That's not what I'm saying, only that my first impression of your video is that it is normal. But videos can be deceptive, and this can only be verified by us testing your unit.
The CSL has significantly higher .......
So here are some results:
Firmware updated (reflashed). Wheel recalibrated itself and in game(s).
No effect.
However, the described issue - the play I felt, is definitely
directly proportional to the wheel weight (damping, friction, whatever you wanna call it). The heavier the wheel, the more pronounced the play is.
On the other hand, it's kind of hard finding the sweetspot, where the wheel is not too much light (easy to turn) and where the effect of play is still not felt and the FFB effects are still nice and readable.
I had partial success setting it in few games, namely PCARS 2, DIRT 2, FH4, had less success in Wreckfest, the game has surprisingly good FFB, but the play could be felt a lot even at DRI set OFF, because the wheel was still kind of heavy and could be turned down only by reducing FFB effect, which reduced all of the FFB effects.
Anyway, under the default settings on the wheel itself, this play is very pronounced and can definitely be felt in every game that I've tried.
Btw, I found out that setting the SPR and DPR to
any value has basically no effect in any game that I've tried. What should it do exactly?
I've talked to Fanatec support today and we had agreed to RMA the wheel.
However, I'm a bit reluctant right now as I'm afraid that another CSL Elite wheel that I might receive would have the same "issue". Not to talk about chance that I might pay both shipping prices if Fanatec says the wheel is OK and also, I won't have the wheel for many days, possibly weeks while it's under investigation.
If you have any more ideas or tips, I'd be glad to hear it.