Father FoolKiller

  • Thread starter FoolKiller

Love the socks on her hands.

No more GT5 release to worry about :) You just experienced the biggest and best release in your life.

Love the socks on her hands.

No more GT5 release to worry about :) You just experienced the biggest and best release in your life.

No, I think that happened around 9 months ago.
Congratulations Steve! It’s amazing how your life will change after that day. There will be days that you just look down on her and can’t believe you could love something so much.

It did seem like just a few weeks ago you were going through the ups and downs of conceiving and now look where we are at. I really do thank you for sharing your family moments with our GTP family.

I’ll never forget my wife’s water breaking. We were watching the Broncos play the Seahawks and ya know…I don’t remember how the game finished.
This is great news - congrats, FoolKiller! Love the picture, too! :D
Congrats FK. I know it took a lot to get here. 👍

"Father Foolkiller" though.... didn't realize you were that religious.
By the way, the gtplanet t-shirt is a nice touch, but you didn't include a handwritten sign... :lol:

Is it bad that this was my second thought also?

Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Killer, and also baby Tova. Sounds like you're starting out on a good foot, though. Glad to hear no surgery was required and Tova checks out well - she's no small girl at almost 8 lbs.

I imagine that your wife (given the birth plan) is intending to breastfeed 👍 It's an excellent choice for both mother and child and it really works out well with some perseverance. If you have any questions PM me and I will talk to my source :lol:

It's an exciting time for everybody and it sounds like you've got some support. As others have said, I'm betting you'll make excellent parents.
Not sure why they tell you water breaking before contractions isn't normal. Half the people I know had water breaking before contractions, me included with Jack.
On our part, we were not expecting water breakage early due to the amount of exercises and the diet she was following. Many Bradley mothers have been known to not have the water break until the sack is passing through the birth canal during delivery. Tova, it seems, discovered the joys of bouncing on the cervix around 28-30 weeks and we suspect that played a part in things.

As for the doctors: In the US, if the water breaks you get put in a bed, strapped to a monitor and possibly induced. Hospitals prefer to scare the parents into an action that allows the doctor to take control to reduce the litigation risks of a complicated delivery caused by infection. In fact, even after being induced the nurses kept commenting on how we were approaching a 24 hour deadline, like it was some sort of point of no return line. And after that one kept talking about how much she wanted to do more pelvic exams, but couldn't because of the doctor's orders. It was like she knew that if we gave her permission she could override them. She quieted down after my wife finally told her the orders said not to because it was in the birth plan, which there was a copy of in her file.

Honestly, as we prepared for this birth thing I was amazed how little the average expecting mother knows about her body before going into labor, and doctors seem to use that to their advantage. There also seems to be too many people that don't realize they have the right of informed consent before a doctor can do anything to them.

I lol'd about he part where you started playing GTPSP.
I think my wife would have killed me if I brought a PSP and GT though. :lol:
She was asleep and I was trying to stay awake. I also managed to read the entire Marvel Civil War storyline on the PSP's digital comic reader while we were still in a room. The PSP was never even visible when we needed to be doing something.

My sources tell me it was actually 8:57 am. ;)

And Tova was the only baby born at said hospital on the 19th.
Or we were the only ones to sign the permission forms. I know for a fact that delivery room 6 had a baby a little after us. I heard it. And the nurse said they had 8 babies in 36 hours, and we were second to last.

But, since people want more pictures, and TB managed to find the hospital's online nursery before me: Here it is.
Hopefully that hyperlink works.

By the way, the gtplanet t-shirt is a nice touch, but you didn't include a handwritten sign... :lol:
It was spur of the moment yesterday. She was asleep in my arms and I took her in to the bedroom and pulled the shirt out for the picture. My wife just shook her head.

No more GT5 release to worry about :) You just experienced the biggest and best release in your life.
Since I realized the due date I have realized that a GT5 delay was in my best interest. The farther back it goes the more likely I will have time to play it when it comes out.

Congrats FK. I know it took a lot to get here. 👍
After a BP scare during labor and realizing that to get pregnant again would mean surgery on my wife, again, we don't plan to have another. At least not naturally. We left it at a big "if" with adoption as the way to go from now on. I know a number of people still having trouble and I hope they will find the joy I have. A friend who has been trying for two years now jokingly offered me $7 for Tova yesterday. Then he mentioned it on Facebook. And today I heard from three people asking why I didn't take the deal.

