
  • Thread starter BLITZ_69
I'm wondering if the first one was trying to start donuts, but sort of failed to stop first.

The second one was hugely amusing. Now that's what NOS energy drink is for: lifting your broken 'stang onto the trailer!

The NOS energy drinks are quite weak... :S
Just as an aside:

While browsing failblog just now, a Trojan tried to load itself on my laptop :grumpy: Kaspersky blocked it...YAY :)

*I love you Kaspersky (you can be a memory hog sometimes, but I love you nonetheless)*

Failblog-related Trojan's attempt to launch on my computer = FAIL :lol:
John Bergin is John Bergin.

And I was going to post the same as Fred.
The man, the myth, the legend. I hear he used to have a comic strip just about his everyday life. I think he may be the real Most Interesting Man in the World.


^ That guy? Yeah he's just an actor.
That girl looks like she's been rubbing his cigar all over her grill. Gross.
Jesus Christ, if you know you can't control a car starting to fish-tail from all the power, the solution isn't "FLOOR IT EV3N MOAR!"

I know this is old but it looks to me that it initially fishtailed properly at lower speeds but in a attempt to keep it going as long as possible (showing off, he needed a taller gear and probably more power to continue) he kept it pinned and tried to keep it swinging with fast weight shifting steering movements, as seen by the rapid direction changes at higher speeds which worked too well and unstabilised the car. Real high powered cars and drivers keep the wheel countered smoothly and the car doesn't make those suddeen direction changes but still makes the large fishtail archs.
Hey, I see it at work, at home it was a red X. I swear! Which is weird, because more stuff gets blocked at work than would ever get blocked at home.
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OK, now it's weird. The pic I didn't see yesterday is visible, shows fine now. But the flashing "Red X Fail" on the quoted pic didin't show at work, I didn't see it till I got home. That made the quote a lot funnier than it was a few hours ago. But this is really very weird. Same ISP at work and at home.
But the flashing "Red X Fail" on the quoted pic didin't show at work, I didn't see it till I got home.
I don't suppose imageshack is blocked at work, is it? That woulds be an odd one to block, me thinks.