FEMA Director Michael Brown resigns

  • Thread starter Zardoz
He'll be lucky if he even gets his job back at the International Arabian Horse Association :ouch:
Touring Mars
He'll be lucky if he even gets his job back at the International Arabian Horse Association :ouch:

What after having been fired there already? Unlikely.

As to Blanco, after the Newsweek article and having seen her on TV a couple of times, I'm not so sure anymore what her chances would be (I know, Newsweek is liberal garbage and all, but still ... ).

But I am also not so sure she's going to want to run anyway.
Viper Zero
Governor Blanco will get her turn in 2006.
Hey, the fine citizens of Washington DC voted mayor Marion Barry back in after he got out of prison for smoking crack, so I wouldn't necessarily expect this to put a dent in her political career.
Hey, the fine citizens of Washington DC voted mayor Marion Barry back in after he got out of prison for smoking crack, so I wouldn't necessarily expect this to put a dent in her political career.
Hang on, let me pull out the screw up scales.

Just as I thought. Screwing up evacuation and recovery efforts and possibly costing the lives of hundreds outweighed smoking crack and setting a bad example to kids.

For some reason I think the voters will remember missing family and friends when they go to the booth.

My question is, why is the mayor running to Dallas?
Has he dropped out of sight lately, or what?
I heard today that last week he quietly bought a house in Dallas and enrolled his kids in school there. He was on Meet the Press and it was never mentioned. Now he only seems to show up at photo ops and that's it. According to the news he has been going back and forth to Dallas. I hope he's paying his own travel expenses and not teh city. That money could be used much better.

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