Fanatec Gran Turismo DD Extreme Wheel

  • Thread starter super_gt
Okay I think I might have found the cause of my “controller disconnected” issue on my DD+. I read on reddit about somebody having the same problem on his DD Pro and narrowed it down to the bass shakers on his rig. I have a pair of Nobsound NS-01G mini amps powering four shakers. I unplugged the amps, unplugged everything including the laptop that runs the amps, and played for an hour. Not a single disconnect. I’ve had the amp and shakers for alsmost two months now and this problem only started to appear 10 days ago. Keeping my fingers crossed that EMI is the cause and not a problem with the base itself

Reddit post
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Okay I think I might have found the cause of my “controller disconnected” issue on my DD+. I read on reddit about somebody having the same problem on his DD Pro and narrowed it down to the bass shakers on his rig. I have a pair of Nobsound NS-01G mini amps powering four shakers. I unplugged the amps, unplugged everything including the laptop that runs the amps, and played for an hour. Not a single disconnect. I’ve had the amp and shakers for alsmost two months now and this problem only started to appear 10 days ago. Keeping my fingers crossed that EMI is the cause and not a problem with the base itself

Reddit post

Hmm.. that's interesting. I've been running bass shakers for a decade though. Never any issues like that with my DD Pro 8nm or any other wheel. With the amount of vibration the wheel itself causes, it can't be the vibes, but my bass shaker is under my seat, pretty far from the wheelbase. Seems any wheel should be able to handle that. It seems like if the electronics are designed correctly, the power should be going through a series of ac to dc converters and voltage regulators and other circuits that take that kind of thing into account. But it's weird that mine only seems to freeze when I have my sequential shifter hooked up too.

BTW how do you like that wheel? I'm trying to decide between that and the McLaren GT3 V2 wheel.
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What is the general consensus on the DD+ now? Is Fanatec resolving issues or is it best still to wait?

I have the GT DD Pro. No whine, no noise, no disconnects and very reliable ever since I upgraded to a dual split camp on the shaft. I do not use the GT wheel that came with it anymore (as I have the RS and V2 rims), nor have ever used the pedals (I use V2 instead) and have both 5 and 8NM official power supplies.

I'm considering selling it all (while the GT DD Pro still has some value) and replacing with the DD+ and transition to QR2 at the same time. But this thread has me concerned if that would be a bad move, as honestly, I've no real complaints with the current GT DD Pro.

My gut tells me I should still wait until PD implements true force (or whatever it is called) but my birthday is coming up and my wife is asking for ideas....
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Hmm.. that's interesting. I've been running bass shakers for a decade though. Never any issues like that with my DD Pro 8nm or any other wheel. With the amount of vibration the wheel itself causes, it can't be the vibes, but my bass shaker is under my seat, pretty far from the wheelbase. Seems any wheel should be able to handle that. It seems like if the electronics are designed correctly, the power should be going through a series of ac to dc converters and voltage regulators and other circuits that take that kind of thing into account. But it's weird that mine only seems to freeze when I have my sequential shifter hooked up too.

Yeah, it definitely has nothing to do with the vibrations itself, since the disconnects usually happen when the wheel goes idle and there is no vibration (pitstops, when the game is paused, after a race). It might be due to EMI with the way I have my amps mounted and the wiring to the shakers. I’ll do some more testing with the amps turned off before I commit to repositioning and rewiring everything. Really hoping that it’s just EMI as I’d hate to RMA with the current situation at Fanatec

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What is the general consensus on the DD+ now? Is Fanatec resolving issues or is it best still to wait?

I have the GT DD Pro. No whine, no noise, no disconnects and very reliable ever since I upgraded to a dual split camp on the shaft. I do not use the GT wheel that came with it anymore (as I have the RS and V2 rims), nor have ever used the pedals (I use V2 instead) and have both 5 and 8NM official power supplies.

I'm considering selling it all (while the GT DD Pro still has some value) and replacing with the DD+ and transition to QR2 at the same time. But this thread has me concerned if that would be a bad move, as honestly, I've no real complaints with the current GT DD Pro.

