Farenheit 9/11

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The way I see it is that it's also absurd for some to blame Marylin Manson or video games for what happened in Columbine, and to close their eyes on how easily regular psychopathic wakos have access to guns? Or ask themselves what could be the possible causes that turned kids into psychopathic wakos?(duh, I forgot about Marylin Manson musicians nicknames...)

Yea, or knives, or chemicals to make bombs, or cars. I guess we should probably restrict the hell out of all of that stuff so that the rest of us don't suffer. Hmmm? Why don't we just pander to the lowest common denominator in society? Why not just sacrifice everyone's freedom to make sure that nobody can break the law?

It's not Marylin Manson's fault, or video games. You could blame the parents, but the human mind is a complex thing and lots of people go crazy for some pretty odd reasons.

For insane relgious psychopathic wakos, I don't know... But when it suits us, or that their 'insanity' could be useful in some way, help us make a buck or two and fight other 'evil ennemies', they are very nice guys.

I'm not stupid enough to think that everyone who helps me is a nice guy. I don't expect you are either.
I look at your comments up there and I have to wonder if you are really an "elitist" when it comes to your thinking.

What the hell are you talking about?

Are you sure you know what responsibility, right and wrong are? All of us in the U.S. have made them selves (including me) think that we are a bubble in our own world.

Right and wrong are not that hard. Give me an example that is ambiguous or shut up.

Your saying what we do the rest of the world doesn't know about or care?

No, I'm not. I suggest you read more carefully.

Wake up and smell the coffee, as harsh of a comment this is so what those people died, in other countries those deaths aren't even a drop in the bucket compared to what they experience. Look at their cities. We complain when our few people died, what do you think these other countries feel when one whole town is distroyed??

Their town gets destroyed that's their problem. Our town gets destroyed thats our problem. And we have the muscles to fix it.

I see nothing wrong with that.
Forgot about the columbine comment... weither stats say it or not, Kids are like sponges and the way I see the world right now, I'm glad I'm not a kid. I'm not saying it was better when I was a kid but there are signs that are hard to ignore. The biggest one is reality shows and what kids are learning from them. You may not be responsible for their actions but there is a complex reason. The main thing is weither they know the difference between reality and fantasy now. That's why there isn't as good a sense of responsibility, right and wrong are.
Their town gets destroyed that's their problem. Our town gets destroyed thats our problem. And we have the muscles to fix it.

I see nothing wrong with that.

:lol: Only because they have our oil j/k
Danoff and Duke, well, I'm sorry to learn that I'm a desperate case who really doesn't want to learn what reason is.

I thought the opinions forums was a place to voice and discuss opinions. But it's more a place where you teach others what is right and what is wrong, and if they don't get it, well subtle (or not so subtle) insultfest takes over.

I often feel the the same exasperation that you have when I hear thoughts that are the opposite of my beliefs, but I've never seen you as desperate cases who needs to be enlightened. I understand your beliefs and your arguments, there are just some fundamental differences in our ways of seeing things, and yes, I could be mistaken. If I didn't have any doubts over my beliefs I wouldn't be discussing it here.

I think I'll steer clear of the opinions forum for a while. Now I understand the rule of Etiquette that says political discussions should be avoided at the table.

And if you're frustrated over 12 years old teenagers opinion, don't worry, it's likely time will make it change. At that age, I was watching Desert storm news reports on CNN, and God I was excited about seeing Tomahawk missiles hitting targets live, that was waaay too cool.
I often feel the the same exasperation that you have when I hear thoughts that are the opposite of my beliefs, but I've never seen you as desperate cases who needs to be enlightened. I understand your beliefs and your arguments, there are just some fundamental differences in our ways of seeing things, and yes, I could be mistaken. If I didn't have any doubts over my beliefs I wouldn't be discussing it here.

I don't think anyone has called you or anyone a "desperate case who needs to be enlightened".

Only because they have our oil j/k

I don't understand what this has to do with the quote you put above it.
Danoff and Duke, well, I'm sorry to learn that I'm a desperate case who really doesn't want to learn what reason is.
I didn't classify you as a "desperate case". I doubt danoff does either, since he invited you to take your time, think about Farenheit 911 as long as necessary, and come back with the specific parts you found credible, so those points could be discussed rationally and in detail.
I thought the opinions forums was a place to voice and discuss opinions. But it's more a place where you teach others what is right and what is wrong, and if they don't get it, well subtle (or not so subtle) insultfest takes over.
Indeed, this is a place for opinions. As I've stated several times now, I would not object to Michael Moore's films if they were offered as fiction, satire, or editorial works. These are all genres that are based completely upon opinion. However, Moore insists on categorizing his films as documentaries, which is defined (www.dictionary.com) as:
2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
Moore's work clearly does not adhere to this in any way, as I'm sure even the biggest fan will admit. Yet he is quick to sell it, and the public is quick to buy it, as "documentary" - lending his work a validity it does not posess at all.
I often feel the the same exasperation that you have when I hear thoughts that are the opposite of my beliefs, but I've never seen you as desperate cases who needs to be enlightened. I understand your beliefs and your arguments, there are just some fundamental differences in our ways of seeing things, and yes, I could be mistaken. If I didn't have any doubts over my beliefs I wouldn't be discussing it here.
I am always interested in finding holes in my own logic. It's a full-time pursuit for me, and it is one of the main reasons I participate in this forum. I've been shown some errors in my logic that have helped me consolidate my thoughts.