"Father Foolkiller" though.... didn't realize you were that religious.
I like alliteration. My, and thus Tova's, last name starts with a T also.

This is great news - congrats, FoolKiller! Love the picture, too! :D
I figured you would. Now the question is: Is her picture taken on a GTPlanet advertising shirt (that has also been worn in Hawaii at Pearl Harbor and to teh Petit Le Mans) or is her picture taken on the first annual GTPlanet Fantasy Football League trophy (purchased by UnoMOTO)?

What everyone has failed to realize is that there is way too much awesome in that photo to be explained in words.

I imagine that your wife (given the birth plan) is intending to breastfeed 👍 It's an excellent choice for both mother and child and it really works out well with some perseverance. If you have any questions PM me and I will talk to my source :lol:
Her milk just came in today. Tova was getting frustrated at the lack of anything substantial so she would get upset and not nurse at all. The pediatrician thinks that may have caused the jaundice to be worse, just because her digestive system wasn't able to move the bilirubin out of her system. Once we started supplementing with formula things started, er, flowing swiftly and her bilirubin levels immediately began dropping.

My only issue with the breast feeding plan is that I absolutely loved holding her and feeding her formula. Now that we have milk I won't be getting as much time for that until my wife is producing enough to pump and store it. Fortunately, Tova has very little problems moving between bottle and breast. But she will suck on anything when she is hungry. She takes a pacifier, my fingertip, her thumb, my thumb, her finger, my finger, my arm to the elbow, the edge of her clothes, pretty much anything she can fit. I have a feeling that I will have to watch her very carefully about putting things in her mouth.

The one thing no one warned me about is that there are moments when you open a diaper and have no clue how her body made that. Sometimes you open it and think, "Yep, that's poop," but other times you are saying, "When did she eat bird seed?" There is clearly some alchemy going on in her digestive system.

Small update: We had a follow up with the pediatrician today and she is apparently the model of good health for a 3-day old baby.
The one thing no one warned me about is that there are moments when you open a diaper and have no clue how her body made that. Sometimes you open it and think, "Yep, that's poop," but other times you are saying, "When did she eat bird seed?" There is clearly some alchemy going on in her digestive system.

That's the breast milk 👍 The true mark of infant parenthood is when you can discuss diaper contents with detailed analysis at the dinner table and neither of you misses a bite. :indiff:

I understand your slight pang of regret about that possible loss of bonding time but you will have more than enough opportunity to hold her. And breastfeeding really shines at night - baby cries, groggy father gets up, gets crying kid and returns to bed, groggy wife plugs kid on, father lies down, everybody gets quiet again and returns to slumberland with minimal fuss. 20 minutes later, sleepy father gets back up, performs quick diaper change, and returns full and sleepy kid to crib, then goes back to bed himself.

MUCH easier than warming bottles of formula. Same with traveling or running errands. It's usually easier to find a quiet out-of-the way spot to nurse than it is to find some way to warm up a bottle.
I would say congrats and all that, but I want to be original and say:

Hey, you got a Level 1 human!

It's tempting to use the quick level-ups, but then humans don't learn their special moves. It's better to level them up naturally.

Congrats on the birth. Hopefully now you, the wife, and Tova can sit down and find a relaxing routine. Try and get comfortable, don't go crazy on us or anything. Better stock up and diapers and baby powder. Practice breathing through your mouth. It's green, man. Green.
Congrats FK :cheers:

Nice plug for GTPlanet (the t-shirt she is lying on),very nice touch. 👍
She was asleep and I was trying to stay awake. I also managed to read the entire Marvel Civil War storyline on the PSP's digital comic reader while we were still in a room. The PSP was never even visible when we needed to be doing something.
No need to explain, I understand perfectly. But my wife would kill me if I did the same. I blame the hormones. ;) (She was perfectly fine with me sleeping a bit in between BTW, possibly because it took her about 24 hours to deliver Alyssa and I was already awake 12 hours before that).

