Fanmade GT5 Sound Previews

  • Thread starter RACECAR
New videos series:

The aim of this is to bring to life the fantasy of driving certain cars currently not in the game via well placed In-game footage and well timed sounds from the real cars.
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Hahaha this is amazing man. Great job. This is how sounds should be in GT5. Wake up PD just wake up.

Take a look at GTR2 on PC, Race07 and GTL. Those games have the best sound in the market.

You did a great job with the editing in these videos. Keep doing it. ;)
Another one, this I'm most proud of because I got to finally finish it:

Before anyone points it out, yes I know I'm using the Lambo V12 and not the BMW V12. There is no real life BMW V12 LMR onboards so I had to resort to using a V12 source that was the closest sounding and in my seach, the Mucielago R-SV's V12 was it. At the end however, I was able to find a video with the flyby of the BMW V12.
What is the point of this? You've not fixed anything, just dubbed the videos. What is that meant to prove? Because it has no relation to sound design in a game.
What is the point of this? You've not fixed anything, just dubbed the videos. What is that meant to prove?

I'm not proving anything. Seriously, whats the point of you complaining about every damn thing? Thats all I see you do and now, you bring your crap here. Did you not read the title where it says "Fanmade"? Since you're clearly too lazy, here's "the point" of this thread from the first post:

So here's an idea I came up with over the weekend: I download some of the those gameplay videos from Mimaximax and I replaced the classical music/annoying crowd noise with real engine sounds. Not an original concept with other games but since I saw no one do this with GT5(or at least not right anyway), I gave it a shot. The amount of views I got on Youtube certainly seem to tell me it was a great idea so I figured I'd share them with you guys.

Thats how it started and thats what I'm doing. Now take your moaning somewhere else.

My only thought is to show how well goods sounds would improve gt5?

Ding! We have a winner. Sad how everyone else got the point except one guy.
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For those of you still watching this thread, I've got two new videos coming. One features one of my current favorites sound wise, the Lamborghini Aventador :D Now because I was able to find no onboards from a track (mostly just the run of the mill "take it on the streets and floor it then stop, floor it then stop" crap), I decided to do sort of a High Speed Run type video. Its the shortest of any of my videos, but I hope to have a proper on track one done at a later time. The second I intend on doing is abit of a surprise but before I start, I'm gonna need permission from the holders of the sound sample I want to use. When that happens, I'll begin and be done with it.

First video with the Aventador is being uploaded, shouldn't be long.

Edit: Here it is:

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For those of you still watching this thread, I've got two new videos coming. One features one of my current favorites sound wise, the Lamborghini Aventador :D Now because I was able to find no onboards from a track (mostly just the run of the mill "take it on the streets and floor it then stop, floor it then stop" crap), I decided to do sort of a High Speed Run type video. Its the shortest of any of my videos, but I hope to have a proper on track one done at a later time. The second I intend on doing is abit of a surprise but before I start, I'm gonna need permission from the holders of the sound sample I want to use. When that happens, I'll begin and be done with it.

First video with the Aventador is being uploaded, shouldn't be long.

Edit: Here it is:

Outstanding video RACECAR 👍

You inspired me to put together this short clip of a GT5 sound preview

Great video as usually Racecar. You know that i am here for the sound.

Still enjoying rFactor with the mod that i told you to try and some others that came out later as ADAC GT Masters 24hs. All FIA GT cars with outstanding sounds. (real life, no more no less what GT series needs)
Outstanding video RACECAR 👍

You inspired me to put together this short clip of a GT5 sound preview

Great video as usually Racecar. You know that i am here for the sound.

Still enjoying rFactor with the mod that i told you to try and some others that came out later as ADAC GT Masters 24hs. All FIA GT cars with outstanding sounds. (real life, no more no less what GT series needs)

Incredible work RACECAR!

Thanks alot guys.

Well, the second video I had promised will have to wait as the people with the sound sample have told me to wait a while. So in the meanwhile, I've decided to go do another surprise video and I think many people will love it. I think its probably the best one I've done yet. It'll be up in a minute.

The material you sent me was unfortunately not what I could use. I thank you though for trying to help:tup:

Edit: Video is up

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OMG! 0.o this is insane! I only wish PD would actually look at this as it shames them so badly! :D Very nice work there 👍

All hail Racecar for his awesome work!
New one I made a week ago, but only posted yesterday:

Video quality is bad because the video I used is bad quality. I did find some better quality ones, but they all apparently were made by people who think switching between views repeatidly is a good idea :ouch: This is my last one (for now at least) since I can't find an onboard for the other cars that doesn't have annoying commentary or bad quality sound.

I know its been a while, but I've got a new thread for GT6 here

Taking requests for certain cars at the moment so feel free to post one in the thread.