots and Beckett's felt very odd plus the other quickies like Copse just gave me no confidence in the car...

Did the F1 2021 cars have the same lack of downforce through the high speed sweepers?
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I had a chance to play this yesterday and to me the cars lack a big chunk of downforce.

With all the confidence in the world I started my flying lap at Silverstone, tipped the car into Abbey at full throttle and expected to run through the two high speed sweepers without much issue.

A bit like this(click on watch on YouTube to watch it):

Yet to my horror I immediately went wide on the first right hander... The car seemingly has nowhere near enough downforce to comfortably get through that corner flat. Which going by what I've seen from the onboards of this weekends F1 is nothing like the real thing.

The weird thing is that the cars drive the absolute opposite to what I was expecting. I thought they would be cumbersome around the slower bends and downforce monsters around the fast stuff.

But I was able to hit the kerbs with relatively regular consistency through the slower stuff but through the really quick stuff it felt like the car was broken because of the lack of downforce. Maggots and Beckett's felt very odd plus the other quickies like Copse just gave me no confidence in the car...

Did the F1 2021 cars have the same lack of downforce through the high speed sweepers?

I've never been able to take Copse flat out in any F1 game I've ever played. It's always a slight tap of the brakes and down a gear for me. But then again I don't mess with setups so maybe that has something to do with it. I strictly run on defaults or occasionally the preset setup changes in the garage.

I've ran three races now, two as Ferrari and one as Mercedes, and one of the things I've noticed is that the overall strength of the AI seems much better than in previous games. I run at 60 which makes it so I either win pole or lose pole by a couple of tenths so I think that's the correct number for me. Now that might have to change if I try to run as McLaren or Aston Martin. Might have to drop to 59 for them to have a chance to win.

But I run races at 50% length and in F1 2021 for example driving as one of the top cars I would lap at least 6 or so cars by the end of the race maybe more at the shorter laps like Red Bull Ring or Brazil. But so far in each of these three races I've ran including yesterday at Red Bull Ring I've only lapped one car and it's been Latifi each time. Also my winning margin could be as much as 15 to 20 seconds in F1 2021 but the most I've won by so far is 8 seconds. Yesterday at Austria my Ferrari only beat the Red Bull by 2.7 seconds. So I really have to concentrate and any slight mistake could cost me.
I've noticed is that the overall strength of the AI seems much better than in previous games.
If you ask me this is definitely the case.
I used to run at 85-90 but am currently still trying to find my sweet spot. At the moment I have it at 70 but some tracks I'm too strong and some not. I think it's going to be like previous versions where it's track specific. Whether that's an intent or not from Codemasters I have no idea but that's how it's always been for me.

Normally I'll just try to stay close time wise to my teammate over the course of the weekend and up and down the AI using that as in indicator then write it down. When the next season rolls around I'll then normally add about 3 points to it as I think by then my times have improved.
This is rough, VR looks pretty good when in the benchmark but I can’t get the game to run more than 35fps in the car benchmark, but both VR high and VR lowest run at the same 35fps, can’t find anything limiting it though.

Then when ever I touch my wheel it drops to 1fps instantly. I have a 3700x, 3080ti FE 32GB ram for reference using a DD2 and CSPv3s with a Reverb G2. Tried going from the 441 to 439 Fanatec drivers, didn't help.

I'm downloading the newest nvidia drivers now but bewteen the weird studdering in VR when you move your head and the input issues I’m having I think it’s time to refund.

Shame DLSS and FidelityFX aren't officially VR supported. With 5900x, 3090, not much better kit, I'm doing a little better on FPS but my Samsung Odyssey 2 crashes image with sound unaffected 5mins in race so 2D races only until its patched.
Nicely surprised by F1 22 so far. Starting the usual MyTeam mode, which does not change at all (oh yes, less annoying interviews) , but the gameplay / driving style seems to have evolved a lot. After a first race where you understand it's very different than the previous cars, it becomes actually quite nice. The car downforce works only once you reach some speed and it's quite a mess in slow corners with those huge front wheels and the weight/length of the cars. I find the dualsense is doing a great job with the throttle /brakes. Really fun to drive. I thought the game was a disgrace initially, with barely no graphics change, but after trying it, it's a good surprise.
Saw this quite amusing video with Lando:

He seems quite happy with the handling. Says it's a lot better than last year (although that could be "marketing", who knows). I suppose I'm just searching for good reasons to buy the game. :D
Btw, check the 4 top spots on the results leaderboard after the race!
If you ask me this is definitely the case.
I used to run at 85-90 but am currently still trying to find my sweet spot. At the moment I have it at 70 but some tracks I'm too strong and some not. I think it's going to be like previous versions where it's track specific. Whether that's an intent or not from Codemasters I have no idea but that's how it's always been for me.

