Fanatec Announcements: CSW V2 Reviews Out

  • Thread starter Crispy
All I can say is that Thomas will be on my permanent Christmas card list once his official PS4 wheel rim, base, universal wheel hub or anything that will give me Fanatec gear and support onto my PS4. =)
Latest from Thomas.

The products are in stock but we are still waiting for approval of our marketing materials so it takes a bit longer than expected. Perhaps it will even be next week but hey, we will get there.
Thomas has opened the channels on Fanatec's Direct Drive wheels. He wants opinions on what we are looking for in certain areas. I personally wouldn't have any useful ideas; because, I don't own or have never used a Direct Drive wheel. For those who have used or owned a Direct Drive wheel, it would be a great opportunity to help Fanatec, help you. I think.

Here's a link...

The blog post is kind of long, but insightful...

Fanatec Direct Drive

It is an open secret that we are working on a Direct Drive wheel. I have posted in several forums and there are some bits of information here and there. It's time to open a single thread for this subject.

This post will be updated from time to time and the main purpose for us is to collect information of what you really want. Of course we already have nailed down several specs but there are still things we can change or add. So please tell us what your dream system looks like.

We are developing more than one base. The main difference will be the maximum torque. The torque range is starting at a competitive level far above the CS WB V2.5 and ranges up to a level most of you will not be able to use for a long time.
It will not replace the CS WB V2.5 and we will keep this model as the best non-DD solution on the market.
The DD wheel bases are the first products of a complete series of hardcore products which are positioned above the ClubSport series. This series will include wheel bases, steering wheels, pedals, shifters and handbrakes in the (very) long run.

The DD will be a typical plug&play product like other Fanatec wheel bases. All in one housing and no cable mess.

Like any other Fanatec product, the DD will be fully certified and lab tested. This will avoid EMI issues and other interference with your other devices. The DD uses a lot of power and huge magnets are involved so this is a very important point which is often not considered until you get a lot of mysterious issues and damages to your whole system.

PC for sure as this is the main market and there is no reason that it should not work on Xbox One. The first generation will not be compatible to PS4.
We have a great relationship with all racing game developers and you can be sure that there will be broad support for this wheel base. Our target is to set a new standard in simracing.

We looked at the current motors on the market and there was nothing which really fulfilled our requirements. Those industrial motors were not designed for simracing. Steppers and hybrid steppers deliver a way too notchy feeling for a hardcore product, no matter how good you tweak the software. Also other servo motors are always a compromise. Therefore we developed complete custom servo motors where we decided about what speed, torque, size, power consumption, pricing etc. we need.

Steering Wheels
All the current ClubSport steering wheels will be compatible. We developed a new QR system on the base to handle the extra power but it will stay a quick release.
There will be no cable from the wheel to the base or to USB. The wheel will be able to rotate unlimited without the risk to snap off a cable or to disturb you while driving.
The CSL and CSL Elite steering wheels will be compatible as well but torque will be reduced if such a wheel is detected.

Please let us know what kind of software your are expecting to get with the DD. What parameters do you want to adjust and how and where do you want to adjust these parameters. We are pretty flexible on this point.

Target Dates
Dates are always a very sensitive subject. In principle you need to understand that the DD technology is not only new to us, our DD wheels are completely designed from scratch and a breakthrough for the whole industry. This involves some completely new technology which had to be invented and everything is customized. A lot of unknown factors are not good to give any solid time projections.
We simply cannot give you any guaranteed dates at this point. But at least you get some indication of our target dates.

Community event:
There will be a community event where we invite interested simracers to test and compare our new DD wheels directly to all other solutions on the market. Time and date is not defined yet but it will obviously be before the launch date. More news and how to apply for this test will be posted here.

Beta Test:
The external beta test will start after all internal tests are done. We will also make a separate announcement where you can apply to become a tester. We are interested in the opinion of current DD users and ultra hardcore users as well as people with analytic and structured thinking which are able to find remaining bugs and make suggestions for improvements.
Please make sure you already filled out this form.

First public appearance:
We plan to show this product at the Simracing Expo this year.

Launch date:
Q4 2017

There will be a significant difference to the current wheel bases we have so there will be different performance levels at different price points. As the current CS WB V2.5 is still priced significantly lower than any other DD wheel on the market (please compare it with a full system incl. steering wheel with buttons) there is still room for us to make a very competitive offer.
Our new DD bases can compete in pricing as well as superior functionality and performance.

Oh and did I mention the beauty of them? :)

I apologize for copying and pasting the blog post here. I did it for those who are unwilling to venture over to Fanatec's blog or if my link is broken.

One major surprise in this post is the launch date. It's basically right around the corner, and the Sim-Racing Expo is in September. So once the wheels are shown, they're probably going to be available for purchase.
I'm hearing good things about the CSW 2.5. Currently I have a T500 and have considered the TS-PC Racer. But then I saw an ISR review comparing the CSW2.0, CSL Elite and TS-PC. They concluded that CSW2.0 was a step above the other two. So now that the CSW2.5 is out I would imagine that that gap has increased even further.

There are a couple of reviews already:


Looks like it's the closest thing to a DD wheel right now. I just wish they would offer some lower priced wheel rims though. Most of them cost almost the same as a T500!!!

But still, the CSL P1 wheel rim + V2.5 wheel base looks like a really attractive alternative to the TS-PC Racer, so it might just become my next wheel. (I would apparently also need the T.RJ12 adapter to be able to use my T3PA-PRO pedals). I will wait to see what the price of those DD wheels are, but I suspect that they might just be a little above what I would be willing to spend.
I'm glad to see fanatec come out with a DD wheel. I've always liked all my fanatec gear I've owned. I'm just curious to see what the price will be. I think unless they keep it around the $1k range or under it might be a hard sell with the accuforce now selling for $1,300.
I'm glad to see fanatec come out with a DD wheel. I've always liked all my fanatec gear I've owned. I'm just curious to see what the price will be. I think unless they keep it around the $1k range or under it might be a hard sell with the accuforce now selling for $1,300.

