All I can say is that all this talk of falling asleep is not exactly proving your endurance 
They are called endurance races for several reasons:
You need to stay awake and alert to endure the monotonous onslaught of laps
Your SO need to endure between 1 and 2 hours of engine noise and only communicating via the occasional grunt
Your family have to endure missing some programmes on TV.
Endurance, I've heard of it
Oh and regarding the real life falling asleep at the wheel, I have. It's bloody scary - the car wheel hitting the grass verge woke me up. Otherwise, I'd have been upside down in a field.

They are called endurance races for several reasons:
You need to stay awake and alert to endure the monotonous onslaught of laps
Your SO need to endure between 1 and 2 hours of engine noise and only communicating via the occasional grunt
Your family have to endure missing some programmes on TV.
Endurance, I've heard of it
Oh and regarding the real life falling asleep at the wheel, I have. It's bloody scary - the car wheel hitting the grass verge woke me up. Otherwise, I'd have been upside down in a field.