Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme Wheel

  • Thread starter super_gt
Good to hear! Fanatec said that the disconnect bug is still a problem in 455 base FW, it is just much less likely to happen, but can definitely still happen. I've heard people report that FFB settings can affect that disconnect issue too. I usually run mid to low FF power overall and have no problems but that may just be a coincidence.

Also, since this is an issue with too much data, I thought maybe a lower INT setting could make it worse but I'm not sure. But given the nature of the problem I can see how FF settings in game or on the wheel could affect it. If you've changed something in the FFB settings and it got worse after that, maybe try going back to settings that you had when everything was working just to experiment.

So yeah I'm hoping 457 comes out soon and fixes these annoying issues! Fingers crossed.
Believe I read the same thing about 455, it's why I went with 456 which turned out to be horrible. Since I went back to 455, I've only had one disconnect. I'll be really glad when 457 finally comes out; that and when PD finally decides to fully support the extreme.
Believe I read the same thing about 455, it's why I went with 456 which turned out to be horrible. Since I went back to 455, I've only had one disconnect. I'll be really glad when 457 finally comes out; that and when PD finally decides to fully support the extreme.
Yup me too, one single disconnect a few weeks ago and it was on that Grand valley roadster time trial, I think. I was running some extreme (for me) FFB settings and INT 1 now that I think about it. And sensitivity (bottom slider) was at 10 in game. That was my best single lap in GT7 time trials come to think of it and FFB felt amazing, I was using some settings I saw on a youtube vid and felt every ripple in the road but understeer vibes were robotic and intense. I wonder if I can find that vid.

I can't wait either! Fullforce and everything else, will be interesting to see how all that works.
As others have said, Maurice on the FANATEC forums has said that disconnects can occur with the FW on PC Driver 455, though a lot less frequent. Knock on wood, I have yet to have one single disconnect since I've received my DD+ base (it's on the firmware that came with PC Driver 455), but before mounting the DD+ on my rig, my DD Pro would disconnect at least once a week. That's on the FW from PC Driver 454.

Has anyone with a DD+ experience the "Steering Sensitivity" bug in GT7 yet? Apparently it's a new feature from the GT7 1.43/4 game update. I have only encountered the bug while using the DD Pro so far. I was doing a lot of testing between both bases this weekend for grins.
The fact that PD still does not fully support the wheel is extremely baffling and frustrating.

It's disrespectful to their costumers and to their business partner brand. Very PD-like actually.
As others have said, Maurice on the FANATEC forums has said that disconnects can occur with the FW on PC Driver 455, though a lot less frequent. Knock on wood, I have yet to have one single disconnect since I've received my DD+ base (it's on the firmware that came with PC Driver 455), but before mounting the DD+ on my rig, my DD Pro would disconnect at least once a week. That's on the FW from PC Driver 454.

Has anyone with a DD+ experience the "Steering Sensitivity" bug in GT7 yet? Apparently it's a new feature from the GT7 1.43/4 game update. I have only encountered the bug while using the DD Pro so far. I was doing a lot of testing between both bases this weekend for grins.
What is a Sensitivity bug, how does it look like and no I haven't noticed anything like that so far.
Would you mind describing it 🙂
Hmmm could be PD could be Fanatec ⁉️
Well..PD already nerfed the max torque in 1.43, taking the wheel from kinda raw, but great…into ok fine..its still ok...Territory. Also, pd gave us the cut scene ffb bug where the turning radius resembles a controller and goes squishy. But hey, we got colored rpm’s on the wheel! Most of the time.

Sooo they aren’t doing nothing, just not much of value on our end.

Haha’s aside.. i am embarrassed for pd that their ‘world series,’ is beginning without support for their official wheel of the tournament.
Hmmm could be PD could be Fanatec ⁉️
Fanatec wheels don’t have same issues with ACC or AC on PS4 or PC. (Edit: more specifically AC on PS4,ACC PS5, + both on PC. I haven’t heard of these issues with IRacing but I refuse to engage in thier pricing structure so have no first hand knowledge to comment)

It’s certainly PD
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Well..PD already nerfed the max torque in 1.43, taking the wheel from kinda raw, but great…into ok fine..its still ok...Territory. Also, pd gave us the cut scene ffb bug where the turning radius resembles a controller and goes squishy. But hey, we got colored rpm’s on the wheel! Most of the time.

Sooo they aren’t doing nothing, just not much of value on our end.

Haha’s aside.. i am embarrassed for pd that their ‘world series,’ is beginning without support for their official wheel of the tournament.
Wait...what? Did PD nerf the max torque? To how much? (just bought the DD+!)
OK back again with a quick update.
GT7 has become unplayable with my Wheelbase.
The FFB loss bug is happening so much no matter how often I restart and unplug everything.
I did a few quick tests to try and check out what might cause the issue and to me it most certainly seems to be FFB Torque related.
My Wheelbase Settings have always been at 100% and my in game settings are always set to 5/8.
So around 7.5NM.