It was spur of the moment yesterday. She was asleep in my arms and I took her in to the bedroom and pulled the shirt out for the picture. My wife just shook her head.
As did mine when I showed her the picture (a long with a look that said something along the lines of "don't even think about it" :lol:). I thought it was cool. 👍

That's the breast milk 👍 The true mark of infant parenthood is when you can discuss diaper contents with detailed analysis at the dinner table and neither of you misses a bite. :indiff:
Of course, it's easier in the beginning, since it's just milk they're eating and the poo doesn't smell really nasty. The moment they start eating other stuff is when it gets smelly. Then again, it makes the conversations even more "interesting". :P
The true mark of infant parenthood is when you can discuss diaper contents with detailed analysis at the dinner table and neither of you misses a bite. :indiff:
A friend of mine is very hand-washing OCD and he told me he knew he was a parent when he had poop on his hand and didn't care.

I understand your slight pang of regret about that possible loss of bonding time but you will have more than enough opportunity to hold her. And breastfeeding really shines at night - baby cries, groggy father gets up, gets crying kid and returns to bed, groggy wife plugs kid on, father lies down, everybody gets quiet again and returns to slumberland with minimal fuss. 20 minutes later, sleepy father gets back up, performs quick diaper change, and returns full and sleepy kid to crib, then goes back to bed himself.
I am finding that I get new time now as my wife is ready to hand her off after a full feeding, so I get the walk her around and "sing" her to sleep time, if you can call what I do singing.

Congrats on the birth. Hopefully now you, the wife, and Tova can sit down and find a relaxing routine. Try and get comfortable, don't go crazy on us or anything. Better stock up and diapers and baby powder. Practice breathing through your mouth. It's green, man. Green.
Two weeks off work for me. I will maintain my sanity.

Our pediatrician suggested Desitin. We are also using Aquaphor on her ankles where the hospital security band rubbed her leg raw.

As did mine when I showed her the picture (a long with a look that said something along the lines of "don't even think about it" :lol:). I thought it was cool. 👍
I am contemplating a whole series of pictures with my novelty branded shirts. :D

Or make your own butt paste. Vaseline + baby powder = recipe that will come in handy for the rest of her life.
I will make a mental note of this. It sounds cheaper than the alternatives.

Side note: After recording engine sounds on my phone at Petit Le Mans this past year and playing them on my wife's pregnant belly it appears my plan is working. She loves the car and even gets quiet when cars drive by the house. My nurture over nature experiment to create a petrol head is showing promising signs early on.

In fact, it is a lot like this, only in a hatchback:
I will make a mental note of this. It sounds cheaper than the alternatives.

Yeah, that's what worked for me. I've never even heard of any of those other products.

Just clean up, paint the area with the vaseline and sprinkle a bunch of powder on top. But don't use the powder that has any of that fragrance and stuff in it.
Side note: After recording engine sounds on my phone at Petit Le Mans this past year and playing them on my wife's pregnant belly it appears my plan is working. She loves the car and even gets quiet when cars drive by the house. My nurture over nature experiment to create a petrol head is showing promising signs early on.

In fact, it is a lot like this, only in a hatchback:

Wow, that's actually pretty amazing. Keep us updated on this. A science experiment mixed with parenthood would certainly keep things more down to earth. I'm very interested in what happens with that.
Wow, that's actually pretty amazing. Keep us updated on this. A science experiment mixed with parenthood would certainly keep things more down to earth. I'm very interested in what happens with that.
As her grandmother put it: She loves the zoom zooms.

And I think: I believe that's pronounced Fahrvergnügen

Congratualtions! It's been a long journey that was clearly well worth the time, effort, and cost. Give my best to Baby Momma, and hope you two are getting some rest whenever possible. :)
Also congratulations from my side. Good to hear that both your daughter and wife are doing well ! :)
Congratulations. :)

Glad to hear both she and Mrs. Foolkiller are healthy.
Congratulations Foolkiller

Very moving story, the birth of your child is stressful enough without any complications but all that matters is the end result and she's a little cutie.

We planned a home water birth with only gas and air but that plan went out the window after my wife was in slow labour for 5 days with virtually no sleep. We ended up going into hospital and she had an epidural but the anaesthetist struggled so on the fifth attempt got the needle in but pierced the dura membrane which made the epidural less effective and more complicated but did ease the pain. She then had 2 drip bags of inducing fluid which were effective to begin with but ultimately didn’t work as she wasn’t dilating enough. The baby was fine through all this but my wife was really struggling to keep going so the decision was made to have an emergency caesarean and on 5th December 2007 at 11.55am Jack was born at a healthy 8 pounds 6 ounces. He’s now 2 (and a quarter) years old and keeping the whole family very busy and very amused.