My gut tells me I should still wait until PD implements true force (or whatever it is called) but my birthday is coming up and my wife is asking for ideas....
My feeling is that the new wheels shipping out are not effected by as many of these freezing and disconnect issues. But it's hard to say. I have the DD Pro 8nm too and I'm keeping it as a backup DD wheel for the foreseeable future. At this point in time I would not want this GT DD Extreme as my only wheel just in case I need to RMA it and they don't send out a replacement first. Then again you never know what's going to happen, prices may go up, product lines might be cancelled, who knows. It seems like Fanatec will be around for the long run now anyways. I haven't really been following the news about it in the past couple week since the announcement of the company being sold though. I'm hoping all their customer support issues are sorted out in the next year. I definitely feel like an early adopter beta tester with this wheel so far. It's a lot nicer than the DD pro 8nm though, the FFB is really good as it is even w/o Full fart force. 😆
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Had my first disconnect issues. Two disconnects in the same session last Tuesday and it sounds like what BWX had experienced: steering and FFB cut out for a few seconds and then pops back in like nothing happened. I've put in about 5 hours since then with no further issues.

I upgraded from 455 for 457 when it came out, that's been the only change and I've already put in a good amount of time with 457 before anything happened.
What is the general consensus on the DD+ now? Is Fanatec resolving issues or is it best still to wait?

I have the GT DD Pro. No whine, no noise, no disconnects and very reliable ever since I upgraded to a dual split camp on the shaft. I do not use the GT wheel that came with it anymore (as I have the RS and V2 rims), nor have ever used the pedals (I use V2 instead) and have both 5 and 8NM official power supplies.

I'm considering selling it all (while the GT DD Pro still has some value) and replacing with the DD+ and transition to QR2 at the same time. But this thread has me concerned if that would be a bad move, as honestly, I've no real complaints with the current GT DD Pro.

My gut tells me I should still wait until PD implements true force (or whatever it is called) but my birthday is coming up and my wife is asking for ideas....

I’ve been running 455 when I got my DD+ in mid-March and have been really enjoying it. No disconnect issues and I won’t change fw until more bugs are fixed. Can’t compare it to other bases since this is my first fanatec.
I’m on the v2.5 x only and using qr2 pro.
Also on v3 pedals.
I do use an extension usb which is the same one I used with my thrustmaster and it works fine.

As far as coil whine goes mine has it but it is very faint and unnoticeable when the game is turned on. You really need to get close to it to hear the slight whine.
Not gonna worry about fixing the faint whine because it’s been said that it is not hurting the base.
What is the general consensus on the DD+ now? Is Fanatec resolving issues or is it best still to wait?

I have the GT DD Pro. No whine, no noise, no disconnects and very reliable ever since I upgraded to a dual split camp on the shaft. I do not use the GT wheel that came with it anymore (as I have the RS and V2 rims), nor have ever used the pedals (I use V2 instead) and have both 5 and 8NM official power supplies.

I'm considering selling it all (while the GT DD Pro still has some value) and replacing with the DD+ and transition to QR2 at the same time. But this thread has me concerned if that would be a bad move, as honestly, I've no real complaints with the current GT DD Pro.

My gut tells me I should still wait until PD implements true force (or whatever it is called) but my birthday is coming up and my wife is asking for ideas....
I'm on a very similar boat with you, except I'm using the CSW 2.5 and my birthday was over a month ago...
What is the general consensus on the DD+ now? Is Fanatec resolving issues or is it best still to wait?

I have the GT DD Pro. No whine, no noise, no disconnects and very reliable ever since I upgraded to a dual split camp on the shaft. I do not use the GT wheel that came with it anymore (as I have the RS and V2 rims), nor have ever used the pedals (I use V2 instead) and have both 5 and 8NM official power supplies.

I'm considering selling it all (while the GT DD Pro still has some value) and replacing with the DD+ and transition to QR2 at the same time. But this thread has me concerned if that would be a bad move, as honestly, I've no real complaints with the current GT DD Pro.

My gut tells me I should still wait until PD implements true force (or whatever it is called) but my birthday is coming up and my wife is asking for ideas....

I’d say, at this stage in the game, psvr2 is probably the biggest upgrade to your experience. I found pd’s nerfing of the top end and condensation of the dynamic range of ffb to be annoying. Don’t get me wrong, its still a great wheel, but between the bugs introduced post 1.43 and the nerf it seems to make more sense, especially because your dd pro is solid, to go vr presently.

