Farenheit 9/11

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GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)
Who is going to see this movie? I am a Bush-hater so I have to see this movie. I believe it will have a limited release, nut I hope they release it here. Micheal Moore is a liberal Genius, but he doesn't make this stuff up, so he is just an instagator.

btw, I know there is a Movies forum, but this might be a better place for this political movie.
I'm definitely going to see this. I love to see the bull**** that spews from Michael Moore's mouth. If nothing else, it'll give me a few good laughs. I can't even imagine the pure trash arguments that will be made in this movie.

Anyone who believes a word from Mike Moore's mouth is a ****ing cretin.

He's just going to blame the September 11 attacks on Bush and Roger Smith. I can already see it.
I'll definetely see it. I hope there is a bit less truth bending in this one than in Bowling for Colombine, since it doesn't really help him to get his message through.

I've read an article that helped me believe that freedom of press is still a valid concept today: Moore described Fox News as a biased network that is sold to the Republicans. Then i see this article. Yep. Freedom of press still exists. :P

Edit: I've just read the above... Gee, I must be a ****ing cretin.:ouch: That hurts.

I wish you lose some balls in St-Lawrence Gulf because of New Brunswick winds. :grumpy:
i hope to see it asap. see signature.

Limits to freedom is good. If there were no limits to freedom, there would be anarchy and Anarchy = bad.

I'm guessing you are one of the losers with that sticker with the red "A" with a circle around it on their car? :rolleyes:
wow, jpmontoya i just read the article you have the link to and was really surprised that it was put up by Fox News. I thought they would being saying the same things Klos is saying. I will go see this in theatres as soon as i can now. I most likely was going to wait to rent it or probably would have never seen it. Everything i've been hearing about Moore told me that he was some fanatical liberal and everything he says is lies. But that article showed the other side. I definately want to see this now.
Besides Al Franken and Tim Robbins, Al Sharpton, Mike Myers, Tony Bennett, Glenn Close, Gretchen Mol (newly married over the weekend to director Todd Williams), Lori Singer, Tony Kushner, "Angela's Ashes" author Frank McCourt, Jill Krementz and Kurt Vonnegut, Lauren Bacall (chatting up a fully refurbished Lauren Hutton), Richard Gere, John McEnroe and Patti Smythe, former U.N. ambassador Richard Holbrooke, Carson Daly, NBC's Jeff Zucker, a very pregnant Rory Kennedy, playwright Israel Horovitz, Macaulay Culkin, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Kyra Sedgwick, Linda Evangelista, Ed Bradley, Tom and Meredith Brokaw, director Barry Levinson, NBC anchor Brian Williams, Vernon Jordan, Eva Mendes, Sandra Bernhard and the always humorous Joy Behar.
This batch of dyed-in-the-wool New Liberals gives the movie a standing ovation, and somehow this is news? I don't get it.




Michael Moore
Moore was comparably impassioned about Sierra Pacific Industries' recently approved Timber Harvest Plan for Sunny Brae. "They shouldn't be cutting the trees down in the first place," Moore said. "Who is this company? How come this one company gets to decide, gets to own all this land? These are one of the biggest landowners in this country - no one individual should be able to own that much property.
Michael Moore
"I'm a millionaire, I'm a multi-millionaire, I'm filthy rich. You know why I'm a multi-millionaire? 'Cause multi-millions like what I do. That's pretty good, isn't it? There's millions that believe in what I do. Pretty cool, huh?"
This man looks like a bigger and bigger ass every time he opens his mouth.
This batch of dyed-in-the-wool New Liberals gives the movie a standing ovation, and somehow this is news? I don't get it.




This man looks like a bigger and bigger ass every time he opens his mouth.

wow, you really don't like him..which is cool, thats your view on him. what do you fear with this new film coming out? him bashing on Bush? or his liberal views?
I'll definetely see it. I hope there is a bit less truth bending in this one than in Bowling for Colombine, since it doesn't really help him to get his message through.

I've read an article that helped me believe that freedom of press is still a valid concept today: Moore described Fox News as a biased network that is sold to the Republicans. Then i see this article. Yep. Freedom of press still exists. :P

Edit: I've just read the above... Gee, I must be a ****ing cretin.:ouch: That hurts.

I wish you lose some balls in St-Lawrence Gulf because of New Brunswick winds. :grumpy:
You're saying you believe in what Michael Moore says? He hasn't made a single statement that holds any merit in a single one of his movies. If you want to listen to him, be my guest, but it's stupid.

