Fallout 4

  • Thread starter Wiegert
Thanks @88GTA đź‘Ť I love the graphics the tree detail and the buildings/weather is unreal. I broke all the pins trying to get that damn gate open in the basement on the very first mission and can't find anymore is there a way to get more or find out where ammo is hidden..I'm new to these types of games I found the Crew hard enough! :lol: :cheers:
Ammo can be found almost anywhere from dead bodies to random file cabinets. Bobby pins are less common but you can trade for them and sometimes your settlers have some. Every once in a while you will stumble on a bobby pin box but they aren't common.
Thanks @88GTA đź‘Ť I love the graphics the tree detail and the buildings/weather is unreal. I broke all the pins trying to get that damn gate open in the basement on the very first mission and can't find anymore is there a way to get more or find out where ammo is hidden..I'm new to these types of games I found the Crew hard enough! :lol: :cheers:

Was that the mission where you extract the Minutemen from the old town hall in Concord? You can always come back later to open the door I guess, it's relatively near Sanctuary if you are basing yourself there. Folks who have played previous Bethesda games like Skyrim had a little headstart with lockpicking. The trick is to be gentle and patient, only use small increments until you narrow down the radial area it will open. In time you should find more pins than you use, but there is a perk where they never break (or you have an infinite supply, I forget), if you still struggle.

Good you are having fun with the game though, with some exceptions it's not an overly difficult game at all if played at the default skill setting :)
I broke all the pins trying to get that damn gate open in the basement on the very first mission and can't find anymore
You can usually find them scattered around the game world or available at vendors, so check every room carefully. Some of the buildings on the outskirts of Concord should have them - check the northern edge of town. If you're still missing bobby pins, you can use the terminal next to the gate to open it. If you get locked out, you can try again after ten seconds, but it will be a new puzzle.

is there a way to get more or find out where ammo is hidden
You can buy it from vendors, find it on dead bodies, or find it in chests. You can also manufact it once you unlock settlements if you have the DLC (Contraptions Workshop).

Your best bet is to invest your perk points. If you have at least two points in the luck SPECIAL stat, you can start sinking points into a scavenger perk that will let you find more ammunition (even if you the ammo you find doesn't fit the weapon, you can sell it for a tidy profit). If you're up to the basement of the Museum of Freedom, you should have levelled up at least once. If you don't have two points in the luck column, you can invest perk points in individual stats to unlock higher-level perks.

the buildings/weather is unreal
Wait until you see a rad storm.
@torque99: Word of advice. Try to keep as much free carry weight as possible. Store any weapons or gear (cabinet/rack etc.) that you don't immediately need for a quest or exploration. Use this free carry to collect as much junk as possible in order to have a plethora of supplies to transfer to your workbenches for settlement building and modifications, which will make the game even more enjoyable especially after you complete the main story.
@prisonermonkeys Appreciated thank you đź‘Ť
I could give you all sorts of advice, but I don't want to spoil the experience for you. I will, however, tell you this, but it probably won't make much sense for a few hours. You'll understand when it happens, though:

Soon, a character is going to ask you about re-taking "the Castle". When this happens, DECLINE THE QUEST (you will be able to accept it at a later time). For one, this quest is incredibly difficult if you're under-levelled; just getting there is a suicide mission. But more importantly, if you accept the quest, the character in question will go to the Castle, and you won't be able to speak to them normally until the quest is complete. This is a problem because the character also gives you other quests that are considerably easier and very valuable for developing your level; if they go to the Castle, these quests won't be available until the quest "Taking Independence" is complete. If you decline to re-take the Castle, they will stay where they are and will keep offering other quests.
With the upcoming release of the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC, three new achievements have been published:
Oversight - 15G

"Become Overseer."

Better Living Underground - 15G

"Unlock all Vault 88 build areas."

Vault Dweller - 20G

"Equip Vault 88 suit and Pip-Boy on a settler."
So it looks like we will be unearthing a lost Vault rather than having the ability to build many. My guess is that it will either be on Spectacle Island or an entirely new location will be added (like the RobCo Sales and Service Centre in Automatron), probably somewhere between Murkwater Construction and Somerville Place, since that area is utterly devoid of anything.

