Favorite Gran Turismo streamers

  • Thread starter sturk0167
I'm definitely not as fast as Kie. I have raced against him probably about 20-25 times. Never once have I punted him, or even tried to.
In the video, you can see that I had plenty of opportunities to do so, if I wanted to.
When he shows the race from my car's perspective, starting at 1:35, everyone should be able to see what I saw, which is that he was brake-checking me. That's what started it. It's one of the passive aggressive things he does.
On the last right-hander of the esses, I did intentionally move him out of my way, because I had enough of it.
Watching that video it just seems that queue is going slowly and he needs to brake to avoid hitting the cars ahead of him. I’ve experienced that a lot in Barcelona chicane entry in Daily C this week.
Surprising to me how many people are saying Kie races fair and aggressive.

Every stream I see, almost every race he will push to pass somebody or cut them off and cause an accident, blame it on the other driver and get into an argument with half of chat who disagree with him.

Aggressive, certainly. Fair? Maldonado was cleaner.

Maybe this is why so many drivers in sport mode drive like maniacs. If people think what he does is fair then sheesh.
My thoughts exactly. Calling him fair but aggressive is for me totally strange. I stopped watchi6him, not because he is dirty (he is to anyone slower than him and that's a lot of drivers since he races from behind) but because his channel is full of people effing him on and telling him it's not his fault. I almost never saw anyone be dirty towards him unless he instigated it himself.
I think he is a big part of why it's so hard to find clean driving in GT, he teaches everyone this is ok (it's not) and it spreads like waves in water.
I'm definitely not as fast as Kie. I have raced against him probably about 20-25 times. Never once have I punted him, or even tried to.
In the video, you can see that I had plenty of opportunities to do so, if I wanted to.
When he shows the race from my car's perspective, starting at 1:35, everyone should be able to see what I saw, which is that he was brake-checking me. That's what started it. It's one of the passive aggressive things he does.
On the last right-hander of the esses, I did intentionally move him out of my way, because I had enough of it.
Dunno, maybe I am blind but I constantly saw in the mirror that you were kissing his bumper a lot in this race and it seems like a retaliation. Of course I might be wrong. It doesn't matter anyway, it is the thing of the past I guess.
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For me personally I got fed up with kie due to his rages at other drivers and watching him blame others constantly for racing incidents or blame the game when he put himself in decidedly bad positions. I like watching others who are cleaner, smoother (I feel like kie is always on the absolute ragged edge) and who are aware that not everyone can put the car in places like they can. He might have changed, but previously he would dive his nose in on people as a last second move and get mad if they weren't ready for him, he would also just simply run people off on corner exit claiming it was his turn, but expect everyone to give him all the room.

Worst day was a Gr1 series at Le Sarthe and he was trying to repair SR driving from the back. This put him behind DR D drivers at the start, and he would simply launch into them and wreck them, blaming them for braking where he wouldn't. It would carry on all race with him expecting A+ levels of car control and race craft from these drivers. Not intentionally dirty at all, but still actually dirty, even if only because he was oblivious.

I certainly hope he has changed because of all the streamers he seems to have the most devoted cult like following and if he has gone a long cleaner and chilled it could really improve online race craft.
This put him behind DR D drivers at the start, and he would simply launch into them and wreck them, blaming them for braking where he wouldn't. It would carry on all race with him expecting A+ levels of car control and race craft from these drivers.
Yes, I've tried to explain that to him in his chat in the past, that low rated drivers are going to be unpredictably slow in places, that's why their lap times are so much slower than his!

In general, it seems to me that streamers who rage at their opponents (and teammates in team esports) seem to often be quite successful, despite many people finding it rather obnoxious that they always regard everything as someone else's fault. The most successful streamers seem to have a more mature attitude, but there still seems to be plenty of audience for the rage types. I think it's probably better than being bland. It reminds me of a line from a well known book: "because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth.". The worst thing a streamer can be is lukewarm.
For watching streams Kie25 is defenitly best imo. Fast, agressive, clean (he makes sometimes mistakes but at least he waits for players after incident) and informative. Also very active with chat and just enjoy racing and gran turismo (also apriciate that he can be fast in more full sim games like acc or iracing). For funny content for sure Super Gt, for guidences beside Kie Digit and Miatah Mca.
For me personally I got fed up with kie due to his rages at other drivers and watching him blame others constantly for racing incidents or blame the game when he put himself in decidedly bad positions. I like watching others who are cleaner, smoother (I feel like kie is always on the absolute ragged edge) and who are aware that not everyone can put the car in places like they can. He might have changed, but previously he would dive his nose in on people as a last second move and get mad if they weren't ready for him, he would also just simply run people off on corner exit claiming it was his turn, but expect everyone to give him all the room.

Worst day was a Gr1 series at Le Sarthe and he was trying to repair SR driving from the back. This put him behind DR D drivers at the start, and he would simply launch into them and wreck them, blaming them for braking where he wouldn't. It would carry on all race with him expecting A+ levels of car control and race craft from these drivers. Not intentionally dirty at all, but still actually dirty, even if only because he was oblivious.

I certainly hope he has changed because of all the streamers he seems to have the most devoted cult like following and if he has gone a long cleaner and chilled it could really improve online race craft.
I found myself on the receiving end of Kie‘s anger whilst at Le Sarthe during the GTS days. I had the ”audacity” to dab the brakes on the apex cos I’d overcooked my corner entry. He’s a prick.

I find Tidgney really engaging, informative, and I really enjoy his sportsmanship.
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In addition to what others have said about these guys...

Super GT: Top guy and rightly so. His latest video will always get me excited because of the effort to produce decent content and his sense of humour. He frequently makes me laugh out loud.

