Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Yes the XBox one hub is the real universal Hub, that's why Fanatec decrease the old hub price that will not be produce anymore.
Um... I am not sure you need two Universal Hubs. The XB1 hub works with all consoles.
Thanks, The only reason I went for the standard hub is its the cheapest way to get up and running for the next couple of months until the other hub is released, then I can either sell it on, or fit another type of wheel on it and use it as an alternate setup for PC/PS4 or just some spare parts..
We will see.
I think this one will be released. There is room for a Xbox or Forza related rim in the fanatec list of products.
In addition, this one seems to be in smooth leather instead of the suede one for the GT rim.... again something that can be interesting to add to the already available ones.
What about those who want a smooth leather rim with out the Forza branding on it? It would make better sense to offer a plain leather D shape rim than one branded specifically to one game.
Despite all the negativeness I found spread all over the internet about Fanatec gear, I could not resist any longer and ordered my first Fanatec set:

------- FYI: my forumname is really not connected to FANATEC) :D ------

V2 base
Porsche 918 RSR wheel
V3 pedals with damper
SQ shifter.

I will receive the set as soon as the pedals are available (should be end of August).

People telling me I'd better not sell the T500RS and keep it as backup in case the new stuff breaks down... was not what I had in mind...

I do hope I'm not going to have to regret this...
Despite all the negativeness I found spread all over the internet about Fanatec gear, I could not resist any longer and ordered my first Fanatec set:

------- FYI: my forumname is really not connected to FANATEC) :D ------

V2 base
Porsche 918 RSR wheel
V3 pedals with damper
SQ shifter.

I will receive the set as soon as the pedals are available (should be end of August).

People telling me I'd better not sell the T500RS and keep it as backup in case the new stuff breaks down... was not what I had in mind...

I do hope I'm not going to have to regret this...

No you won't. :)
A friend of mine own a T500rs and every time he uses my V2 he is really impressed.
My CSWV2 Base + Universal hub turned up yesterday, only had enough time to install the base on the racing rig, update firmware and click the bare hub on..

Tonight I'll be setting up the hub with my 300mm 3 spoke wheel and should be good to go! So far, in just turning it on, and seeing it move, it all seems OK and everything so far is picked up. I was impressed with the increase in exterior quality over my old CSR?PWTS Wheels!

Shame the XBox 1 hub was not in stock, that would have saved me buying the normal universal hub just for 2 months of use, and also I would like to have tried with with FM5, as all my other games are on PC, although I may get F1 2015 on PS4 just to try that!
It's torture the wheel is just sitting there looking at me :D (need to drill my wheel table. I will get the tools tomorrow).

To me it seems like I will have to screw the mounting adapter from underneath the table ? Because it looks like there is not enough space to attach the wheel base later.

I'm impressed by the rims. At first glance It looks like I will have to adjust to the new paddle shifters (with my left hand) but I hope I will manage that.
Well, I got it all installed last night!!!! The universal hub is a great idea, absolutely loving the fact I can use any old wheel lying around..

Installation impressions
Wheel Base:
- So easy to install if you already have mounting holes for any other fanatec wheel!
- The USB needing to be right angled means I'll have to improvise to use my existing lead which is hidden in the metalwork, at the moment I've used the new lead just draped loosely alongside the rig, I might drill a hole beneath the socket to allow me to have a normal usb lead coming from beneath the platform, or keep searching for a small 90 degree converter.

Hub: The hub is great, just two minor things
- The switch arms need two sizes, the problem I had was to get perfect alignment you can end up with two arms overlapping which is no good. so you do have to slightly compromise layout.
- The wheel centre cap won't fit as there isn't enough depth. However, having my own 3D Printer, I am just printing a simple centre cap for it now, so that will neaten it up!

Initial impressions on pCars (PC) -
- The wheel is super smooth and a nice step up from anything else I've tried, and dare I say it, feels more solid then my brothers T500RS.
- I think it reveals a few weaknesses in pCars FFB, rumble strips and transitions over trackside stuff is hit and miss, but with this wheel I notice the lack of some effects a bit more, and I think this is something my brother has mentioned, as you spend more and get better kit, you find that the games FFB is more noticeable where it's lacking..
- Love the on wheel tuning, the rim I've used allows me to see the hub display (vertically mounted) and it's been great, especially as I like a completely different setup for karts!

Some minor nitpicks that some people may see as an issue, but in reality I think it's as designed and Fanatec Could do with just communicating these as 'normal' behaviour:
1. Initially with no power, mechanically about 30 degrees off center to the left, I can feel some slight 'hump' in the resistance, which seems to have reduced a bit with a few hours use, and you can't feel it when the wheel is powered up.
2. When calibrating, going right it makes a small vibration/noise, then silently turns left, then as it starts to go back to centre it makes a small noise again. There are no noises/vibrations once it's complete or in use, and looking on a forum I found a fanatec rep saying this was normal and part of the calibration routine.

So onwards and upwards! I've got some DIY jobs to complete (installing a new oven, etc) then I might get a couple of hours to have more play time!
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I have a problem updating my base to version 96.
The wheel restarts two times then says that it can't be found, and i have to re-calibrate.
I have a problem updating my base to version 96.
The wheel restarts two times then says that it can't be found, and i have to re-calibrate.
You always have to recalibrate after installing new firmware. I don't know about the other issues.
Well, I got it all installed last night!!!! The universal hub is a great idea, absolutely loving the fact I can use any old wheel lying around..