Normally I'll just try to stay close time wise to my teammate over the course of the weekend and up and down the AI using that as in indicator then write it down. When the next season rolls around I'll then normally add about 3 points to it as I think by then my times have improved.
Good luck trying to figure AI out for F2 if you haven't done that yet. In F1 2021 I ran at 75 but even there I couldn't qualify anywhere near pole. But apparently qualifying pace to actual race pace was a massive difference. I could start towards the back and still make my way to the front and win most of the time. Not in F1 22 though. Ran three races at Monza yesterday all half feature race length, started off at 75. Set the fastest practice time but qualified dead last using one shot qualifying. Finished in 10th.

2nd race I moved it down to 70. Again fastest practice time but qualified dead last but only 7 tenths off of pole not using one shot this time. Missed my pitstop call because apparently it's audio only and nothing pops up on the screen saying to box. It might have been like that last year but I can't remember. Finished 8th I think.

Ran it again late last night again qualified dead last again, made my correct pit stop call, had worked up to 5th but spun at the Parabolica on the next to last lap. So now I've got to run that race again to see what happens.

But if I reduce the AI more say to 65 to get qualified better, will that kill the AI's race pace where I just blow by them. It's going to be tricky to figure it out.

But I did notice that when I went into the setup at Monza, it was already preset to the lowest level of downforce. Before you had to choose that I think.

Also I like the idea of one shot qualifying EXCEPT for that stupid ghost car. I hate ghost cars in any racing game but I don't see anywhere to turn it off for qualifying. I've got it turned off for time trials.
This feels more difficult than the previous games, it’s not hard to suddenly spin out with very little throttle applied, race starts in particular are also very difficult to get right. I had to lower my AI difficulty a lot compared to last year because they don’t seem to suffer from the same issues.

Before someone tells me to get good, they are working on a fix.

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Yeah grip is totally off atm. I’ve had to resort to setting my tc back up to full from medium, because it’s very difficult to put any power down on controller without spinning up the rears.

It doesn’t make sense atm and i hope they fix that because otherwise the game is great
I haven’t used TC since switching to a wheel a while back but I’m considering using medium, it’s hard enough just trying to be consistent. This series has had this problem for the last few iterations but now it feels worse than ever.
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Yeah grip is totally off atm. I’ve had to resort to setting my tc back up to full from medium, because it’s very difficult to put any power down on controller without spinning up the rears.

It doesn’t make sense atm and i hope they fix that because otherwise the game is great
That's a characteristic of the 22 cars . Maybe a bit exagerrated in the game right now indeed. How many times do I spin out of the slowest corners...

After a race where I finished 5th vs 18th for my teammate I did not get my sponsor bonus for finishing in front of him , weird!
I've been lucky and everything has been working for me without any major issues however the race starts need to be looked at. There is just no grip off the line and a spin is so easy. I've lucked out with one good start otherwise I just expect to lose around two positions off the line.
So this might be a dumb question as my total experience with this game - and with the whole f1 series for that matter - racks up to about 4 hours, but is there any way to find out why my car was retired during a practice session? It just randomly spun out and that was it, session over with no further info. Also suspect it might have been partly due to driver error because the race engineer warned before the session not to stress the car too much although I pretty much drove normally.
This feels more difficult than the previous games, it’s not hard to suddenly spin out with very little throttle applied, race starts in particular are also very difficult to get right. I had to lower my AI difficulty a lot compared to last year because they don’t seem to suffer from the same issues.

