- 970
Seems to have gone into hibernation, U'll join in some races with you when I'm on, just not in that 360 LOL
OH come on, whats wrong in using the 360 GT, i cant be that quick.
Seems to have gone into hibernation, U'll join in some races with you when I'm on, just not in that 360 LOL
I'm hazarding a guess here, do you use the pad? I find with the wheel it's a little too frisky on the edge and I just cant correct it quick enough with the wheel on full FFB. I may be wrong in which case it's just me LOL but in my head thats why I'm a seond or so slower with the 360gt and the wheel LOL
hola energiya cuando puedas estoi esperando
355 challenge,fxx,f40.saludos
Mingoturbo is answering your challenge. When you're available, he wants to race you with either the 355 Challenge, the FXX or the F40.
@ Mingoturbo: Tambien tendras que escojer 4 carreteras en cual tu quisieras competir. Despues Energiya escojera 3 carreteras mas y tendras que competir en las 7 juntas.
E--I just told him he also has to pick 4 tracks and you have to pick 3. (At least I think so. I really don't speak Spanish.)
Tell him i pick FXX and i pick monza, misano, & spa
I dont know when to schedule this challenge, due to i have only seen him online once in the last week when i am online.
What time zone are you in? GMT + 10?
I'm not sure, its currently 2am here now
"thursday, friday, saturday, sunday afternoons, I think the time difference is 6 hours, not sure. Don't worry, if someday we meet on the PS3 we'll be able to do it, even if it is complicated" (Translator Note: "to meet", I guess).
That'll be 5 dollars per translated word, thank you
You guys might as well remove me. I don't have much time to play and my wife has taken over the table that I mount my wheel on for baby stuff. I'm going to concentrate on KZ2 until I can get my wheel up again.
You guys might as well remove me. I don't have much time to play and my wife has taken over the table that I mount my wheel on for baby stuff. I'm going to concentrate on KZ2 until I can get my wheel up again.
hi there can I join the ladder? accepting any challenge
Yeah, I'm sure you are. You're more than welcome to join. But I think the way it works is you automatically start from the bottom and have to mount your own challenge from there. The rule is you can challenge up to 3 spots higher than you. There are still people who haven't officially posted times and rarely post in this thread (waynejones37, LITTLE-JOBBIE, pino-r). So I'm not sure if you should start by challenging one of them or the bottom three from the main list. Maybe Biggles can clarify this.
But either way, you have to select 3 cars and 4 tracks. Your challenger picks which of the 3 cars and selects 3 tracks of his own. You then run 7, five minute races to determine the winner (at a time and date of mutual agreement).
I'm sure you'll move up the ladder quickly and it hasn't seen much movement lately. Myself, I've been waiting for the results of pending challenges between Hereward, GTNeider & others. But I'm guessing they never took place. (Although to be realistic, in general terms, I think most of the people above me at the moment range from either a little quicker or more consistent to a LOT bloody faster. So I haven't really been pushing my own challenges)