Fanatec and PS4 Troubleshooting/SettingsPS4 

  • Thread starter Smoothherb
I've decided to just buy basic CSR pedals, as upon further research I found that the throttle was jammed on at 17%
I'm playing daily with my PS4 and Clubsport V1 wheel base, Clubsport pedals and BMW GT2 Wheel. I don't have any "problems" but I wonder if I am missing anything? I have not changed any settings on the wheel or within in the game. Does anybody know if there are any game settings or wheel settings that will "improve" the default experience that I am having? I have seen many setting sheets out there for various wheels etc. I am only interested in any changes that will improve my specific setup. Otherwise I'm looking forward to see if the patch does anything noticeable.


It says that older wheels have been "Improved", not "Fixed". I hope that doesn't mean there are still gonna be some issues with them.


Same here, I doubt they'll still be broken. For what it's worth, most of the Fanatec wheels were recognised as the Turbo-S when things were broken anyway.
It's listed in the game so it better be fixed this time!
I have set my CSR to 750 degrees within the wheel, there's almost no issue now,
No the patch has not been released yet.

Cool, was wondering why it hadn't popped up in my downloads list yet, will probably come when they release this months free car :D

Kaz, this is how you keep customers happy, focus on fixing the issues and not give us things no one cares about or wants,
For the Fanatec CSR wheel. Should I try a different software patch that the site already has for my pedal issue?

Have you got your Fanatec wheel working properly yet? My CSR wheel with Elite pedals work fine, but the setting of the Feedback in the game (not the wheel) is causing all sorts of crap. Have minimised the deadzone by changing Fx, Fy, Fz etc etc, but you say go to 720 on the wheel. I'll give that a try. Any other tips?

Have you got your Fanatec wheel working properly yet? My CSR wheel with Elite pedals work fine, but the setting of the Feedback in the game (not the wheel) is causing all sorts of crap. Have minimised the deadzone by changing Fx, Fy, Fz etc etc, but you say go to 720 on the wheel. I'll give that a try. Any other tips?

Set it to 750 in wheel mate, anything lower seems to "overlap" itself in rotation, there is a slight deadzone but its very minimal, maybe 3 degrees each way on initial input, and a little twitchy when it registers the input, but nothing horrible, like when you used a pad aggressively,

I've also changed the steering rack in the tuning of the car, give me 48 hours and I will be happy to post all of my settings here,

Have you got your Fanatec wheel working properly yet? My CSR wheel with Elite pedals work fine, but the setting of the Feedback in the game (not the wheel) is causing all sorts of crap. Have minimised the deadzone by changing Fx, Fy, Fz etc etc, but you say go to 720 on the wheel. I'll give that a try. Any other tips?
I have the same set up as you. Jack Spades settings did nothing for me except make my wheel feel worse then what it was. A user by the name of GrimeyDog has some good settings that works well on the CSR. He recently put out a pdf as well. I have it but don't know how to attach it. If you can't find it and me a pm with your email address and I'll send it to you. The thing I like about these settings is that the same settings work on all the cars I've tried it on so far (about 7 in total) . Of course you have to input the settings for each car though. All forces feel great and then you can make minor tweaks to tailor it to your liking.
@v8s R Us

So I've been through my wheel, all deadzones are set to zero and all responses are set to maximum,
Wheel rotation to 750,

In game settings,
Steering deadzone 5,
Steering sensitivity 55,
Throttle deadzone 0,
Throttle sensitivity 80,
Brake deadzone 0,
Brake sensitivity 75,
Clutch deadzone 0,
Clutch sensitivity 50,
Speed filtering sensitivity 65,
Controller filtering sensitivity 0,
Force feed back 100,
Gear/ rpm display yes,
Controller input mode 3,
Advanced off,

In your tuning for the cars there is a screen called alignment, at the top of that sheet is a slider for steering ratio. For tin lid cars I use a ratio of 10.9.1 and in Formula cars I use the ratio 10.5.1, just seems to make things more fluent with input,

Hope this helps, though we get a patch for all this in the next week or 2 hopefully,
Not sure if you heard but it was announced today that a glitch was found in the patch and now another few weeks delay. Not sure if that few weeks is counting the approval from Sony/Microsoft or not. I'm loving this game and have been very patient waiting for the patch. But I'm starting to find myself getting a little bored of it since I can't continue my career and the solo races ain't cutting it for me. Trying my best not to penmanantly shelve it
Sweet Jesus...Thinking about just trading this game in. Have barely gotten a chance to play it and this patch is just taking way too long for a game I wasn't really all that excited for to begin with.

Asseto Corsa is coming next year though.
Ha, even with these bugs I still feel more in control over the car then I ever did in Gran Turismo,
Not sure if you heard but it was announced today that a glitch was found in the patch and now another few weeks delay. Not sure if that few weeks is counting the approval from Sony/Microsoft or not. I'm loving this game and have been very patient waiting for the patch. But I'm starting to find myself getting a little bored of it since I can't continue my career and the solo races ain't cutting it for me. Trying my best not to penmanantly shelve it

You have a link or something that makes your post believable?
And the witcher had 2 patches in the first week, so? This don't belong in this thread, but when I buy a game for 70€ I want it to work. That has nothing to do with inpatientnes.
I'm trying my best to me patient. But I think I would've been less frustrated had SMS called another delay in release then to keep waiting on a patch. I know they're working hard and I like the fact they're involved in the forum. But it's almost like hanging a carrot in front of a horse.
Bummer :( was hoping that you troll. Couple of weeks are some weeks to long in my opinion. A patch for something game breaking shouldn't take that long.

Would you rather they release a patch containing a game crashing bug, or that they fix it while we wait a couple of weeks?
These guys are working with around 1 3rd of the other title budgets, the fact that these are the only issues in the game on release are really not that bad, though since I've fiddled with my settings I'm not having these issues,