Also, there's a 2.3GB update, which is much larger than some of the previous ones. I'm guessing that it is setting up for Vault-Tec Workshop at the very least, but possibly also Nuka World, since it's the last DLC. But it's still quite large - I wonder what else is new?
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(even if you the ammo you find doesn't fit the weapon, you can sell it for a tidy profit)

All good advice but this specifically depends on how you play the game. I tended to stockpile any ammo I found on the basis that 1. It doesn't weigh anything and 2. I would eventually have a weapon that utilises it. So when I eventually gathered said weapons, I already had a stack of ammo. Of course then if you find you dislike a certain type of weapon/ammo you can then sell it. :)

@torque99: Word of advice. Try to keep as much free carry weight as possible. Store any weapons or gear (cabinet/rack etc.) that you don't immediately need for a quest or exploration. Use this free carry to collect as much junk as possible in order to have a plethora of supplies to transfer to your workbenches for settlement building and modifications, which will make the game even more enjoyable especially after you complete the main story.

Also very valuable advice, and remember to keep an eye on the weight of items, and offload food, drink and drugs when you feel you are carrying enough of them, as their weight can add up (bottled drinks for example cost 1 weight)

...but possibly also Nuka World, since it's the last DLC.

Did Bethesda say it would be the last DLC? :(
What have peoples' experiences with mods been? I am hoping that there are some that can address a few of the things that I would like fixed - like the slow rate at which enemies respawn, and the tendency for them to be seriously under-levelled when they do.
Thanks Guys with the help above. I admit I changed down the difficulty level being new to this then I unlocked everything with the terminals, lost the weight suggested then got my fusion and armour suit and beat that big bad wolf beast by trapping him eventually in a big hole in the ground (Scary angry thing! :lol:) he was hard to take down. The Slo -motion R1 screen that pin points the body parts, do you use that on most enemies to take them down when I come across them?

Few pics of the lovely Scenery on the way to the next mission and glad to get out of that town đź‘Ť

[url=https://flic.kr/p/Kscor6]Fallout 4_20160724160430 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]
[url=https://flic.kr/p/KpoeiJ]Fallout 4_20160724160512 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]
[url=https://flic.kr/p/Kscmbe]Fallout 4_20160724160531 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]
[url=https://flic.kr/p/K29mTN]Fallout 4_20160724160602 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]
[url=https://flic.kr/p/KsciVx]Fallout 4_20160724160206 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]

[url=https://flic.kr/p/KschvD]Fallout 4_20160724160313 by torque99 (UK England), on Flickr[/URL]
Do you use any enb or shaders etc.? @torque99 Your game looks gorgeous.

Its all on PS4 - They actually come out great and saturated as standard straight to USB .Jpegs not even had to swit ch to .Png and with hardly any compression loss. I just reduced the contrast a touch and added the border but they didn't really need that. The graphics engine must be pretty good they are using nice textures. đź‘Ť
Thanks @88GTA đź‘Ť I love the graphics the tree detail and the buildings/weather is unreal. I broke all the pins trying to get that damn gate open in the basement on the very first mission and can't find anymore is there a way to get more or find out where ammo is hidden..I'm new to these types of games I found the Crew hard enough! :lol: :cheers:

If you have the DLC then build an Ammo forge. You need different levels of Gun Nut for certain types. Factories are cool :D

What have peoples' experiences with mods been? I am hoping that there are some that can address a few of the things that I would like fixed - like the slow rate at which enemies respawn, and the tendency for them to be seriously under-levelled when they do.

I tend not to use mods until I've really worn a game inside out, though I have been tempted to use one or two that just make the game more sensible, as opposed to making it easier per se. For example there must be a mod somewhere that lets you see the current carry weight and limit of companions. Agree that mobs respawning could be improved too, although they do at least seem tougher to me as time goes on, and ghouls possibly a little faster?