That's a fact, not an opinion.
You're saying you believe in what Michael Moore says? He hasn't made a single statement that holds any merit in a single one of his movies. If you want to listen to him, be my guest, but it's stupid.

That's a fact, not an opinion.
I don't buy anything Moore would put in his movies (without verifying the facts first), but let's just say he has his ways of passing his message, which sometimes are questionable, but also very effective. He might just be playing the same game as we're getting used to. When I compare this to Colin Powell presenting the UN a word for word copy of student thesis that is 12 years old to the UN council as evidence that another country needs to be invaded, well, Moore's contradictions don't bother me that much. And let's just count how much people think that the invasion of Iraq was justified because Bush administration always suggested that Saddam was involved in 9/11 attacks, shall we?

I've only seen Bowling for Columbine and read a few articles by him yet, and yes, it's easy to find some false statements from his movies, but that doesn't invalidates everything he says. I live in Canada and I lock the front door even when I'm home, and violent crimes are committed here as well. Perhaps for that I should change my views and label him an idot, then begin to search for Marylin Manson before he poison the mind of another young kid and get him to slaughter his classmates?

This is a proven opinion, not an arguable fact.
wow, you really don't like him..which is cool, thats your view on him. what do you fear with this new film coming out? him bashing on Bush? or his liberal views?
I don't fear the movie coming out. Believe it or don't, I'm not a Bush supporter (I didn't vote for him the first time, and won't again). What I hate about Moore is his fundamental hypocrisy. He delights in trying to make himself look smart by making others look stupid, yet he resorts to idiotic tricks and outright lies - all the while bashing others for doing the same thing. The worst part is that he dresses the whole putrid mess up and calls it a documentary.

As I said in the other thread, if he was using these tactics to make up fictional stories and admitted it, I would just think he was a garden variety rebel-without-a-clue. But he stakes the moral high ground for himself when he clearly has no scruples whatsoever.

He's like Larry Flynt, except minus the naked women and the self-honesty.
On a semi-related topic, it really pisses me off when people like Michael Moore complain about how the public has the right to know everything that is going on in the US government. What they don't realize (or just blatantly ignore) is that there are many 'things' that really shouldn't be known. Think about if all of a sudden the government said 'Oh, by the way, we just got some information on a terrorist attack, but since it is a terrorist attack, we don't know when or where, so just try not to panic.' It would cause pandemoneum. There are limits on freedom for a reason.
What they don't realize (or just blatantly ignore) is that there are many 'things' that really shouldn't be known.

Another way to support this is with classified information. Imagine if our military's technological secrets got into the hands of the enemy because we all decided that we should know everything the government knows.
Think about if all of a sudden the government said 'Oh, by the way, we just got some information on a terrorist attack, but since it is a terrorist attack, we don't know when or where, so just try not to panic.' It would cause pandemoneum.

This is describing the Bush Panic-O-Meter or threat level indicator or whatever they call it exactly. It doesn't really cause pandemoneum (sp?) though.

I think the only limit on freedom shoud be to not infringe on someone elses freedom, rights, or safety. An honest government shouldn't have anything to hide. Making any other destinction is going to make people who disagree feel persecuted. Smoking a joint or wanting a "happy ending" with your body rub isn't going to hurt anyone. It works in Holland.
I think the only limit on freedom shoud be to not infringe on someone elses freedom, rights, or safety.

Sure. But you infringe on other people's rights and safety if you release classified information tied to national security.

I'm going to assume you didn't ignore my post on purpose. Hopefully you'll read this one.
Why assume he didn't ignore your post on purpose? That's what he does with mine when he can't answer them, like this one:
I don't fear the movie coming out. Believe it or don't, I'm not a Bush supporter (I didn't vote for him the first time, and won't again). What I hate about Moore is his fundamental hypocrisy. He delights in trying to make himself look smart by making others look stupid, yet he resorts to idiotic tricks and outright lies - all the while bashing others for doing the same thing. The worst part is that he dresses the whole putrid mess up and calls it a documentary.

As I said in the other thread, if he was using these tactics to make up fictional stories and admitted it, I would just think he was a garden variety rebel-without-a-clue. But he stakes the moral high ground for himself when he clearly has no scruples whatsoever.

He's like Larry Flynt, except minus the naked women and the self-honesty.
This is describing the Bush Panic-O-Meter or threat level indicator or whatever they call it exactly. It doesn't really cause pandemoneum (sp?) though.

