Fan-Fic author's race

United States
San Francisco,
I'm bored, so I Plan on hosting a race for fan-fic authors.

Here's the time:

1PM GMT, or 6:00AM PST


7:00 PM or 11:00AM PST

It's a one make race, so majority vote to the car.

Here's the options:
Formula GT - ~2.5mil in OCD
Minolta - Gold Like the wind A-spec
or any other cars you can agree on

It will be a room of 8 in a public lobby, as my connection sucks:crazy:

PM with your car

ALso, Tell me the time, and if you want your character featured in the race:)[/QUOTE]

Would it be a good idea if we could use classes for all of our fanfic cars? According to PP. But if I did have to choose it would be FGT...

Let's organize here.
I missed it? Well now I'm extremely tired from waking up too early. . .👎, Please try better time planning out next time. . .
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Epic races. I could have got you machate-man :P

SSR5 was lol too, I coulda sworn I won but there must be a glitch, and oh I also did some powersliding, u jelly driftking? :sly:

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