F1CE Hot Lap Series- (Closed)

  • Thread starter GT4 genius
hi, sad to see you go on a trip excellent lap there

I just did a 1:09.188 !!!!!

made a simple mistake in the second sector, will do more laps tomorrow,
im sure i can do a 1:08.7 if I put in some time in it !!

I DIDNT put more time !!!! :P
well just so I dont get booted again I will put my pic of the above mentioned lap tonight so everyone can see

It was a 17.8??/34.???/17.0?? I will put up the pics so that fairness exists
Congrats again to an excellent lap by souprmage
Sorry for the lack of posts recently and I know its my fault when there is a poor turn out. I just got a 2nd job last week and its pretty difficult as well as quite a journey from where I lived. But now I've got a new place near to the job, which makes life so so so much easier. So I should have a bit more time for this again, albeit without my wheel because it stays at home :(. Sorry for all the problems, I know I'm a terrible host but hopefully all will be updated tomorrow, I would do it tonight, but I think I'll just collapse and fall asleep first if you dont mind!

Thanks to all that took part and congratulations to souprmage.

The next car will be the Toyota in Istanbul. 👍
That was a close one Alireza. You almost got me. Last season's times were a bit faster so I was nervous leaving it where it was.

Too bad there weren't more takers.

Toyota at Turkey sounds like an interesting endeavor. I only recently got into really tweaking the setups, and have not tried Turkey since then. In the past, I always have trouble with the slow right-hander (turn 4 I think) where the rear comes around on acceleration. I am just hoping that with a bit more setup experience under my belt, I will be able to make it more stable there.

GT4, hope things settle down, and you can get back to the important things (f1ce).

Cheers! And good luck!
Looks like I am going to start it off again this race. C'mon people. Lets see those times. It's not too late to start the season.

1:27.598, 29.498/31.706/26.394, souprmage
I was pretty content with the time I posted, since it was faster than last years time, but a 1:26.6 was crazy fast. Way to go Alireza.

However, I went to work on my setups. The first lap I posted was with a high down-force setup. I then tried a low down-force setup but could only get down to 1:26.9. But a little more tweaking, and I was able to get:

1:26.403, 29.150/31.872/25.381, souprmage
<pict1, pict2>

None of the sectors was a personal best, but they were all pretty close. There are so many challenging turns at this track, it is very difficult for me to get all of them correct on a single lap.

Best of luck to all.
GT4 where are you???

Looks like the season may be coming to an end prematurely. It was just getting good.

GT4, if you get a chance, would love to know which car we are planning to use for Silverstone.
GT4 where are you???

Looks like the season may be coming to an end prematurely. It was just getting good.

GT4, if you get a chance, would love to know which car we are planning to use for Silverstone.

I'm very sorry to everyone who has taken part so far and been annoyed/disappointed by my organisation of this event.
I am willing to hand over the job to anyone who would like it if it is at all possible. If not I will try much harder to, at the very least keep this thread up to date, and hopefully take part in some rounds.
Again a sincere apology to all involved. :guilty::guilty:

Thanks for reminding me souprmage. 👍

Updating all now....
Edit: All is now up to date.
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Thanks for getting the update done. I am really enjoying the competition. It adds a whole new twist to the game.

Setting up for a quick lap is definitely a different challenge than finding a race setup that works for longer runs. I have found keeping notes after each change has really helped as I work on the setups for the next race.

Well, my current time at Silverstone is:
1:18.733, 26.809/31.905/20.019, souprmage

Let the games begin...

My latest time is:
1:18.169, 26.743/31.805/19.621, souprmage
<pict1, pict2>
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I'm sorry Souprmage but other than you the interest in this competition has gone. Due to this I'm going to close the event.
Apologies to all that took part, hopefully we can reignite something similar when codemaster release their edition. Until then anyone looking for some F1CE action should check out Kakundoo's thread about the championship.