Favorite Fast Food?

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Which is your favorite fast food restaurant?

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GTP_event / kevinr6287 (farming account)
Which of these is your favorite Fast Food Chain?

I like Wendy's for chicken and fries, Burger King for burgers, and McDonalds for Shakes (aka, Krusty's gelatinated, non-dairy gum-based beverage)
No KFC!?
I'd have to say my school canteen. Atleast you know the stuff is legal...

Mcdonalds round here are soooo slow. You would have though skinny 17yr olds could move faster than a snail. And the chicken burgers take 5/10 minutes to make.
Yay! The Duke added KFC to the list! Thanks Duke! 👍
We ate at a Carl's Jr. while we were on vacation, because Solid Lifters recommended it. The burgers were big and sloppy and good, but the automated ordering system sucked out loud. It would have been faster dealing directly with the "no ingeles" counter people than it was to order dinner for 4 with the robot.
I'd have to say Burger King. At least that's where I get my lunch on occasion. Mmmmm... Whopper with cheese and bacon . . . . :drool:
Mcdonalds and KFC = Nasty, nasty, nasty. Both have made me really sick. Espically after watching Supersize Me It really changed my opinion on Fast food.

I like Sobarro and Subway. Those are the 2 that I really like.
Espically after watching Supersize Me It really changed my opinion on Fast food.
What a stupid stupid person, what a stupid stupid movie, what stupid stupid critics.

You could force-feed yourself granola and skim milk, in the volume that guy ate, and give yourself health problems. Nothing about that movie should have been shocking news to anyone with an IQ over 85. It reminds me of one of the stupid headlines I saw on Leno one night: "BLOW TO HEAD IS LEADING CAUSE OF BRAIN INJURY".

I mean, this is the movie the word DUH was invented for.
Here in the UK, we don't get most of the outlets you mentioned. But I would have to go with BK. The meat tastes like meat and you actually get proper salad; whole slices of tomato and chunks of lettuce, and proper mayo. Unlike that yellow lettuce mush that McDonalds put on their burgers.
Here in the UK, we don't get most of the outlets you mentioned. But I would have to go with BK. The meat tastes like meat and you actually get proper salad; whole slices of tomato and chunks of lettuce, and proper mayo. Unlike that yellow lettuce mush that McDonalds put on their burgers.

BK rocks! And your right about the toppings. The Western Whopper was possibly the greatest Burger EVER!!!!
I'd never eat at any of the establishments listed in the poll (except Dairy Queen on occasion, Blizzards are great). If I was real hungry and I needed a place to eat, I would eat at Wendy's since you get real meat, and it doesn't have as much fat as BK (not that Wendy's burgers are healthy...). If I want a burger and fries, I go to local grease pits, in my area they all have amazing burgers with great fries to go with them.

The only fast food place I ever eat at now is Subway, because they have amazing bread.

And on a side note, if you need a better reason to stop eating at McDonald's than Super Size Me, I highly suggest reading the book Fast Food Nation. I haven't gotten much into the part about how bad the food is yet (but I already know Fast Food sucks on different levels...), but the real eyeopener is on how agribusiness and the meat packing industry are killing off independant farmers and exploting low income semi-legal migrant workers through unsafe practices. But the book is full of bad things the fast food industry has done (and is doing).
Culvers, without a doubt. I almost chose Carls Jr. but since I haven't eaten there since I was eight, my opinion wouldn't be very good.

Anyways, onto my spiel about Culvers. I guess Culvers could be considered a 'medium'-food restaurant, but it is fairly fast food-ish. Their burgers are made for the order, so you don't get a Big Mac that's been sitting around for a half an hour. They've got excellent custard/ice-cream, better than DQ by a long shot. Another gret thing about Culvers: in every Culvers I've been in, which is pretty much every Culvers in southern WI, is clean; not like wiped tables clean, like 'just opened last week clean'. The food is great overall, and I've never had any problems with finding gross stuff embedded in my cheicken strips.

Yay for Culvers!
I probably should've put Subway on there.. I work at one... :lol: I consider that a sandwhich shop, not fast food. I've wokred there almost 6 months and I still haven't gotten sick of it...
No KFC!?
I'd have to say my school canteen. Atleast you know the stuff is legal...

Mcdonalds round here are soooo slow. You would have though skinny 17yr olds could move faster than a snail. And the chicken burgers take 5/10 minutes to make.

Maybe you should move somewhere where the Mcdonalds is quicker.:lol:

I like Mcdonalds. Thats all I have to say.
I like burger king for their burgers, Mcdonalds for their fries and flurries and subway for their subs.
A subway has opened up near me :D. The nearest one was 30miles away. Apparentley my cousin has been livng off it for the last 3 days!
Here's my level of devotion to White Castle:

I went to White Castle before I saw Harold and Kumar go to White Castle :D

Gimme a sack of 10 cheeseburgers, no pickle or onions, and a large diet coke :)
(and, yes, I do eat the entire sack in one sitting)
Who are Harold and Kumar?

When I lived in St. Louis we used to go to Whitie's in the middle of the night because it was the only place open. Sometimes Belly Bombers are exactly what you need. We'd walk in and order "a dozen ratburgers with cheese, no tail" or something similar.

Steam grilled on a bed of onions, mmmmm mmmmmmmm. Gotta love the little cardboard box they get glued into, and the little air holes in the burger itself.

Eating 10 Whities is no big deal; it's about the same as one McDonald's Double QP.