If people show that they are capable of logic, then they are not "desperate cases in need of enlightenment". I often disagree with you, but you're definitely capable of logic, and therefore I respect you. The same goes with Gil and Pako, with whom I've had logical debates. We can acknowledge that each other have a thought process, without agreeing to the outcome.

But I get tired of wasting coherent thought and the time to express it on people who are not interested in coherent thought. That's what prompted my post to danoff.
I think I'll steer clear of the opinions forum for a while. Now I understand the rule of the Etiquette that says political discussions should be avoided at the table.
That's up to you, of course. But please don't think I'm trying to run you off, and please don't assume that anything I say on this board is based on my position as a staff member, because it isn't.
And if you're frustrated over 12 years old teenagers opinion, don't worry, it's likely time will make it change. At that age, I was watching Desert storm news reports on CNN, and God I was excited about seeing Tomahawk missiles hitting targets live, that was waaay too cool.
I'm happy to try to demonstrate logical thought to people of any age. And yes, I would hope that a person's thought processes mature as they do. People may well start out in one place and end up in another, and as long as that is based on a logical thought process, I support the method regardless of the conclusion.

But blindly swallowing anything that is against the status quo is just as idiotic as blindly swallowing anything that is for it. Many - most - of the users I've come in disagreement with here have fallen into this category. What frustrates me is their complete unwillingness to acknowledge that. They frequently state things like:
I don't care if the 9/11 attacks were really terrorist or not, I just blame the government either way. America is the one who started the attacks either way, by supporting the Jews and opposing the Taliban, I say America should stop trying to police the planet and get back to our own problems.
It is difficult for a person of conscience, regardless of which side they support, to let such a screamingly irrational and inane statement go unchallenged. And the more hysterically such things are broadcast, the more strongly they must be countered.
This part of the forum is such a constant fight its a wonder the owner keeps it here at all,

In my humble opinion, this is that is exactly why the opinions section is such an important part of this website. If it weren't here, we'd be having these discussions in other parts of the site where they don't belong.

One might even say that it's necessary to have the opinion section.
I don't see things as black and white, especially in that case... Ever had mixed feelings about someone? and isn't a good politician nowadays is someone capable of rallying the most people behind him , even if bending the truth and lying is required?

I see things more in black and white. To me he is a man without honor . Therefore can't be trusted in anything. I don't believe a good politician should have to bend the truth. But then again the words good and politician are oximorons.

If the guy is such a liar and his movies are completely filled with lies, I'm wondering why he isn't overwhelmed with lawsuits?

I'm sure they aren't completely filled with lies. A practiced liar is able to mix lies with truth to make his case more believable to more people. (much like politician)
I'm sure they aren't completely filled with lies. A practiced liar is able to mix lies with truth to make his case more believable to more people. (much like politician)

A practiced liar is able to tell all lies. A practiced politician is able to tell mainly the truth with a few lies to help his case sprinkled in.
Well, I may have misunderstood these posts and who you were referring to, sorry about this. Ignorance and lazyness is indeed frustrating, and that's seen on both side of almost any debate, especially over the net.
The user reviews section I've checked for the movie on a local site were filled with people that obviously would either swallow anything thrown at them in a good fashion, and others would refute anything in the movie without questioning it, and both of them are just unwilling to see the other side.

Rough summary of the reviews I've seen:

90%: Moore is a Hero, Bush is Satan. (Let's burn him.)
5%: Moore is a fat lying communist bastard. (Let's burn him instead)
5%: Moderate views, with arguments and intelligent comments on both sides. - Yay!

Any conclusion? Even if for the most part I agree with Moore's movie, that leaves me with a rather cynical view of our democratic process, and whoever wins is the side which will put the best show for the masses. I guess Moore, as all politicians, understood that a few years ago... When a huge part of our population is more able to hold a coherent discussion on their favorite reality show than on the politics that govern their country, something's really wrong. (this is not directed toward the US by the way, it's exactly the same here.)

I would not object to Michael Moore's films if they were offered as fiction, satire, or editorial works. These are all genres that are based completely upon opinion. However, Moore insists on categorizing his films as documentaries, which is defined (www.dictionary.com) as:
2. Presenting facts objectively without editorializing or inserting fictional matter, as in a book or film.
Moore's work clearly does not adhere to this in any way, as I'm sure even the biggest fan will admit. Yet he is quick to sell it, and the public is quick to buy it, as "documentary" - lending his work a validity it does not posess at all.
From dictionary.com, I've found this too:

n. pl. doc·u·men·ta·ries
A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.

