F1 Caption Game 2018: VOTING - RD21 - Open to Mon 17th Dec 1000 GMTFormula 1 

Is that allowed?
I believe the rules state that everyone who is participating is expected to vote.
Is that allowed?
I believe the rules state that everyone who is participating is expected to vote.
Recent rule change states that you can give less than 3 votes if you feel there is either a standout caption, or if there are not enough that deserve points in your opinion.

@Touring Mars (First post needs this added too)
Yeh, it's not compulsory, but it is 'expected'. The game would not exist if people didn't vote.

Recent rule change states that you can give less than 3 votes if you feel there is either a standout caption, or if there are not enough that deserve points in your opinion.
You are still expected to vote, however. I appreciate that people occasionally don't vote because of other commitments, but posting 'I vote for nothing' is not appreciated.
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  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You may use up to three votes
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tuesday 22nd July 0900 GMT
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries
"Leave me alone, I know what I'm... Oh no wait, my ankles really hurt."
Reporter: "So about the crash Kimi, what happened?"
Kimi: "I accidentally pushed the DDS button instead of the DRS."
Reporter: "DDS??"
Kimi: "Don't Drive Straight!"
Reporter: "Ok, but DRS was not even enabled yet!"
Kimi: "Yes.........."
Kimi Raikkonen can't help daydreaming about a future racing for Briggs and Stratton-Ferrari.
Well, you can tell by the way I use my walk, I'm a woman's man: no time to talk.
I don't always crash, but when I do i make sure I delay the race
Hmm. Is that? Ice Cream?
"I was guttered"
"Vodka before a Grand Prix makes me wobbly"
At least, Maranello delivers the Big Coins
Go straight... turn left... left some more... left some more... go straight...

Or was that turn right to go left?
Bloke: You don't seem to be limping Kimi, are you sure your ankle hurt?

Kimi: Not until they offered me some Morphine.
Will Buxton: "Kimi, you were limping severely as you stepped out of the car. Can you tell us what was injured?

Kimi: "Nothing, I really had to have a 🤬."
"Mmmm, Walls..."
Kimi: Where is that John Deere tractor rep; with my agricultural work off track I should be a shoe in for some sponsorship money! Maybe a new team - Green Deere Racing (GDR)!
After his crash, Kimi ponders whether he really does know what he's doing.
**** ME...., I forgot how good I look on the big screen. Kanye..eat your heart out.

If your entry is missing or inaccurate, please contact me via PM ASAP. Sometimes entries may not be included in the poll if they are deemed inappropriate, but sometimes entries are omitted accidentally. If your entry is omitted in error, the poll can be amended and people who have already voted will be given the chance to re-cast their votes. In the event that a missing entry is not spotted in time, then 10 bonus points will be awarded in compensation.

Apologies for the lack of some formatting in the entries - unfortunately there is no longer any multi-quote functionality on GTP and manually quoting each post is too time consuming. Unless I can figure out a quicker way of multi-quoting, formatting features in captions will be ignored in future polls, including web links.​
You will have to use quote, switch to BB Code editor, Ctrl-C, then paste in the mega-post for voting... a lot of work!

HBE... for me.
ROUND TEN - Voting



  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You may use up to three votes
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tuesday 5th August 0900 BST
  • Good luck! :)

Submitted Entries
Guy on left: Ah! Why did I look at it dead on, I had an aunt that looked this ugly once

Guy on right: Just pretend you work for RBR and are carrying something actually good looking.
"How much Venezuelan money is in this thing?
Do you think Pastor will notice it's papier-maché?

Do you think he'll actually get out of the pitlane?
Saving every last thousandth of a second is vital in F1. Bearing this in mind, Lotus now employ an ingenious strategy which involves taking Pastor's car parts out the back and destroying them all at the start of each race weekend.
"Alright, let's go and find a McLaren nose and see if the internet was right."
Lotus can't afford to pay their pit crew in cash, instead they receive Maldonado's spare front wings. Payday doesn't come around too often.
Left guy: Ouch, I never should've mistaken a front wing for a chair!!
Right guy: Why is there a chair strapped to the front of the car??
These team birthday cakes are getting ridiculous
Left guy: *Sigh* why do I always end up carrying the side with more downforce?
The guy on the left shudders at the thought of the Lotus rear-ending someone.

Two enterprising Lotus team members scurry away to put Pastor's only intact front wing assembly of the season on eBay.
Lotus guy on right: Careful don't break Team boss's front wing

Lotus guy on left: And Mr. Maldonado will be Team boss again next year....... crap!
Lotus's game of front-wing-tug-of-war doesn't quite go as expected.
The Lotus team thought Grosjean was serious when he said, " I'd give up my front wing to drive for you next year."
...put a pillar in the middle, spray it Silver and hide it in Magnussen's garage?
Guy on right: What did he say? Keith hold this!

@Jimlaad43 - your final entry was after the deadline, so I had to accept your last entry instead.

If your entry is missing or inaccurate, please contact me via PM ASAP. Sometimes entries may not be included in the poll if they are deemed inappropriate, but sometimes entries are omitted accidentally. If your entry is omitted in error, the poll can be amended and people who have already voted will be given the chance to re-cast their votes. In the event that a missing entry is not spotted in time, then 10 bonus points will be awarded in compensation.

Apologies for the lack of some formatting in the entries - unfortunately there is no longer any multi-quote functionality on GTP and manually quoting each post is too time consuming. Unless I can figure out a quicker way of multi-quoting, formatting features in captions will be ignored in future polls, including web links.​
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Oh FFS :irked:

@magpie1997, @GTP_Ingram, @LMSCorvetteGT2, @Jimlaad43

Sorry about this, but entry G was incorrect - anyone who has voted already may edit their votes if they want.

I must have tried to compose that post for about 20 minutes - and it still wasn't bloody right. The problem is that I can no longer multi-quote, and adding replies to my post doesn't work properly either (some replies stick, some don't). Apologies.
Oh FFS :irked:

@magpie1997, @GTP_Ingram, @LMSCorvetteGT2, @Jimlaad43

Sorry about this, but entry G was incorrect - anyone who has voted already may edit their votes if they want.

I must have tried to compose that post for about 20 minutes - and it still wasn't bloody right. The problem is that I can no longer multi-quote, and adding replies to my post doesn't work properly either (some replies stick, some don't). Also, for some incredibly annoying reason, some edits are reverting back to the old version before the post is complete, meaning that I can get half way through composing a post only to find that some of my updates have disappeared. Apologies.

yeah I know what you mean about the updating and multi quote editing. I tend to copy and paste all edits and save them these days. I also noticed that if you do multi quote on tab and have another tab open with the same page and try to do further multiquotes it loses them...if that makes any sense. Thanks for the heads up.