I was thinking more along the lines of what the whole 9/11 commision has been saying; that the goverment should have released information on a terrorist attack.

I's also like to say that, like neon_duke, I'm not a Bush supporter, and if I could have voted, i wouldn't have voted for him.
This is describing the Bush Panic-O-Meter or threat level indicator or whatever they call it exactly. It doesn't really cause pandemoneum (sp?) though.

I think the only limit on freedom shoud be to not infringe on someone elses freedom, rights, or safety. An honest government shouldn't have anything to hide. Making any other destinction is going to make people who disagree feel persecuted. Smoking a joint or wanting a "happy ending" with your body rub isn't going to hurt anyone. It works in Holland.

you are incabable of seeing the larger picture. your statement clearly illustrates your shortsightedness.
This is describing the Bush Panic-O-Meter or threat level indicator or whatever they call it exactly. It doesn't really cause pandemoneum (sp?) though.

I think the only limit on freedom shoud be to not infringe on someone elses freedom, rights, or safety. An honest government shouldn't have anything to hide. Making any other destinction is going to make people who disagree feel persecuted. Smoking a joint or wanting a "happy ending" with your body rub isn't going to hurt anyone. It works in Holland.
But it doesn't work all the time. The Dutch are always shutting down drug parlors and putting an end to the possesion and trafficing of drugs. Not complete freedom, but more than others.
What bigger picture are you looking for? You don't need any more military technology or secrets, you should just f'ing get along. Like every other 1st world country does. Why? Because peace is better than war.
What bigger picture are you looking for? You don't need any more military technology or secrets, you should just f'ing get along. Like every other 1st world country does. Why? Because peace is better than war.

"If you would seek peace, prepare for war." ("Si vis pacem, para bellum")
That dude thinks he lives in a Utopia ..You need to open your eyes and get real. the Osamas of the world would just as soon cut your fool head off while you tell them of your 1st world countrys peacefullness.
Ohhhhhhhhh Osama I love people and would never hurt anyone! Join us in a group hug to promote peace on earth ! Could you put the big knife down now....ahh Osama ? thats not nice....play fair ...I'm unarmed...ouch...you didn't have to take it literaly ! Lets not loose our heads now..oops
What bigger picture are you looking for? You don't need any more military technology or secrets, you should just f'ing get along. Like every other 1st world country does. Why? Because peace is better than war.
Wow. I hadn't ever sat down and thought about it that way before! You're absolutely right! I'm going straight out and spread that message of joy to the whole world.
Let us know how that works out for you.

Peace is better than war. But there can be no peace when some people have already claimed that the only acceptable world is one without any other kind of person in it, and are prepared to die trying to make it that way.

And in this equation, that isn't the West.
What bigger picture are you looking for? You don't need any more military technology or secrets, you should just f'ing get along. Like every other 1st world country does. Why? Because peace is better than war.


That struck me as hilarious. I'm sure Osama and Saddam really just wanted to talk things out over some tea, because, given their track record of killing, they obviously think peace is better than war.
So I've got a problem. I want to see Farenheit 9/11 so that I can thwart its weak arguments, but I don't want to financially support the movie.

Can someone post me his arguments so I can defeat them?

I know of at least one.

He approached congressmen asking them to sign their sons up for service in Iraq to see their reaction trying to expose them as hypocrits. Willing to send your sons to Iraq but not their own.

While I'm sure none of the congressmen in the movie said this, the proper response is the following.

My son can do what he chooses after he's 18, I can't sign him up for the Army.
While he's under 18 he's not allowed to be in the Army so I can't sign him up then either.

The bottom line is that no parent is happy when their child chooses a dangerours profession. Whether it's police officer, fire fighter or military... every parent worries that the worst could happen. That doesn't mean that we don't need firemen or policemen. It also doesn't mean that I wouldn't support my child's decision were he to choose to go in to the armed forces and serve his country. But its his choice, not mine.

Of course, if anyone had said that they wouldn't be in the movie.

In another part of the movie a congressmen says that he signed the patriot act into law without reading it and that they don't read most of the things they sign in to law.

The reasoning behind this is that they sign more pages of legislation every year than one could possibly read. That means that there is even more legislation that they don't sign that also doesn't get read. They can't read everything that is put forth, that's why they have committees read it for them and make recommendations. The problem is really that they sign too much legislation into law and has nothing to do with the patriot act or the Bush administration.

Of course, if anyone had said that they wouldn't have been in the movie.

So what other feable arguments are in the movie that were so persuasive to you, the impressionable viewer.