Now if the wheel is unnerfed tomorrow, and full force implemented, this will become a slightly more complicated equation. However, since 1.43 things have not been moving in the right direction and until then, given your setup, i can’t see any good reason for opening this can of worms when the psvr2 would be a fantastic upgrade without all of the roulette.
I’d say, at this stage in the game, psvr2 is probably the biggest upgrade to your experience. I found pd’s nerfing of the top end and condensation of the dynamic range of ffb to be annoying. Don’t get me wrong, its still a great wheel, but between the bugs introduced post 1.43 and the nerf it seems to make more sense, especially because your dd pro is solid, to go vr presently.

Now if the wheel is unnerfed tomorrow, and full force implemented, this will become a slightly more complicated equation. However, since 1.43 things have not been moving in the right direction and until then, given your setup, i can’t see any good reason for opening this can of worms when the psvr2 would be a fantastic upgrade without all of the roulette.
I must say the PSVR2 is near the top of my list but I worry about it doing my head in and not having race splits in the daily. Plus. if I were to get it I would probably get lost driving my favorite car, cruising around the Nordschleife forever. :cheers:

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 8.24.35 AM.png

(If i ever won a lottery, getting a mid 80s Pantera GT5-S and fully restoring it would be my dream)
I must say the PSVR2 is near the top of my list but I worry about it doing my head in and not having race splits in the daily. Plus. if I were to get it I would probably get lost driving my favorite car, cruising around the Nordschleife forever. :cheers:

View attachment 1359726

(If i ever won a lottery, getting a mid 80s Pantera GT5-S and fully restoring it would be my dream)

What do you mean by, doing my head in?

As for the splits. Yes, but the childlike joy and subsequent permagrin are worth putting up with pd/sony being slackers.

I should also mention that the personality of the car, for whatever reason, comes through much stronger with vr so getting lost on the nord with your dream car is very real 😃
What do you mean by, doing my head in?

As for the splits. Yes, but the childlike joy and subsequent permagrin are worth putting up with pd/sony being slackers.

I should also mention that the personality of the car, for whatever reason, comes through much stronger with vr so getting lost on the nord with your dream car is very real 😃
I can't do things like 4D rides at Universal/Disney parks as they give me motion sickness/headache/migraine, though I don't get motion sickness driving or doing anything else; just 4D rides - so it may be limited to that.

I did give the MetaQuest 3 a spin that one of my kids has and it is very cool and kinda weird at the same time but that may have been the post apocalyptic game she was playing.
I second getting PSVR2 before upgrading wheel!
GT DD pro 8nm and PSVR2 is a great combo. GT7 is like a whole new experience in VR, it's like a whole new game.
I may just do it. I'll have to start a whole new account. Normsk_VR and start with DR E driver rating again! That could be fun going through the ranks again.:D
I can't do things like 4D rides at Universal/Disney parks as they give me motion sickness/headache/migraine, though I don't get motion sickness driving or doing anything else; just 4D rides - so it may be limited to that.

I did give the MetaQuest 3 a spin that one of my kids has and it is very cool and kinda weird at the same time but that may have been the post apocalyptic game she was playing.

I may just do it. I'll have to start a whole new account. Normsk_VR and start with DR E driver rating again! That could be fun going through the ranks again.:D
It's pretty amazing especially with a nice DD wheel, in your sim rig with bass shakers and everything. It's the difference between watching a game on TV and being inside the game. If it makes you sick at first, give it some time. You may get completely used to it over time. But yeah I'd definitely take a PSVR2 + GT DD Pro 8nm experience over a GT DD X + flat screen experience any day.
I can't do things like 4D rides at Universal/Disney parks as they give me motion sickness/headache/migraine, though I don't get motion sickness driving or doing anything else; just 4D rides - so it may be limited to that.

I did give the MetaQuest 3 a spin that one of my kids has and it is very cool and kinda weird at the same time but that may have been the post apocalyptic game she was playing.

I may just do it. I'll have to start a whole new account. Normsk_VR and start with DR E driver rating again! That could be fun going through the ranks again.:D
This is just my experience with VR. Day it launched I went full gt7 VR and I was in little kid me heaven. It's a phenomenal experience and I can't recommend it enough, especially paired with a good rig setup.