I think Farenheit 911 fits this description fairly well. It's not like he hides the fact that this movie represents his opinions... and I agree that they are often based on interpretation of facts, and are shown in all the subtility of an eighteen wheeler running over you, but anyone who concludes that this movie is the truth because it's called a documentary really is a moron who can't think for himself, and I don't think changing the label to editorial movie would help for that.

Thanks for claryfying your thoughts. I'll come back later after it's all digested...
I'm in a unique position - I hate both Bush and Moore. They seem to be two sides of the same coin. They both live to lie and distort the truth, because that's where their power comes from. I would like to see someone who limited himself to factual statements come out to rake GWB over the coals. Now that the "left" has decided to speak out, they hired the same whacko trash-talkers the right has had for years. Rush and Moore will say anything, and their followers will believe it.
I'm in a unique position - I hate both Bush and Moore. They seem to be two sides of the same coin. They both live to lie and distort the truth, because that's where their power comes from. I would like to see someone who limited himself to factual statements come out to rake GWB over the coals. Now that the "left" has decided to speak out, they hired the same whacko trash-talkers the right has had for years. Rush and Moore will say anything, and their followers will believe it.

Possibly the most intelligent post ever made by a n00b. 👍 👍 :cheers:
I'm in a unique position - I hate both Bush and Moore.

I doubt that's unique.

They both live to lie and distort the truth

I doubt that's true for either of them.

I would like to see someone who limited himself to factual statements come out to rake GWB over the coals.

What about Moore? I thought you hated him too.

Now that the "left" has decided to speak out, they hired the same whacko trash-talkers the right has had for years.

So really it's just the left getting back at the terrible right who have been at this game far longer and are the real bad guys?

Rush and Moore will say anything, and their followers will believe it.

I doubt that also.
I also heard that this movie claims that bush was on vacation about 40% of the time. I've read that if you dicount his trips to camp david (which really isn't vacation) that this number is more like 13% and can be reduced further.

An interesting not about this is that during this part of the movie I've heard that he shows bush at his ranch in texas with blair. How exactly is a meeting with blair vacation?


I've heard that this movie tries to link bush with saudi arabia and suggests that we are protecting them becaue of bush's personal ties. As evidence for this they point out that the saudi prince (I don't remember which royalty) was invited to texas while bush was at his ranch. What the movie doesn't mention was that the prince (or whoever) was invited to a different city (Houston) by an oil company that he deals with and that it had nothing to do with bush.

This kind of crap is just misleading. It's extremely dishonest. I'm hoping that I can get some more information about it so that I can know what kind of propaganda is being spread.
danoff thanks. i'll just keep reading this thread and from your analysis' i won't even have to watch the movie. but, if you had seen the movie, your analysis's could be much better i think. so far, i'm leaning towards Moore is a worthless bastard.
About the move: Regardless of its spin, its footage is real. The first portion of the film explains the bush-bin laden/saudi family connection, (which unfortunatly is accurate) and details who is and how they are involved in the relationship. Moore interviews parents who's children are in the armed forces, and also shows the social demographic of those entering the armed forces.

Now the part that got to me the most were the images of live combat in iraq, which arent pleasant, but its important to see for those who may be naive about what they are paying for in iraq.

There is also video from a business conference between haliburton and other companies looking for contracts in iraq (it isnt moore who shoots this footage, some other journalist). Many of these business workers are interviewed and its very clear what is on there mind. [This should be viewed for the comedic value]

Even if you don't like Moore and don't like what he has to say, the footage in the movie is worth seeing, it's stuff that you are never going to see on the news. If you think its a waste of time, well then you should see it for yourself (or do you want to put blind faith in people who have an interest in you not seeing it ? :odd: ). Alot of what people say about the movie points out very minor details about the film (the bit about the vacation was like 3 minutes long, not the theme of the movie [obviously]) and try to use it to discredit it entirely. Honestly, there is some spin in the film, but it isnt in the footage, the footage speaks for itself.

Also, alot of these clips should be seen simply because they are hilarious. (you cant script what bush says at the end any better)
I could take real footage of anything and chop it up to totally misrepresent what really happened. (theoretically, i'm not a film director) you see my point?
He doesn't edit the footage. Have you seen the movie? Good lord, he adds in audio of his commentary, which is what people have complained about on the news. They never touch on the actual issues presented in the film. You should see the movie before passing judgement on it, based on what the administration (that is under question) reports.
Explain to me what is happening in this footage that you found compelling. I don't want to support the movie financially, so just explain these scenes so that I can understand.
He doesn't edit the footage. Have you seen the movie? Good lord, he adds in audio of his commentary, which is what people have complained about on the news. They never touch on the actual issues presented in the film. You should see the movie before passing judgement on it, based on what the administration (that is under question) reports.
Commentary is one thing. Are you sure that the footage is not spliced? Not commenting on F9/11, but in Bowling, he definitely put together different clips to fabricate speeches that were never actually made. Some of the Heston speeches are at least two and possibly three different events, spliced together to appear as one.

That doesn't qualify as "commentary".