Before someone tells me to get good, they are working on a fix.
There was a patch yesterday but it didn't fix the torque. This was one of the posts:


Looks like I'll be bying the game in mid-August then. :)
On the practice programs,the info box showing gates etc on the screen is right in your eyeline..its way too low. How do you adjust this?! You cant seem to do it on the OSD customisation screen...
On the practice programs,the info box showing gates etc on the screen is right in your eyeline..its way too low. How do you adjust this?! You cant seem to do it on the OSD customisation screen...
You do it from the OSD customisation screen. You'll need to cycle in the customisation screen to get to the practice session layout.
You do it from the OSD customisation screen. You'll need to cycle in the customisation screen to get to the practice session layout.
I cycled through them all,but there was nothing called that. Ive got rid of the problem by just using the tv pod view,which is a bit lower.
I started the career mode in the Alfa with Bottas as TM. I really struggled at Bahrain,no pace at all - finished 17th out of 18 ha. But there was big drama on the last lap - leader Verstappen lapped me,but then spun right in front of me on the first corner - letting Leclerc through for the win!!

First impressions is it feels very much like the first game,the graphics are a bit more polished,the AI cars look a bit better - but its really crying out for a new graphics engine to match the PS5 power next year. Feels like a polished PS4 version.

There was more subtle incidents happening with the AI,which i like. Drivers overshooting corners,and big spins under pressure like Verstappens above. It looks like they have some good battles on track aswell.

You can see the EA influence creeping in though - i noticed 'redeem your token' pop up - in a career race?! Shouldnt be happening. And i wont touch that F1 life or the supercars - such an unneeded addition - bring us classic tracks and cars instead!

Question : are the sprint races at predetermined locations? You cant choose them?
Tried it this week-end at a friend place and omg this game feel weird, I only tested the my team portion of the game and did the first week-end but that was such a pain in the ass, the car dont give me any confidence and I really hate how understeery they feel, like the car dont want to turn. And then you apply throttle and you spin out basically (I play all F1 games with abs and no traction control or other assist). I didnt enjoy my time in the game at all, however the game does look good on PC imo. And with FSR you can even play in 4k with a gtx 1080 (which my friend had).

Hard pass for me, I rather buy Assetto Corsa F1 mods than gives my money to EA for a title that bad, to each their own.
I just did the dumbest thing ever in a game...so in the first two career races i noticed a weird transmission feeling when i turned on DRS...it turned out id mapped the triangle button to both Gear Up AND Handbrake.... 😂😂😂
I cycled through them all,but there was nothing called that. Ive got rid of the problem by just using the tv pod view,which is a bit lower.
Not sure from what part of the game how you looked but it needs to done from the pause menu while driving.
The custom OSD menu doesn't show up from the main menus of the game which I find bizarre.

I had exactly the same issue as you during the practice programs and even though I knew the menu was there somewhere I had given up on it until I stumbled across it.
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Not sure from what part of the game how you looked but it needs to done from the pause menu while driving.
The custom OSD menu doesn't show up from the main menus of the game which I find bizarre.

I had exactly the same issue as you during the practice programs and even though I knew the menu was there somewhere I had given up on it until I stumbled across it.
Yeah from pause menu i went to the OSD customisation and cycled through the on screen items - is it the one near the rear view mirror? Theres a pit assist one but not a practice session one as far as i saw...
- is it the one near the rear view mirror? Theres a pit assist one but not a practice session one as far as i saw...
I'll have a look for you next time I play it.
What platform are you on?
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I'm kind of getting tired of hearing from the race engineer that my late turn in is going to cost us time on the pitstop when I'm on full assisted pitstops. IT'S NOT MY FAULT!!!
Tried it this week-end at a friend place and omg this game feel weird, I only tested the my team portion of the game and did the first week-end but that was such a pain in the ass, the car dont give me any confidence and I really hate how understeery they feel, like the car dont want to turn. And then you apply throttle and you spin out basically (I play all F1 games with abs and no traction control or other assist). I didnt enjoy my time in the game at all, however the game does look good on PC imo. And with FSR you can even play in 4k with a gtx 1080 (which my friend had).

Hard pass for me, I rather buy Assetto Corsa F1 mods than gives my money to EA for a title that bad, to each their own.
If you start My Team from the bottom of the 3 tiers, then the car will handle like crap to start with, that's sort of the point. If you start with a front running car it'll have a lot more grip and less understeer.
I'm kind of getting tired of hearing from the race engineer
Haha, yes yes I know when the pit limiter isn't enabled I have to slow down. FFS you've been telling me for years.
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Haha, yes yes I know when the pit limiter isn't enabled I have to slow down. FFS you've been telling me for years.
You can set the Engineer to critical messages or even mute them entirely except for responses.
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