Fan violence


Yes, I am still alive.
Staff Emeritus
What are the responsibilities of fans?

What punishments should they receive when they become out of hand?

My opinion is that they are responsible for remaining constantly aware of what they are doing.

In the common example, so it seems, of a soccer match, the fans might rush the stadium, which might result in the deaths of hundreds from trampling and collapsing supports. Many would excuse this as a rush of enthusiasm.

Well, I say screw that excuse no matter how true it is. In my opinion the punishments should become more severe each year until the fear is collective and the fans learn to remain seated. No more accepting the "mob" mentality. If it comes to the point where fans have to spend 30 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter, good. Making it life if they want to tear down fences just to get the socks or whatever off some player and end up killing others is something I might agree with.

My motto is learn to behave or else. I believe in being tough.

What are your opinions?
I see your point, but who is going to arrest all these people? Who is going to tri them all? Where are they all going to be held! This is a lot of people you are referring to.

I am not saying I have the solution, I am just presenting big problems that no one seems to have an answer too.

Most common response, and stupid in my opinion, cancel all soccer games. (not going to happen)
no soccer

but how come the violence always seems to be at soccer games. I think that soccer is a tense game, they dont score often. so say if it was a tight game and a team just lost in the end, they would vent their frusrations into violence.
That has happened before. Although I do agree with you yes I think the cavemen who carry out this violence should be punished rather than spoiling it for the rest. But footy is the game of the people and reflects there passions and hates etc.. but dont blame the sport or teams in it 99% of soccer violence happens outside the stadiums caused by people who have no intention of going to watch a match.