Can someone give tips on damper setting (how it should feel) I noticed extra stiffness (on my brake), but when i tried to turn the knob I don't particularly feel any difference from default.
What settings are you using (main spring + damper).
Also is it me or the motor does not look safe being upwards (I keep thinking that my socks will wrangle in it)?
I have set the preload halfway and the damper kit on 7.
Makes a huge difference in feel.
I also used the stronger (black) spring in the clutch, but returned to the softer (red) in the throttle.
Pedals are awesome, so is the wheel.
I have not used the pedal extensions and plastic pedals for now.
The longer (compared to TM's) throttle reach is very nice.
I have an issue though. When calibrating the SQ shifter, the gears are not picked correctly. There is some wobble in the shaft that causes the shifter to jump form 3 to 5 and 4 to 6th gear. I saw a video of a guy having the same problem.
In game: same thing, and switching to SQ does not seem to work !?
Guess I will have to return it to Fanatec... The shifter feels good though.
Oh.. I'd wear shoes if I were you (I always do) ... the upright rumble motor can be hazardous for socks...