These Settings are most obviously too much to handle and it's causing these dropouts.
I can clearly notice these dropouts happening after big and long Torque peaks going through corners at high speeds.
Sometimes it just loses the FFB during these FFB peaks, but as soon as I exit the corner and the torque levels decrease slowly the frame rate hiccups kick in and the FFB is gone completely.

No FFB at all, Shift paddles not working.
I had 1 moment where it just disappeared showing me the F 😅 on my Wheel only to creep back in and the F disappeared on the Wheel showing my speed numbers again and selected gear... and the next corner it then completely gave up again.

Same thing happened while playing Motorfest doing 1 of the drift Playlists.
During these Missions the G Forces / Torque Levels become very high.
I have the FFB set to 9NM or 60% in Motorfest and 100% on my Wheelbase and while cruising down the twisties with these settings everything is fine as I drive my cars within the tire grip limits and therefore the simulated G Forces don't reach these 9NM, for the drift missions however it's obviously too much as the same FFB Loss happens there too.

But without the mentioned Frame Drops like with GT7.

I don't know Guys but I'll just sit this crap out until Fanatec finally releases it's new Firmware.

Like I said I'm very much convinced that it is the Torque Levels causing some mechanical issues which then kind of overloads the WQR or whatever it might be only to then dropout completely.

Maybe I'm wrong and it's something different but however something definitely has to be done ASAP.

No idea why it just suddenly started to occur since a few days as I never had any issues before and I didn't change any settings not on my Wheelbase and not in game.

This is not cool... 🙄

My only hope is that Fanatec can fix this issue with their upcoming new Driver / Firmware Version.

Otherwise I'll be forced to return my Wheelbase for an RMA...
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Wait...what? Did PD nerf the max torque? To how much? (just bought the DD+!)
The number is a mystery as the nerfing occurred without any sort of communication from PD. The number 18% was floated by @Yes No and i was in the about 15% ish camp so i’m buying that number.

I hope they give it back to us relatively soon. Really miss that extra force. It was amazing in vr. Wasn’t constantly tweaking wheel settings, just driving. It was such a joy…now…its fine.

Hope its just a bump in the road on the way to a fully supported wheel.. which i can play the game by trying..instead of hotlapping and tweaking my various wheels ad naseum
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OK back again with a quick update.
GT7 has become unplayable with my Wheelbase.
The FFB loss bug is happening so much no matter how often I restart and unplug everything.
I did a few quick tests to try and check out what might cause the issue and to me it most certainly seems to be FFB Torque related.
My Wheelbase Settings have always been at 100% and my in game settings are always set to 5/8.
So around 7.5NM.

These Settings are most obviously too much to handle and it's causing these dropouts.
I can clearly notice these dropouts happening after big and long Torque peaks going through corners at high speeds.
Sometimes it just loses the FFB during these FFB peaks, but as soon as I exit the corner and the torque levels decrease slowly the frame rate hiccups kick in and the FFB is gone completely.

No FFB at all, Shift paddles not working.
I had 1 moment where it just disappeared showing me the F 😅 on my Wheel only to creep back in and the F disappeared on the Wheel showing my speed numbers again and selected gear... and the next corner it then completely gave up again.

Same thing happened while playing Motorfest doing 1 of the drift Playlists.
During these Missions the G Forces / Torque Levels become very high.
I have the FFB set to 9NM or 60% in Motorfest and 100% on my Wheelbase and while cruising down the twisties with these settings everything is fine as I drive my cars within the tire grip limits and therefore the simulated G Forces don't reach these 9NM, for the drift missions however it's obviously too much as the same FFB Loss happens there too.

But without the mentioned Frame Drops like with GT7.

I don't know Guys but I'll just sit this crap out until Fanatec finally releases it's new Firmware.

Like I said I'm very much convinced that it is the Torque Levels causing some mechanical issues which then kind of overloads the WQR or whatever it might be only to then dropout completely.

Maybe I'm wrong and it's something different but however something definitely has to be done ASAP.

No idea why it just suddenly started to occur since a few days as I never had any issues before and I didn't change any settings not on my Wheelbase and not in game.

This is not cool... 🙄

My only hope is that Fanatec can fix this issue with their upcoming new Driver / Firmware Version.