A mod I'm considering for later is the one that makes the landscape overgrown with lush, green vegetation, a bit like parts of The Last Of Us. This is of course still realistic for a post-apoc world. Even extreme radiation doesn't halt the growth of vegetation for long.
I tend not to use mods until I've really worn a game inside out

I messed about with a few (XBOne) and ended up screwing my save. There are lots of good ones, some of the builder mods are excellent... but the temptation's always there (for me at least) to make things too easy. That can spoil the game a bit.
although they do at least seem tougher to me as time goes on, and ghouls possibly a little faster?
Enemies are levelled. After a while, feral ghouls will be accompanied by roamers, then stalkers, withered, bloated, rotting and charred. Likewise other enemy types. But they eventually hit a level cap, and you can exceed it to the point where you become phenomenally strong. I'm at level 99 and about to crack 100, and rarely get tested even on "very hard" difficulty.

I messed about with a few (XBOne) and ended up screwing my save. There are lots of good ones, some of the builder mods are excellent... but the temptation's always there (for me at least) to make things too easy. That can spoil the game a bit.
I have heard of a couple of interesting-sounding ones; there's a construction-themed power armour suit designed to look like the hydraulic frame from Aliens, and a terrifying house in Concord.
So loaded up Fallout 4 tonight for the first time in a while, found they've fixed my companion X6-88 (previously he'd never run, just walk, meaning he got left behind rather a lot, but then he seems to also think a bunch of stuff that happened didn't, so hey ho should still get his perk), and decided to explore the Glowing Sea some. After paying a visit to a couple of previous stop-offs I wandered much further and was thinking I wasn't going to come across much then suddenly holy....moses.

In a nutshell, well worth thoroughly exploring the Glowing Sea. Most mobs seem to spawn around the places you may have already visited, although you still have to keep an eye out for Stingwings and the occasional Deathclaw. Basically keep your eyes wide open and hit VATS with a long range weapon on a regular basis to scan your surroundings. You can then decide to engage the enemy, or divert your route around them.

There's also a Legendary goo-infuse Gauss Rifle out there, plus sundry legendary armour bits from various scorpions and whatnot.
There's also a Legendary goo-infuse Gauss Rifle out there, plus sundry legendary armour bits from various scorpions and whatnot.
Legendary gear is completely randomised. There's no guarantee that you will get that Gauss Rifle on another play-through.
Vault Tec Workshop is a crap dlc haha. Ugh.
Hey, it's more substantial than the Wasteland Workshop and Contraptions Workshop combined. The new area is massive, though the "conduct experiments on your residents" aspect is pretty limited. If nothing else, it gives me a whole host of building options for my Bond villain-themed headquarters that I am going to build om Spectacle Island.

The only problem is that the settlement building aspect requires a lot of patience and planning to create something great.
Large does not necessarily equate to quality. Lol. Just as I was getting into it, quests donr. 4 thumbs down.
It feels to be about the same size as Automatron, but without the content that sustained it over the long term - like the robot workbench and the gangs of Rust Devils and rogue robots.
One crappy unique item too.

Legend of Vault 88 - Vault 88 Jumpsuit (no ballistic weave capability) with 15% ghoul damage resistance
But as it is it's a crap and pointless item.
It might work well with other legendary gear. There are very few legendary outfits that are thin enough to be worn with other armour. Especially since so many of the rolling quests have you clearing out feral ghouls - every faction will send you on quests which involve wiping out ghouls; the Institute even has one quest type which is just killing ghouls. And ghouls are one of the few enemy types to regularly respawn.

Anyway, I just finished it off. It feels more like a novelty than anything else; the whole idea of experimenting on your residents is under-developed (and Clem is annoying). Each Vault was supposed to be designed to run long-term experiments, so you should be able to recreate The Matrix or Soylent Green.
I'm loving the Vault-Tec Workshop so far. Adds even more replayability to the game, and is generally an interesting thing to play around with. I'm probably going to play it to death over the weekend building the foundation for the vault, but not before I stock up on my resources as I'm running a bit low on Rubber, in particular.