I completed most of the single player game in VR. Missions, gold licenses, gold every circuit experience etc. Looking into the corners and checking your mirrors is totally unique and advantageous.

After hitting 100% on single player I started getting more serious on the sport side and the biggest flaw imo was immediately apparent. You lose the delta times and some other HUD info. In sport I find knowing your race pace compared to the dude in front of and behind you super helpful. Also sadly, I'm just faster without VR.

Now I do all the weekly single player stuff in VR because it's fun and without in sport because I want to win.

Food for thought
I can't do things like 4D rides at Universal/Disney parks as they give me motion sickness/headache/migraine, though I don't get motion sickness driving or doing anything else; just 4D rides - so it may be limited to that.

I did give the MetaQuest 3 a spin that one of my kids has and it is very cool and kinda weird at the same time but that may have been the post apocalyptic game she was playing.

I may just do it. I'll have to start a whole new account. Normsk_VR and start with DR E driver rating again! That could be fun going through the ranks again.:D

I think much of that may be due to fps and image stabilization. Both are adequate with psvr2 so you should be fine after a breaking in period. I also think many struggle to achieve a solid perpendicular angle both horizontally and vertically. I know the vertical gave me some challenges. How ever once thats done its magic.

As for the splits, you seem to mostly inhabit B where they don’t seem important. Ive never raced online flat. So, kinda don’t know what im missing.
Question for the group...So, I've now had my 3rd "New Disconnect issue" as coined by the Fanatec Forum firmware devs and beta testers. It happened during a league practice session in preparation for this weekends ACC 4-Hour Endurance race at the Nurburgring Nordschleife. This time I also lost brakes and throttle for a second before it all came back. It goes without saying, a "New Disconnect Issue" would really suck during my 2-hour stint this Saturday. I'm willing to swap out my base for my tried and true DD Pro base. So my question, is this Disconnect Issue only affecting DD+ bases or are DD Pro owners also experiencing it? Hoping to avoid lengthy testing if the group already knows the answer. =)
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I must say the PSVR2 is near the top of my list but I worry about it doing my head in and not having race splits in the daily. Plus. if I were to get it I would probably get lost driving my favorite car, cruising around the Nordschleife forever. :cheers:

View attachment 1359726

(If i ever won a lottery, getting a mid 80s Pantera GT5-S and fully restoring it would be my dream)
If you can afford it, you should just go through with it...
It is worth it, each car is a unique experience.
You will be wow getting into each cars.

I just had my first experience with the F50, and it is so well balanced.

Post in thread 'GT7 & PSVR2'

It will take you a few weeks to get use to it, depending on how old you are, and how much you are playing per day...

But it you will forget about the first time discomfort soon enough... YMMV, but you will have to get use to it... VR definitely will play tricks to your brain 🧠

Try to bear with it, and you will enjoy the experience, worth it.
I can count the number of times on one hand that not knowing deltas and/or what the rest of the field was doing as far as pit strategy screwed me…kinda.

But the lack of information compared to pancake mode isn’t a big deal to be honest
I don't believe anymore that it'll be implemented in GT7.
Of course I hope they do, but at this point in GT7 life span...
On the other hand I'm pretty sure it's going to be available for GT8.
But to be honest I think that the current FFB Code used in GT7 is more than enough.
The DD+ does an incredible job in translating them signals into a very authentic and immersive way.
So it's nothing to be really missed.
I don't believe anymore that it'll be implemented in GT7.
Of course I hope they do, but at this point in GT7 life span...
On the other hand I'm pretty sure it's going to be available for GT8.
But to be honest I think that the current FFB Code used in GT7 is more than enough.
The DD+ does an incredible job in translating them signals into a very authentic and immersive way.
So it's nothing to be really missed.
Love your positivity bud..however,

I’d be more inclined to agree if pd unnerfed it. As it stands its hard to find a positive to how pd has handled the new wheels. The whole thing kinda reminds me of the dumpster fire which was the first year of Sony’s A7r. A brutal camera, with firmware nightmares to say the least.
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Update to my “controller disconnected” issue on my DD+. I repositioned the Nobsound mini amps, tightened and insulated the speaker terminals. Separated the power cables from the usb cables. 6 hours of driving time, not a single disconnection. Very thankful that I don’t have to deal with an RMA

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