Fallout 4

  • Thread starter Wiegert
Have you tried the laundry just to the north of the police station? It's a bit of a complex building and ghouls spawn in it. Sometimes the game will recognise their presence but they won't be active until you're right on top of them. There's also a ghoul - usually a legendary - locked in the Pulowski shelter in the square, and a few that don't spawn properly; there's one in the second storey of the building on the northwest side of the square.

Also, don't quicksave. It's known to be glitched. Go through the save option in the pause menu.
I'm not sure if I've been in the laundry but I've already cleared the whole square area including the shelter and the buildings on the NW side
I'm not sure if I've been in the laundry but I've already cleared the whole square area including the shelter and the buildings on the NW side
The laundry is on the south side of the square, between the subway station and the police precinct. It's also possible that something has spawned behind the police station, or up in the street just east of the square.

I would be inclined to load an earlier save and start over.
I saw a few youtube videos with titles about a PS console mod beta next week. Didn't click the bait though.

They will come out sometime in July I would imagine.
So lately i have started playing this game once again and played like 18 Hours and 30 minutes so far. I want to know what changes did happen so far? also any leveling up tips?
I want to know what changes did happen so far?
A couple of glitches have been corrected, and the game has largely been stabilised. The main additions have been the DLC - Automatron adds a new side campaign and the ability to craft robot companions. Wasteland Workshop (and the upcoming Contraptions Workshop and Vault-Tec Workshop) adds a wide range of customisation features to workshops. And Far Harbour adds an entirely new section of the map with its own campaign, including new companions, quests, and enemies.

also any leveling up tips?
Don't visit new locations if don't have to - wait until you get Piper's perk, "Gift of Gab", because it gives you douple XP for finding new locations.
Got myself Far Harbor finally. Also pre-purchased the vault crafting add-on. Not sure what how it's going to work, but building your own vault settlement sounds fantastic!

Far Harbor is quite interesting. Took me a while to find out how to trigger the quest. I was surprised it is pretty much what the Dragonborn DLC for Skyrim is, adding a relatively large island. tHe way you get into the island is really neat too, with that hidden map area, just like the one bellow the Glowing See. I already found a very nice vintage rifle and I absolutely love it! I got a soft spot for non-automatic classic weapons.

Didn't do much other than get myself involved with the Synth settlement, but that's it. Still got to do a bunch of things in Commonwealth, so I'm back for now. For what I can see so far is that I need a butt ton of Rad-X and Rad Away, or take my Power Armor, because that island is freaking toxic :D Hurray for more excuses to use Power Armor!
Also pre-purchased the vault crafting add-on. Not sure what how it's going to work, but building your own vault settlement sounds fantastic!
I am guessing that you will just have to place the Vault entry, which will serve as a marker for a game to create a new location. The five Vaults in the game all have similar entryways.

For what I can see so far is that I need a butt ton of Rad-X and Rad Away, or take my Power Armor, because that island is freaking toxic
Or sink skill points into the Rad Resistant, Ghoulish or Solar Powered perks (although Ghoulish and Solar Powered are high-end perks, so it must take a while).

Hurray for more excuses to use Power Armor!
There's two custom sets on the island.
I found the green Vim! Refresh T-51 set in a trailer betweeen Dalton Farm and the Oceanarium, and the red Vim! Captain's Blend T-51 set hidden inside the Vim! factory.
This Fire Support quest is really getting on my nerves now.

I left it alone and joined The Railroad to do the main quests alongside The Institute but I've went back to it (as my next quest makes me hostile with the BoS) and still can't do it. I have cleared the entirety of College Square including all buildings and killed anything remotely in the same area as the police station and still nothing. I've also threw plenty of grenades and Molotov cocktails on the roof with no success.

I really want to see what the BoS quests are like but this bug is making it impossible to do so.[/spoiler]
This Fire Support quest is really getting on my nerves now.
Found this on the Bethesda forums. Don't know if it works, since I have never encountered the glitch. Contains some story spoilers:

You need to progress the main story line to get the quest 'Molecular Level'. After getting the Courser chip and speaking to Virgil, you will have the optional quest to "Speak to the Brotherhood". When you return to Cambridge Police Station, Danse will have new dialogue options.

You MUST decline his first invitation to the Brotherhood. After declining, if you try speaking to Scribe Haylen or Knight Rhys, they should have new angry dialogue. (This is a good sign!) Then, when you go back to Danse and finally accept their invitation, 'Fire Support' will complete!!
Bought and tried out the contraption dlc. Now I'm not one to whinge that something should have been a mod or in the base game.