Rory: A little frustrating for me. I always try to give him slack, but I think since he started streaming 9 to 5 his video output has become rather stale and low-effort. I fear his dream of never working again may collapse if he doesn't freshen things up.

Kireth: Very informative and produces reasonably varied content. He's also quite funny.

Doughtinator: This guy's on a mission to make GT7 accessible to everyone.

Scottie Senior: Absolutely unhinged, very fast Irishman. Worth checking out if you want something a little from the left-field.
In general, it seems to me that streamers who rage at their opponents (and teammates in team esports) seem to often be quite successful, despite many people finding it rather obnoxious that they always regard everything as someone else's fault.
When you're fast/popular enough you can get away with things that the average driver would get shredded for. Almost every (fast) streamer's chat is very biased - kinda unavoidable.

I think the reason for it is because they look up to these guys for being pace-y or whatever. That or maintiaining "positive vibes" for some other motive.

It feels like a d-measuring contest and chat has deemed yours objectively not worthy according to popular vote...
In addition to what others have said about these guys...

Super GT: Top guy and rightly so. His latest video will always get me excited because of the effort to produce decent content and his sense of humour. He frequently makes me laugh out loud.

Rory: A little frustrating for me. I always try to give him slack, but I think since he started streaming 9 to 5 his video output has become rather stale and low-effort. I fear his dream of never working again may collapse if he doesn't freshen things up.

Kireth: Very informative and produces reasonably varied content. He's also quite funny.

Doughtinator: This guy's on a mission to make GT7 accessible to everyone.

Scottie Senior: Absolutely unhinged, very fast Irishman. Worth checking out if you want something a little from the left-field.
Going to start filing my streams under Comedy :lol:
Went to watch some of Super GTs early GT Sport content. Kind of understand now easier why he has become so popular.

He has had a good growth story with Gran Turismo as he was obviously still quite slow around 2018 but has since developed to be TOP50 daily leaderboard driver. His early videos are actually very nice material to watch as I see him struggling with the same stuff that I am as a player who started in 2022. 🙂 Combining that story with his still evolving set of memes has worked well.

Not sure of current state though. He seems like he’s a bit bored with GT nowdays as he only makes occasional videos and doesn’t play very much. But I guess it’s normal to get bored with games and move on to new ones. People are doing it all the time. It’s just probably quite hard for him to leave GT entirely as he has so many followers on his channel so he still does new videos.
Went to watch some of Super GTs early GT Sport content. Kind of understand now easier why he has become so popular.

He has had a good growth story with Gran Turismo as he was obviously still quite slow around 2018 but has since developed to be TOP50 daily leaderboard driver. His early videos are actually very nice material to watch as I see him struggling with the same stuff that I am as a player who started in 2022. 🙂 Combining that story with his still evolving set of memes has worked well.

Not sure of current state though. He seems like he’s a bit bored with GT nowdays as he only makes occasional videos and doesn’t play very much. But I guess it’s normal to get bored with games and move on to new ones. People are doing it all the time. It’s just probably quite hard for him to leave GT entirely as he has so many followers on his channel so he still does new videos.
Must keep in mind he's a busier guy now, doing a lot more racing stuff etc. in real life than he was before - he'll obviously have less time to pump out videos than he used to. Same case with Jimmer, who (at least I think for Super GT) are both in Monaco for GTWS.

I still see him pop up in dailies at least once or twice per week, I raced against him a few days ago at Deep Forest in fact, so I doubt he's that bored with it.
I generally watch Super Gt and Tidgney. Always great content. I've not watched Kie for a while. His attitudes seems off and I once tried a joke with him and he went full grouch. I liked Ollie too but he has left GT behind it seems.

Nope im scare to race online.
I just don't trust people and that video doesn't help. :(
Try joining in with some of the lobbies here on GT Planet. Try the Daily Races with Friends on a Friday. All good, clean and caters to all aptitudes.
My thoughts exactly. Calling him fair but aggressive is for me totally strange. I stopped watchi6him, not because he is dirty (he is to anyone slower than him and that's a lot of drivers since he races from behind) but because his channel is full of people effing him on and telling him it's not his fault. I almost never saw anyone be dirty towards him unless he instigated it himself.
I think he is a big part of why it's so hard to find clean driving in GT, he teaches everyone this is ok (it's not) and it spreads like waves in water.
Yeah it's like calling Verstappen fair and aggressive in 2021. He was well over the line in many places despite his obvious talent.
In the video Sturk posted he obviously nudges BenRod out of the way at Degner 1. It looks accidental due to the hit boxes of the cars. But he doesn't recognise it and Ben is obviously miffed that his race was ruined by that move. Kie even says he doesn't want to make a move there and still hits the other car out of the way.
For anyone interested, and for the lols and the craic, this is a youtube channel dedicated to highlghting Kie's crashes, blowups and general behaviour and is quite entertaining:

Definitely something personal behind it, IMO, it's not me I swear :lol:
Some of these videos make me laugh out loud when under the right conditions. He's actually pretty good at what he does, whoever he is.
I just stumbled over this thread, and I find it quite interesting.

Personally, I haven't watched too many streams (a bit of almost everyone, when YT made recommendations), but when I was in summer holidays this year, I had a great time on Kireths's streams and videos. Great laid-back sense of humor, nice communication with his chat, and overall great entertainment. And for someone who doesn't do that full-time, he's very quick, and there's a lot to learn in his videos.

Cheers @kirethk . I'm the guy who posted in your chat from a beach in the Netherlands (which was real, I promise)🍻
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For anyone interested, and for the lols and the craic, this is a youtube channel dedicated to highlghting Kie's crashes, blowups and general behaviour and is quite entertaining:

Definitely something personal behind it, IMO, it's not me I swear :lol:
When content like this makes itself so easily, it makes me think it's just business.