Fallout 3

  • Thread starter NLxAROSA
I cleared out the Super-Duper Mart. I figured out that running away from enemies in the Wasteland is much better than taking them on.

What is up with these Chinese items I keep finding? Hmmm.

In one of the loading screen slides, it appears that the US annexed Canada. About damn time!

I hope the game is going to elaborate more on what happened before and during the war?
I'm getting used to VATS, it's a lot better than trying to aim FPS style and it sames ammo. I blasted a few Super-Mutants with my Laser Pistol and it melted them good. I crossed the Potomac to Jefferson's Memorial and to Rivet City, an Essex class aircraft carrier.
I just got this game today too. Black Friday deal for 30 bucks, woo!

Man, it's awesome. First thing I did was clear out the elementary school, and then I went to Megaton and started doing everyone's quests. Now I have to go to minefield.
I've had it for a week, and haven't popped it in, yet. Got any good starting tips, Solid Fro?

Gotta stop bowling in Home.
This may be my next game for my already crowded unfinished game library.

Recently got Resistance 2, Dead Space and now Far cry 2.
  • Don't spend a tremendous amount of time creating the look of your face in the beginning. You hardly ever see your face and when you do, it's not close enough to see the detail you put into creating it.
  • Gather as much items as you can while you are still in Vault 101 to sell when you step outside into The Wasteland...
  • Meet Moira Brown in Megaton to give you your first side quests and an upgraded armored 101 jumpsuit.
  • Conserve ammo and medical supplies until you feel comfortable moving beyond Megaton and continuing the main quest.
  • Strategic Dismemberment: Use VATS to target limbs to slow down enemies and aim for the kill.
  • Not all battles are worth fighting, especially mutated creatures. They do not offer much items to loot.

Oh, I never got an invite from Sony for Home. :(
Also, invest a lot into your repair skill so you can make use of and clear your inventory as it gets to be too much. Then go for science and charisma.

Also, you do see your face up close a lot when you use VATS.
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  • Don't spend a tremendous amount of time creating the look of your face in the beginning. You hardly ever see your face and when you do, it's not close enough to see the detail you put into creating it.
  • Gather as much items as you can while you are still in Vault 101 to sell when you step outside into The Wasteland...
  • Meet Moira Brown in Megaton to give you your first side quests and an upgraded armored 101 jumpsuit.
  • Conserve ammo and medical supplies until you feel comfortable moving beyond Megaton and continuing the main quest.
  • Strategic Dismemberment: Use VATS to target limbs to slow down enemies and aim for the kill.
  • Not all battles are worth fighting, especially mutated creatures. They do not offer much items to loot.

Oh, I never got an invite from Sony for Home. :(

Also, invest a lot into your repair skill so you can make use of and clear your inventory as it gets to be too much. Then go for science and charisma.

Also, you do see your face up close a lot when you use VATS.

Thanks for the tips, guys! 👍

You don't want Home, anyway, SF. It's too distracting. Plus, the open beta should be here in about a week and a half.

I've got a lot of stuff I need to do before I get started on this game, like finish Burnout Paradise and watch about 20 hours of shows I recorded for the family. I also need to spend some time researching a new vehicle purchase and finish a gunsmithing project I've started yet I swore would be finished by Halloween.
I knew Home was going to be pretty sweet. All I hear is the bashing from the gaming "media".

It looks like you have some real life side quests to complete before Fallout 3. The game definitely can wait, there is no rush to play it. It's a good game to play during the spring drought of games.
oh man i got this games yesterday after school , playd from 6pm till 4am
and today i played from 1pm too 1;30am

i quess im gotta need too go to rehab too get away from this addiction
I got this game for the 360 a couple of days ago, but I won't be able to start until maybe Friday.

How difficult is the game on Normal? And can you change the difficulty after starting?
I got this game for the 360 a couple of days ago, but I won't be able to start until maybe Friday.

How difficult is the game on Normal? And can you change the difficulty after starting?

You can change difficulty at any time. Normal is pretty easy as long as you play your strengths and don't go venturing into death traps.

Also, don't waste perks with Fast Learner. There is more than enough exp to go around in this game. I got all 3 fast learners and I'm kind of regretting it now. Get Education and then Comprehension as soon as they are available.
I just rented the game yesterday for 10 days.. So far the game is okay. I'm still in the early beginning, I just got back from the Supder-Duper-Mart the lady asks you to go to for the Wasteland Survival Guide.

I still cant find a way to get caps to pay Moriarty for some info. I need help.
I still cant find a way to get caps to pay Moriarty for some info. I need help.
Go find the entertainer lady in Springvale. If you select the right option she gives you 300 caps to tell Moriarty she is done.
I'm really hating you guys right now! Sounds like you're having all the fun without me! I gotta get started on this game, but haven't had the time to do so.

Keep those tips coming, though! 👍
You can change difficulty at any time. Normal is pretty easy as long as you play your strengths and don't go venturing into death traps.
That would be good advice, except the death traps are everywhere :lol:.

I bought this game solely because the trailer on TV looked incredibly creepy, and the M-rating promised blood, gore, and intense violence :D. So far, I've not been disappointed 👍. This game eats hours of your time, and kicks large amounts of ass.
man i was expecting this game too destroy my life like OBLIVION did ...
took me less than 3 days(not that intense) too finish all the story and about half the side quest ,,, they better patch the trophies soon...
Doing the same thing cost me at least 40 hours. Did you play for 15 hours per day? :lol: And you can play it again with a different character (like switching from good to evil or vice versa) and find the game is completely different. :)
this game has eaten my life pretty badly I must admit. 2 big complaints though.

1- very glitchy, I shouldn't have to save every couple minutes out of fear of the game freezing right after some big battle that I barely won...

2- too short for my tastes, I now find my self avoiding the last quest and doing other stuff (which I am also running out of). It wouldn't be so bad if they at least let you continue after the main quest is over.
Having trouble finding stuff? Check the map below! Again, haven't started yet, but will soon.


I've been studying up on this game, at the link above, and figured I should start with the following stats...

Strength = 6 Perception = 8 Endurance = 5 Charisma = 1 Intelligence = 9 Agility = 8 and Luck = 3

Total 40

I'm preparing a sniper character so I need high levels of Intelligence, Perception and Agility.

I don't need Charisma, since I hear you can get what you want from others by saving your game before speaking to them, engage a conversation and if you don't get what you want, simply start over be reloading the game. Save when you get what you want.
That map is pretty handy, Solid Lifters.

I haven't experienced any freezing in Fallout 3. The game pauses when you get a notification, but not freeze. I turned off notifications for the time being.
So is it just me or is this the longest, most thorough, and most addictive video game ever created outside of something from Maxis?
So is it just me or is this the longest, most thorough, and most addictive video game ever created outside of something from Maxis?
It's definitely one of the best games I've played in 2008. 👍 Despite some bugs, Bethesda managed to capture the feeling of the original Fallout series and adapt it to 2008 standards. A job well done. :)