But this DLC really does feel like cut content. And crap content at that. Very underwhelming.
Yeah, it doesn't really contribute much. Especially after Far Harbour. It just seems a bit unfocused; I don't really know what I am supposed to do with it. Although the factories are useful, especially to manufact ammunition.
People who have the time and creativity for it can do amazing things with it. I don't have the time, to do stuff like this but I can see the potential.

All this DLC really does is just let me so what cool stuff other people can do with it, and then me try and do pot attempts at it with what little free time I have.
It's definitely a DLC for the creative kind, but I think it's all pretty good. I've already decorated a room full of weapon amd armour racks and the like on my Spectacle Island fortress and after tomorrow and over the holidays I'm gonna give this manufacturing stuff a look, but it'll take a while to get my head around it all.
Found this on the Bethesda forums. Don't know if it works, since I have never encountered the glitch. Contains some story spoilers:

You need to progress the main story line to get the quest 'Molecular Level'. After getting the Courser chip and speaking to Virgil, you will have the optional quest to "Speak to the Brotherhood". When you return to Cambridge Police Station, Danse will have new dialogue options.

You MUST decline his first invitation to the Brotherhood. After declining, if you try speaking to Scribe Haylen or Knight Rhys, they should have new angry dialogue. (This is a good sign!) Then, when you go back to Danse and finally accept their invitation, 'Fire Support' will complete!!
I read that last night. Sadly I've already completed Molecular Level. Apparently it works with Synth Retention to but I have already done that as well.
after tomorrow and over the holidays I'm gonna give this manufacturing stuff a look, but it'll take a while to get my head around it all.
It's actually pretty easy. You build the machine that you want - weapons, armour, clothing, ammunition, explosives or food - and hook it up to a generator. Link it to a terminal, and you can choose what the machine makes; it will also tell you what raw materials you need. Then you just transfer junk into the machine and it will start producing what you want for as long as there are raw materials available.
So, I have pretty much wrapped up Far Harbour; I only need to do "Close to Home".

In the end, I assassinated Tektus and let DiMA replace him with a synth to broker peace.

What I would really like is a way to transfer weapons and armour between workshops. I have all sorts of lovely toys at Old Longfellow's Cabin, but once I leave the Island, I probably won't be coming back unless one of the factions specifically send me there (though I will probably wait until several send me to make it worth my while) - and I have considerably more than I can carry in storage. Right now, my only solution has been to load up, walk to Far Harbour, catch a boat back to the Commonwealth, then walk to Coastal Cottage - the nearest settlement - and build an automatron that can carry as much as possible and send them to the settlement I want. It would be nice to be able to load up a caravan with gear and send it on.
I think my survival build will be something like this:


I picture this character being an infantry soldier before the bombs falling. Mainly using melee weapons, shotguns and automatic rilfes without VATS. The key to the hardest difficulty seems to be the Endurance tree. If I start with the Ghoulish perk, I can eat and drink anything and actually gain health from the radiation. Just enough Luck to get Idiot Savant and take advantage of low starting Intelligence. Agility and higher Luck perks are all about VATS which makes them pointless to this build. The only thing I would need is to advance in Perception to eventually get Locksmith, Awareness and Demo Expert. This character wouldn't sneak and would be a lone gun running in and basically just going for the pray and spray down the sights.

The only issue is I wanted to use a female character and that wouldn't fit this build. I feel like a female character would be a high charisma/intelligence/luck build with very little strength and endurance.
It's actually pretty easy. You build the machine that you want - weapons, armour, clothing, ammunition, explosives or food - and hook it up to a generator. Link it to a terminal, and you can choose what the machine makes; it will also tell you what raw materials you need. Then you just transfer junk into the machine and it will start producing what you want for as long as there are raw materials available.
Oh, I haven't had too much of a look into but hopefully it's that easy. I just saw logic gates and instantly died inside as that stuff I hate with a passion. But logic gates are probably in relation to ball tracks. Hopefully.
Oh, I haven't had too much of a look into but hopefully it's that easy. I just saw logic gates and instantly died inside as that stuff I hate with a passion. But logic gates are probably in relation to ball tracks. Hopefully.
I don't even know what logic gates are, much less what to do with them. Although I expect that they cause certain things to happen based on whether they are powered or not.
I don't even know what logic gates are, much less what to do with them. Although I expect that they cause certain things to happen based on whether they are powered or not.
That's essentially the jist of them. Sounds easy but the inputs and outputs and where and what they go into are a pain for those who can't just pick that stuff up naturally or after a long time of studying it all.
Will completing all BOS quests automatically fail any open Minutemen quests?
Only one or two:

The Brotherhood and Minutemen can co-exist, but they may also come into conflict. There's one quest where you use the artillery at the Castle to destroy the Prydwen.