Why would it be a hard sell if accuforce is $1,300? We don't have enough information to even decide if it is a better/worse product than accuforce? A few things we know are is that this Fanatec DD wheel can be used with existing Fanatec wheels and fanatec will followup with other bits like handbreak, shifter etc that accuforce doesn't do. If anything I'd say it is at a minimum the same as the accuforce given the additional benefits Fanatec brings...not to mention they have a bigger brand so people who don't know accuforce may just go with this. Also on looks, all DD wheels out today whether it is Leo bodnar or accuforce all look pretty bad. I'd take Fanatec's styling anyday of the week. But function > looks. So we just have to wait and see the specs.

I cannot see how this is a "hard sell" though....even if they price it at $1,300 it'll outsell accuforce.

Overall though, more competition the better. I hope all DD wheel manufacturers can bring down their prices and we all benefit
I can't wait for the DD wheel; because, I wonder how it would impact the prices of the CSW V2.5? As Whitestar has said, the CSW V2.5 with the current P1 wheel rim is looking incredibly attractive. Hopefully it can come down to a price point where I won't have to spend all winter in the dog house, after the Mrs. sees it on my bank statements. :lol:
I don't think the release of direct drives will really impact the price of v2.5. If they drop it they would have to Drop the prices of CSL elite bases too..

Their current line up is pretty much:
CSL Elite ~300€
CSL Elite for PS4 ~400€
CSW v2.5 ~550€

The ps4 base of course isnt available separately at the moment but the price for only the base would probably sit somewhere around that 400€..
Something has been on my mind since I saw the comparison video from ISR on the Elite, TS-PC and CSW2.0.

At 4:47 he starts to talk about an "undesirable trait" with the CSW2.0: "on-center feel", "the wheel is constantly trying to re-center itself and it's annoying". He also refers to it as "vibrations", "on-center fight" and "oscillations".
Just wondering: Is this the same oscillation thing that happened on my G25 when I let go of the wheel while driving on a straight? The wheel would start to move from side to side if the ffb strength was turned up high, resulting in a crash. If that's the case then why doesn't he just demonstrate it in the video by letting go of the wheel?

So is this really a thing? And if so, has this "undesirable trait" been eliminated on the CSW2.5? I have seen 3 reviews on the CSW2.5 (Simpit, Simracinggirl and Sim racing paddock) and none of them mention this. Maybe some CSW2.0 and CSW2.5 owners can shed a light on this?

PS! I also have to comment this: "next logical question: is the CSW2.0 better than a direct drive wheel?". Heh, I don't quite see how that is a logical questions. :)
In fact, the simpit review mentioned slightly muted forces around center on the v2.5.

You'd think that those reviewers would all understand 'minimum force' setting, which is used in all PC sims these days to give a good feel for small forces around center and which mustn't be set too high otherwise it can cause oscillation... so assuming they do all understand how to set FFB correctly, the ISR v2 and simpit v2.5 reviews are effectively contradicting each other.

Each time I have these dilemmas I think to myself that I need to go visit the sim racing exhibition in the Nurburgring in September and compare and contrast myself :)
Each time I have these dilemmas I think to myself that I need to go visit the sim racing exhibition in the Nurburgring in September and compare and contrast myself :)
Maybe you should do just that and report back to us. :D

EDIT: I just watched the Simpit review of the 2.5 and he actually lets go of the wheel. It doesn't oscillate at all.
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Something has been on my mind since I saw the comparison video from ISR on the Elite, TS-PC and CSW2.0.

At 4:47 he starts to talk about an "undesirable trait" with the CSW2.0: "on-center feel", "the wheel is constantly trying to re-center itself and it's annoying". He also refers to it as "vibrations", "on-center fight" and "oscillations".
Just wondering: Is this the same oscillation thing that happened on my G25 when I let go of the wheel while driving on a straight? The wheel would start to move from side to side if the ffb strength was turned up high, resulting in a crash. If that's the case then why doesn't he just demonstrate it in the video by letting go of the wheel?

So is this really a thing? And if so, has this "undesirable trait" been eliminated on the CSW2.5? I have seen 3 reviews on the CSW2.5 (Simpit, Simracinggirl and Sim racing paddock) and none of them mention this. Maybe some CSW2.0 and CSW2.5 owners can shed a light on this?

PS! I also have to comment this: "next logical question: is the CSW2.0 better than a direct drive wheel?". Heh, I don't quite see how that is a logical questions. :)

Didn´t Fanatec wrote a respond to this before? It was supposed to be realistic
Guys I need some help, after a while of not using it, I hooked up my XBone universal hub connected to my V1 wheel base. None of the buttons are working with the exception of the Xbox button. Any ideas?
Hello there 12th, hey, do you still have this hub for sale? Would it work on my pc platform for Assetto Corsa and what else would I need to make it work ? Cheers...:cheers:s

I do still have it. Just a heads up though: one of holes where the shifter paddles screw into the shifter mechanism (seems to be a threaded boss) has worked loose and spins freely. If that won't affect your plans, then cheers. Otherwise I'll need to figure out how to repair it.
I do still have it. Just a heads up though: one of holes where the shifter paddles screw into the shifter mechanism (seems to be a threaded boss) has worked loose and spins freely. If that won't affect your plans, then cheers. Otherwise I'll need to figure out how to repair it.

Cool, no worries about stripped threads, screws, etc. Will this hub work with a V2.0 or v2.5 base? And can you recommend low cost set of pedals? Feel free to PM me with details, price, etc., thanks 👍