Favorite Fast Food?

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Which is your favorite fast food restaurant?

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Best Place in the world is close to where I live, St.catharines, Ontario Canada, there is a place called Wimpy's burgers ( therea re three or four in the surounding areas...) best damn burgers anywhere....they are huge ! ( Named after Wimpy from the Popeye cartoon )

Large Chicken kebab, lettuce, onion and hommus from asfa kebab shop up the road........so SOOO GOOD beats any fast food
...Espically after watching Supersize Me It really changed my opinion on Fast food.

I like Sobarro and Subway. Those are the 2 that I really like.

I'm glad others have watched this movie... :scared: I don't have a favorite nor do I go to fast food especially after watching that movie. For some reason I biked faster after watching that movie as well.
Because they sell their food in pretty packages. And the food is so tasty yet it is BAD for you. So they are evil because we love it and hate it at the same time. :grumpy:

P.S. the maker of the thread doesn't see Subway as fast food. As it is a sandwhich shop.