Otherwise I'll be forced to return my Wheelbase for an RMA...
457 should be close, so I guess it won't hurt too much to wait and see. I assume you're running 455, so it really concerns me that it was running fine to what you have now. Unless PD did something, it sounds more like a mechanical failure. Starting to worry a little about buying in early with Fanatec.
Hmmm could be PD could be Fanatec ⁉️
Respectfully, you could only reach that conclusion if you ONLY play GT7. For those of us who have owned these bases for years at a time with a multitude of games, we can assure that you statement is incorrect. My wheel has never been nerfed and performed consistently better in ACC than it does in GT7.

This is a pattern of behavior that is specific to PD but gets excused on this forum because of fandom.
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Has anyone with a DD+ experience the "Steering Sensitivity" bug in GT7 yet? Apparently it's a new feature from the GT7 1.43/4 game update. I have only encountered the bug while using the DD Pro so far. I was doing a lot of testing between both bases this weekend for grins.
Found this post in the Fanatec forum (link below). Sounds like PD is aware of steering sensitivity issue. Possible update in the near future, along with other FFB fixes hopefully.

April 11
They are reverting a change which probably caused the issue and by that it should be solved in their next update I think
Not sure what nerfed means exactly, but when looking a the FFB to the DD Extreme it is capped at 83% of full extent values, in a very similar way that the Logitech Gpro is capped at 72%.
Not sure what nerfed means exactly, but when looking a the FFB to the DD Extreme it is capped at 83% of full extent values, in a very similar way that the Logitech Gpro is capped at 72%.
On more than one occasion, PD has changed the FFB level and/or how communicative the wheel is in terms of car dynamics. It's often done with little-to-no explanation or an ETA for remediation.
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What is a Sensitivity bug, how does it look like and no I haven't noticed anything like that so far.
Would you mind describing it 🙂
The sensitivity bug behaves in the following way...You pick a random car and jump into a race. It can be an AI single player race or an online Daily race. It doesn't matter. You start to drive down the track, then when you start to turn the wheel, you realize you had to turn the wheel a lot more than you would expect. For example, I jumped into my Mercedes GT3 car. I went to race then realized I had to turn the wheel 180 degrees to negotiate a 45 degree turn. It felt like driving a big rig truck. I got around the track ok, but turning the wheel 180 degrees or more was comical. Anyway, I've never experienced this before using my DD+, but experienced it when I put the DD Pro back on my rig. The way to undo the bug is to simply go to the options menu then jump back in to whatever you're were doing. No need to reboot the base or game. Here's others describing it as well. This has yet to happen to me using the DD+, so I wondered if any of you had seen it happen using a DD+
The sensitivity bug behaves in the following way...You pick a random car and jump into a race. It can be an AI single player race or an online Daily race. It doesn't matter. You start to drive down the track, then when you start to turn the wheel, you realize you had to turn the wheel a lot more than you would expect. For example, I jumped into my Mercedes GT3 car. I went to race then realized I had to turn the wheel 180 degrees to negotiate a 45 degree turn. It felt like driving a big rig truck. I got around the track ok, but turning the wheel 180 degrees or more was comical. Anyway, I've never experienced this before using my DD+, but experienced it when I put the DD Pro back on my rig. The way to undo the bug is to simply go to the options menu then jump back in to whatever you're were doing. No need to reboot the base or game. Here's others describing it as well. This has yet to happen to me using the DD+, so I wondered if any of you had seen it happen using a DD+
A ok I see.
And to be honest it happened with my Wheelbase too now that you mentioned it.
I didn't thought it's anything special though as to me it seemed as if it was something similar as what I had with my DD Pro where the FFB would suddenly feel a lot heavier which I was able to negotiate by simply pause and unpause the game.
Same way as I did on my DD+ when the steering radius suddenly felt off.
I just paused and unpause it and it was OK.
But yeah I had that from the beginning since using the DD+ not that often to be honest just a couple of times so i didn't bother as it was easily solved.
I had this problem with my F1 DD wheel on day one, or something eerily similar. Anytime I took that really tight left turn at Deep Forest, or the sharp hairpin after T2 at Suzuka, my steering would just suddenly stop responding, or it took a TON of steering if I took either turn 'at speed'. If I slowed way down it helped a lot. I haven't tried with my DD-X wheelbase yet as my driving time as of late is non-existent. But I am curious even more now after what @FMW is describing.

I kinda chalk that one up to the game thinking a wheel is a controller.

I cycle pause out of cutscenes like an ocd disaster after getting burned in a daily so regarding frequency…enough!

@Podger Thats what a nerf is! It was rough around the edges, but awesome and realistic!! Dialed down to; cool peripheral bro.

