Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
Brake force is the electronic version of the Load cell Amp we had on the V2's. So instead of having to bend down and tweek the Dial, you can now do that from the wheel itself.
But what does it do ? Because those are my first loadcell pedals. Is it like sensitivity ?
But when you set preload on the breaks throttle seams too far away. Maybe its my pedal angle but on 100% it gets tiresome.
I had same issue with my throttle pedal travel. My pedals are mounted flat so it was a stretch to get full throttle. I put a pedal extension on the throttle pedal only with the original pedal plate. Now the throttle sits a bit forward of the others and the end travel is at a much better position. Before I did this 1 hour of racing would have my upper thigh muscle screaming.
I had same issue with my throttle pedal travel. My pedals are mounted flat so it was a stretch to get full throttle. I put a pedal extension on the throttle pedal only with the original pedal plate. Now the throttle sits a bit forward of the others and the end travel is at a much better position. Before I did this 1 hour of racing would have my upper thigh muscle screaming.

Yeah my paraplegic muscles do not like that also ( I was afraid that I'm feeling my limitations again but glad I'm not alone). I think I will calibrate it to set max value a little farther from the end because I think it is just couple of degrees too far.
Yeah my paraplegic muscles do not like that also ( I was afraid that I'm feeling my limitations again but glad I'm not alone). I think I will calibrate it to set max value a little farther from the end because I think it is just couple of degrees too far.

It's easy to shorten the pedal travel. Unscrew the rod from the pedal block, a few turns make a big difference. When you're happy with the distance, tighten the nuts back up to lock the rod in place.
Questions guys....

Does the PS3 hub that's optional with this Fanatec CSW V2 base allow you to use it with most PS3 games even older ones such as GT5, Daytona USA, etc? If a PS3 game works with the Logitech G25, what are the chances it will work with the Fanatec V2 using the PS3 hub?
PC/PS3/PS4 (when game supports it) works with any hub. To my understanding CSW V2 (when in PS3 mode) works on top of g27 drivers. So if G27 is supported it should work.
It's easy to shorten the pedal travel. Unscrew the rod from the pedal block, a few turns make a big difference.

Could you please specify how you mean to shorten the pedal travel ?

Because as far as I know there is nowhere mentionend by fanactec that it is possible to adjust the pedal travel and I wonder how this is possible. Cannot find any hint on it in the manual. Or do you use damper with throttle pedal and shorten travel by adjusting damper?
Could you please specify how you mean to shorten the pedal travel ?

Because as far as I know there is nowhere mentionend by fanactec that it is possible to adjust the pedal travel and I wonder how this is possible. Cannot find any hint on it in the manual. Or do you use damper with throttle pedal and shorten travel by adjusting damper?

Could you please specify how you mean to shorten the pedal travel ?

All you need to do is slacken the nuts and unscrew the throttle pedal rod from the pedal block. This can shorten the pedal travel by quite a bit, but check in game telemetry to check that you are getting 100% throttle, if you are not, then start screwing the rod back in till you do. Once you are happy with the travel distance, tighten up the first nut to secure the rod, and use the second nut for more or less resistance.
Isn't calibrating the pedal after adjustment the solution ?

Yes, you're right, sorry got confused, it was 3.30am when I replied, should have been in bed.
I did this for maximum travel, I then had a deadzone at the end of travel, so I had to screw rod back out a small amount, so you can have too much travel it seems.
you can have too much travel it seems.
Well, as long it is adjustable. Still have to install my V3 pedals, but just trying them by hand I noticed the much longer travel compared to the TM pedals.
Using them may prove me wrong, but I figure the long travel will make it easier to control... ?
The V3 has roughly the travel of my IRL car...
So I sold my CSPv3 for retail price and went back to my CSPv2s. Anyone have any suggestions for upgrading the shock? I already have an improved spring.
Mugen RC shock, you normally buy them in pairs so I have one spare. Check my rig thread in my signature, I put a post up about it, also check the CSP Pedal Tuning thread. I put 35 wt Team Losi Racing fluid in mine and used my existing GT-Eye spring for the G25 (it fits really well!).
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Not without that device anyways... Interesting solution, I always wondered if Fanatec could have made something like that to make CSR and CSR Elite wheels work on the XBONE.
Of course it was possible, but then we wouldn't have a reason to upgrade would we. They could have released a wheel rim + new firmware for the csr and the csr elite to bring compatability foreward like they have done with the CSW (would have required a bit more work to swap the standard csr rim though).
Can someone give tips on damper setting (how it should feel) I noticed extra stiffness (on my brake), but when i tried to turn the knob I don't particularly feel any difference from default.

What settings are you using (main spring + damper).

Also is it me or the motor does not look safe being upwards (I keep thinking that my socks will wrangle in it)?
Can someone give tips on damper setting (how it should feel) I noticed extra stiffness (on my brake), but when i tried to turn the knob I don't particularly feel any difference from default.

What settings are you using (main spring + damper).

Also is it me or the motor does not look safe being upwards (I keep thinking that my socks will wrangle in it)?
I have set the preload halfway and the damper kit on 7.
Makes a huge difference in feel.
I also used the stronger (black) spring in the clutch, but returned to the softer (red) in the throttle.
Pedals are awesome, so is the wheel.
I have not used the pedal extensions and plastic pedals for now.
The longer (compared to TM's) throttle reach is very nice.

I have an issue though. When calibrating the SQ shifter, the gears are not picked correctly. There is some wobble in the shaft that causes the shifter to jump form 3 to 5 and 4 to 6th gear. I saw a video of a guy having the same problem.
In game: same thing, and switching to SQ does not seem to work !?

Guess I will have to return it to Fanatec... The shifter feels good though.

Oh.. I'd wear shoes if I were you (I always do) ... the upright rumble motor can be hazardous for socks...:lol:
So I sold my CSPv3 for retail price and went back to my CSPv2s. Anyone have any suggestions for upgrading the shock? I already have an improved spring.

Why did you end up selling your V3 peddles? Didn't think the update was all that?

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