I feel exactly the same way about my wife as you do about yours after seeing the strength she summoned to get through such an ordeal, I honestly don’t know what I would be like if I had to do it. Even when she’s driving me up the wall I can’t stay mad at her knowing what she did…and also knowing she could kick my head in ;)

I hope you’re getting used to the interrupted and inadequate sleep, it may be a while before your full 8 hours a night!
Thanks again everyone!

Give my best to Baby Momma, and hope you two are getting some rest whenever possible. :)
I hope you’re getting used to the interrupted and inadequate sleep, it may be a while before your full 8 hours a night!
While there isn't a full eight hours of sleep going on we did find a few tricks to help us along.

We have had good stints of 4 and 5 hours of her sleeping after using some of the techniques we learned in that video.

Here is a summary of what it suggests:
* Swaddling - Tight swaddling provides the continuous touching and support the fetus experienced while still in Mom's womb.

* Side/stomach position - You place your baby, while holding her, either on her left side to assist in digestion, or on her stomach to provide reassuring support. Once your baby is happily asleep, you can safely put her in her crib, on her back.

* Shushing Sounds - These sounds imitate the continual whooshing sound made by the blood flowing through arteries near the womb. This white noise can be in the form of a vacuum cleaner, a hair dryer, a fan and so on. The good news is that you can easily save the motors on your household appliances and get a white noise CD which can be played over and over again with no worries.

* Swinging - Newborns are used to the swinging motions that were present when they were still in Mom's womb. Every step mom took, every movement caused a swinging motion for your baby. After your baby is born, this calming motion, which was so comforting and familiar, is abruptly taken away. Your baby misses the motion and has a difficult time getting used to it not being there. "It's disorienting and unnatural," says Karp. Rocking, car rides, and other swinging movements all can help.

* Sucking - "Sucking has its effects deep within the nervous system," notes Karp, "and triggers the calming reflex and releases natural chemicals within the brain." This "S" can be accomplished with breast, bottle, pacifier or even a finger.
I have got this stuff down pretty good now and can get her calm and asleep better than even my wife (with the exception of a post-breast feeding food coma, nothing beats that). And my wife and I had different sleeping patterns before so we worked out a system that has reduced the lost sleep as much as possible. She will go to bed between 8-9 and I will stay up with Tova until midnight. Typically, we work it out so that she wants a feeding at midnight. Ideally, this gives my wife about four hours of sleep when she normally went to bed before and lets me go to bed around the same time as I used to. If both are sleeping I will let it go until 1AM, and much later before I went back to work. One night I stayed up with her until 3AM. With luck my wife can feed her and get her to sleep for another 3-4 hours before needing another feeding. I get up around 6AM for work. The schedule will be adjusted when my wife returns to work in six weeks. If we weren't breast feeding I would take on more time for my wife, but basically we had to work out a pattern that also allowed my wife to feed her while still getting something like normal sleep.

I found that the big key to keeping us feeling more rested than everyone says we should be (even the doctor commented that we didn't look tired) was a pattern. Even if your sleep is not enough setting a sleep pattern can do wonders for how you feel. Going to bed and getting up at the same time can do wonders for your stress levels. Similarly, using the above techniques I have managed to get Tova to be calm even if she isn't sleeping. The stress differences between dealing with constant screaming and having to hold a happy and calm baby in a particular way is amazing.

So, between keeping her calm and establishing a set sleep pattern for ourselves we have managed to reduce the exhaustion and stress to the point that people have remarked that we don't look like we have a newborn at home.

Also, big side not: If anyone wonders how good 3D ultrasounds are, here is a comparison.

December's 3D ultrasound/A few days ago

If I had access to a better photo program at the moment I could probably make the angles the same too.
Speaking of babies, my mom's boss's wife just went into labor today. The sucky part is that his grandma wanted to see the baby. She had a hip replaced a month or two ago, and then wound up breaking her femur on the same hip at the beginning of the month. So she died in the ICU after femur surgery a few days ago. Not bad for a 90-something, but it totally sucks that she was recovering well and then all of a sudden died before she got to see the baby. So it's like the circle of life I guess.

He was naming his kid Caleb Ascher after his grandparents. Why? So he can nick-name him "Cash" :rolleyes:. I told my mom it's a good thing the kid isn't a Doug. :lol: (Because, of course, that would make his nickname "Douche," but I digress.) But now that his other grandma just died, he was trying to come up with a name after her. Anyone know any masculine forms for Thelma?

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