So, it’s been interesting to read about the new 1.56 update as it relates to this specific fix:
- Lowered the vibration effect of the THRUSTMASTER® T300RS and Fanatec® GT DD Pro/Extreme.
I know a lot of folks have been “critical” of the understeer vibration effect exhibited by Fanatec DD bases when you push the car hard. I guess Thrustmaster also exhibited the trait. Personally, I’ve only noticed it when I tried to oversteer out of a situation or went into a corner way too hot. Meaning, I tried to force the car to steer more than the level of grip could provide. The effect is quite jarring, especially when I got the corner way wrong. However, for me at least, I never found this “hyper vibration” to be awful. I simply knew intuitively where the limit was. I play a lot of single player mode, and I do league racing. I’d say I reach the “understeer vibration limit” less than 2% of the time. Maybe that’s because I tend to drive smoothly and intuitively understand the limits of the cars in the game. I assume that gamers who tend to jerk the steering wheel a lot are likely to reach that “vibration” limit often. Understandable.
Anyway, before updating the game last night, I ran the Porsche Cayman GT4 car around Grand Valley as well as the Mazda GT3. I purposely over drove the cars in the sections that I knew I could induce the “understeer vibration” effect which signaled to me the steering limit of the car. I then updated the game and ran the same cars and track. Here’s what I noticed: The effect is still there, but it’s been vastly reduced. Maybe 75% less jarring. At the same time, I noticed, to get to that “understeer vibration effect limit”, your steering angle on the wheel is greater. I almost reached 90 degrees of steering angle to get to that “understeer vibration effect limit.” Whereas before, I was reaching 60 degrees to get to that limit.
How does this affect gameplay and enjoyment? For me, so far it seems I can brute force cars to steer before reaching that “understeer vibration effect limit”. Maybe the lap times will drop in my league races as I won’t have to subconsciously contend with the fear of reaching the previous “vibration” rattle during understeer. Do the cars feel insensible during steering? I would say yes. Not by a lot, but they do feel a tad numb compared to before. For me, it’s not going to ruin the game in any way.
I contend PD had to try reducing the “understeer vibration effect” because, let’s be honest, I bet a large percentage of wheel users likely brute force around the game. Maybe we’ll get more dynamic steering feel if PD ever decides to implement “FULLFORCE” to the DD+. Let’s hope it’s implemented before GT9. LOL