Initial impressions on pCars (PC) -

pCARS is not an ideal game to test the CSW v2 on. Try Assetto Corsa, iRacing and Game Stockcar. IMO AC needs the least fiddling to get the FFB feeling right.

My settings for AC:
Everything stock except...
ABS 75
Damp 0
Spring 0
Drift 0 or 1 depending on the car

Game settings:
Gain: 100%
Filter: 0
Damp: 0
Minimum: 5%
Kerb: 100%
Road: 80%
Slip: 40%

(dampening at 0 when the game is loaded)

Some people don't like such a high slip effect and for road cars the lack of dampening on the wheel and in game. Personally, I like a sharper, if a little less natural feel.
It seams like on the left side belts are slipping. Feeling is normal tho.
Have not got mine yet, but I read somewhere that belt tension can be altered from outside the base ?
If someone can concur ?
That should remedy the issue then ?
Have not got mine yet, but I read somewhere that belt tension can be altered from outside the base ?
If someone can concur ?
That should remedy the issue then ?

That is where the belt tension is set. However Fanatec does not want you to alter it. Since it is brand new I would contact Fanatec for warranty.
Mine started making a creaking noise, which got worse and worse and really ruined the experience with it chirping and creaking. On investigation it seems the 20 degree mount has two bits of rubber tape to presumably stop any creaking, however it isn't thick enough to stop it from interfering with the front plate bottom which just overlaps.

I just used some thin self adhesive felt squares placed around the 20 degree mount and its not only stopped all noises, it's actually more rigid since I placed them away from the mouniting points where it had some give (hence the creaking)
Mine started making a creaking noise, which got worse and worse and really ruined the experience with it chirping and creaking. On investigation it seems the 20 degree mount has two bits of rubber tape to presumably stop any creaking, however it isn't thick enough to stop it from interfering with the front plate bottom which just overlaps.

I just used some thin self adhesive felt squares placed around the 20 degree mount and its not only stopped all noises, it's actually more rigid since I placed them away from the mouniting points where it had some give (hence the creaking)
Good to know.
Did you tighten the bolts that secured the base to the mount ?
I know the unit comes mounted, but it is always a good idea to check...
Fanatec responded.
They said that It needs to be fixed by them, but I'm can use it until they respond.

Funny thing is that I just raced stock settings in iracing and driving feels natural with its sharp and quick feedback. With g27 I was satisfied with the pedals but now I feel that they lag behind. Its realty hard to explain.

Now It seams like the wheel gives me much more sensation (that not necessarily makes me faster but it improves immersion).
Good to know.
Did you tighten the bolts that secured the base to the mount ?
I know the unit comes mounted, but it is always a good idea to check...

I did check that bolts first, they where very tight, I think that the single bolt at the front does allow a little bit of flex to the mounting base that seems a slight chance for them to 'improve' the design, 4 corner bolts to the chassis would prevent any flex and ensure no creaking!

Saying all that, now it's sorted, I'm just getting on and enjoying it!
well that sucks :(

No way to mod the wheel plate to angle ?
Have it re-welded to the suitable angle, or have a stronger angle mount custom made.
Maybe tinker with the angle mount to make it more stable.
Have not got mine yet, but if it is in fact too weak, I'll be poking Fanatec about it...
I think my wheelbase died. USB disconnected now it says that it is an unknown device. Engine works I feel strong centering and menu works. I'm starting to get pissed. I got the wheel in 4 days but now rma and stuff I guess I will get a working wheel at best in the end of July :'(

Tried to connect it to my ps3 (ps3 mode is bottom two buttons?) but wheelbase does not react.
I have a suspicion that there is a problem with pcb/usb board because wheel was refusing to update and now maybe firmware itself crashed.

How fast usually do they respond to RMA requests ?
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After a few blissful hours of use, my 'creaking' came back which warranted further inspection.

There is a definite design weakness in the bottom plate (easy to remove), it's not captively held at it's perimeter and so is free to flex with the mount putting load on it, and it creaks due to metal to metal contact on the case sides/front.

I used some electrical insulation tape to just go around the base plate and provide a non-metallic interface to the case surfaces so that any flex (for now) won't creak but I will look at possibly creating my own mount for it as I'd ideally like 15 degrees rather than the 20 of the supplied mount (direct mounting would be far too flat).
Fanatec responded that it is an firmware issue but problem is that now when the wheel "crashed" mid use it is unrecognizable in windows so I can't even try to update.

The only thing that is annoying is the slow email support response (compared to other times I had to RMA products). Chat is fine but to my understanding its for general help only.
I think my wheelbase died. USB disconnected now it says that it is an unknown device. Engine works I feel strong centering and menu works. I'm starting to get pissed. I got the wheel in 4 days but now rma and stuff I guess I will get a working wheel at best in the end of July :'(

Tried to connect it to my ps3 (ps3 mode is bottom two buttons?) but wheelbase does not react.
I have a suspicion that there is a problem with pcb/usb board because wheel was refusing to update and now maybe firmware itself crashed.

How fast usually do they respond to RMA requests ?

To put in PS3 mode you press the circle and select buttons.

Go to 3'46 in video.
Should the light change color or something? I get no response. I guess the firmware is bricked or something. Annoyingly Fanatec responses are slow.

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