A nerf at its core definition is a weakening. And it has been weakened. I hope this is for a good reason, such as protecting against qr’s getting flooded, or some backround thing preparing for full force implementation. But right now, from where we stand, PD weakened the wheel and introduced a few bugs with 1.43. Not great. Also, very frustrating. This thing and gt7 can be amazing. Yet…. Ugh. I have an impatient^^
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Found this post in the Fanatec forum (link below). Sounds like PD is aware of steering sensitivity issue. Possible update in the near future, along with other FFB fixes hopefully.

April 11
They are reverting a change which probably caused the issue and by that it should be solved in their next update I think
Yeah. I had stumbled on that same thread too. It looks like it CAN HAPPEN with the DD +. I follow RORY's channel. Guess I missed seeing his mishap with the bug. Looks like it affects all FANATEC wheels at the moment. Crazy.
Another quick update.
My Wheelbase is now more or less completely unusable.
It keeps disconnecting and reconnecting every few seconds, even not using high torque values or by just simply cruising down the road at 50mph in a straight line.
The F shows up on the Wheel and no FFB at all only to suddenly reappear and everything is fine for the next few seconds until it disconnects and looses FFB again only to reconnect again for a few seconds to then finally disconnect completely and only a hardware reset brings it back.
And that's what's going on all the time no matter if I play GT7 or Motorfest or ACC.
Hmm, think it's about time to call for an RMA and hopefully 457 comes before I get to sent the Wheelbase in for an RMA.
If 457 solves it, I'm cool, if not well I better prepare for aong long time not being able to play... 🙄

Ah well it is what it is I guess 🫤
A nerf at its core definition is a weakening. And it has been weakened. I hope this is for a good reason, such as protecting against qr’s getting flooded, or some backround thing preparing for full force implementation. But right now, from where we stand, PD weakened the wheel and introduced a few bugs with 1.43. Not great. Also, very frustrating. This thing and gt7 can be amazing. Yet…. Ugh. I have an impatient^^
It's especially misleading when the peripheral is advertised a certain way but no longer does what it was advertised to do. Buyers are watching YT reviews and getting reviews from sites like GT Planet but 3 months into their ownership, PD changes the game functionality. PD did it with the DD Pro and now they're doing it with the new wheel.

Now those same buyers/early adopters are stuck with a $700+ device that isn't what it was advertised to be. That's incredibly misleading and wholly unfair.

And this is where I become agitated at media outlets for not shaming PD for these tactics. But that's just me, it makes me wildly unpopular around these parts.
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I had this problem with my F1 DD wheel on day one, or something eerily similar. Anytime I took that really tight left turn at Deep Forest, or the sharp hairpin after T2 at Suzuka, my steering would just suddenly stop responding, or it took a TON of steering if I took either turn 'at speed'. If I slowed way down it helped a lot. I haven't tried with my DD-X wheelbase yet as my driving time as of late is non-existent. But I am curious even more now after what @FMW is describing.

I have this happen occasionally with my regular DD GT pro however it would be the start of a QT session. The car would suddenly stop reponding to steering inputs or regular LOTS of turn as if the angle of attack was reduced by say a factor of 4. Exiting and restarting would fix it.

I always figured this was a GT issue as it started to happen after one of the last updates.
Hello Guys,
Hopefully someone can help me with the following problem.
I can't add a bought Product to my Fanatec Products in my Customer Account and therefore it's not possible to open an RMA Support Ticket.

I tried to add my DD Extreme to my "My Products Page" but it doesn't get added.
I used the Link provided on the Fanatec Page

I filled out all necessary info's like Serial Number, Date of Purchase and added a photo of the bill as requested in the form provided.

Yet when I finally hit the "Add Product" Button nothing happens.

So my question is how do I get it added.
How can I use my warranty.

I already contacted the Fanatec Customer Support and explained it very detailed.

3 min later I received this nonsensical and most obviously automated mail

What should I do now?
I'm kind of confused and hope someone here might help me.

Edit : I just stumbled over this poor souls topic on the Fanatec Forum and he describes exactly the same issue I'm having


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Hello Guys,
Hopefully someone can help me with the following problem.
I can't add a bought Product to my Fanatec Products in my Customer Account and therefore it's not possible to open an RMA Support Ticket.

I tried to add my DD Extreme to my "My Products Page" but it doesn't get added.
I used the Link provided on the Fanatec Page View attachment 1346951

I filled out all necessary info's like Serial Number, Date of Purchase and added a photo of the bill as requested in the form provided.

Yet when I finally hit the "Add Product" Button nothing happens.

So my question is how do I get it added.
How can I use my warranty.

I already contacted the Fanatec Customer Support and explained it very detailed.

3 min later I received this nonsensical and most obviously automated mail

What should I do now?
I'm kind of confused and hope someone here might help me.

Edit : I just stumbled over this poor souls topic on the Fanatec Forum and he describes exactly the same issue I'm having
Try Crome