PSN ID change now live.PS4 

  • Thread starter TJ13
Considering I wouldn't know what to change it to and someone else already claims "DesertPenguin" without numbers, I think I'll just stick with this. The 09 for being born on the 9th of November and DesertPenguin9 looks weird to me. Saying "DesertPenguin Oh-Nine" rolls off the tongue heh...
Haven't seen anything regarding F1 2018 (under no issues or issues identified), does that mean it hasn't been tested or they haven't identified the issue? Strange since F1 2015 - 17 all appear as having no issues.

For anyone who still plays GTA 5, there's an issue that has been identified with that game, although they do not state what it is, only that it is no critical.
Haven't seen anything regarding F1 2018 (under no issues or issues identified), does that mean it hasn't been tested or they haven't identified the issue? Strange since F1 2015 - 17 all appear as having no issues.

For anyone who still plays GTA 5, there's an issue that has been identified with that game, although they do not state what it is, only that it is no critical.
Every game launched after April 1st 2018 doesn't need to be tested, as they've already been prepared for the Id change.
So yeah, I believe I mentioned this before while on a similar topic several months ago. I can't change my PSN ID because then my GTPlanet ID would be misleading, and I lack the "Premium" membership that would allow me to change it on here too. It's an inconvenience, but I guess I'll just have to live with it
I Changed my psn name!
I also Played the Gran Turismo 4 intro song over it while changing my name.
Had the old name for 10 years, but wanted something different.
This is the new me.
I’ll keep the name a secret for now.
Haven't seen anything regarding F1 2018 (under no issues or issues identified), does that mean it hasn't been tested or they haven't identified the issue? Strange since F1 2015 - 17 all appear as having no issues.

For anyone who still plays GTA 5, there's an issue that has been identified with that game, although they do not state what it is, only that it is no critical.

I imagine there might be issues with microtransactions in somes games linking to your old name or something.

They listed The Last of Us Remastered and it was fine for me. I tested F1 2018 and it was fine with my career and dlc.

I haven't noticed any issues.
I only had one game on sonys problem list which is gta5 and so far after id change no problems for me as of yet .
I was thinking about changing my PSN ID from the browser, although I'm still playing in my PS3 as I don't own a PS4. Do you know if it's going to affect the game progress data, paid-DLC content etc there? Will the new ID be recognised as a new account or something like that?
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@ All GTSport / PCars2 drivers:

I've changed my name using the web process.
Those 2 games still work pretty fine, absolutely no data lost for both game. I still own all PCars 2 DLC's 👍

However, I've never bought any GTS car using microtransactions, so I can't say for this point.
What about Date of Birth.
I know the answer is an obvious NO from a change it your self perspective due to age related content restrictions, but how do you get it corrected if it is wrong?
Mine is wrong by a year from when I signed up to PS3 online back in 2006. You needed to be 18 to make an account and I was 17, but wanted my account name I had on PS2. I didn't even have a PS3 until the end of 2007 but you could pre-sign up your account name you wanted beforehand, and PS2 ones did not transfer over which was annoying.
I contacted Sony/PlayStation in Jan 2008 about this when I was looking at linking a credit card to my account and they said they could not change my DOB. Nor were they worried about it either.
In the 1st AUS GT Academy in 2010 I qualified to the finals and I wanted my DOB correct for that but got nowhere when asking Sony/Playstation people at the events or on the phone before hand.

Has anyone had their DOB changed on PSN?
I looked at the list and the Battlefield games are affected so can't change. I sometimes go back to BF1 for my FPS fix
But that sucks,
if i change ID will i lost game save data and trophies (achievements) etc??????

it will lose game saved data on Gran Turismo Sport too?
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ah hmm, then why info said:

I've changed my unused old account's ID because I made it based on my real name. Now I can use it again. Thanks to this feature. Dunno if it will affect the save data, but it doesn't matter to me. 👍👍👍
Hmmm. The only available option I can find is "DesertPenguin_" but the underscore ruins it for me. I hate how I need to have everything neat and tidy. It doesn't help that I have no imagination for naming things. I could use my real name like a racer and "KGanzer" is available but that only works for racing games.
They use the word "may" instead of "will". People are focusing on the worst case and negatives only.

I changed my name just fine. Didn't lose trophies, saves, dlc, or my dog.
And? That's a big negative to consider, and should be thought about first and foremost. Either way, reading the thread should have actually answered the question before it even needed to be asked.
Yeah I considered doing this, but the chances of it having pretty negative repercussions for playing older games stopped me.
I wonder with the PS5's apparent focus on backwards compatibility maybe sorting these issues on older games will be a bit of a focus?
ah hmm, then why info said:


This is likely to cover their backs so people can't claim they weren't warned. The way PSN IDs are handled should mean that in 99.9% of cases you won't lose anything at all.

Edited to remove references to the PSN ID change process
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PSN doesn't really use your displayed name to look things up which is why you can change it in the first place.
Which doesn't make much sense if you have a potential to lose anything. If they displayed name is just that, then you'd think there should be something underlying to identify it regardless of what you change it to.
Which doesn't make much sense if you have a potential to lose anything. If they displayed name is just that, then you'd think there should be something underlying to identify it regardless of what you change it to.

There is, but there are always edge cases regardless of how well you've prepared for the process.
There is, but there are always edge cases regardless of how well you've prepared for the process.
That makes sense, but isn’t there games from a certain point that are definitely being affected regardless, so if there was something underlying to identify you and that the displayed name is just a name for people to see and that’s it, than why wouldn’t all the games be affected the same way? I could have sworn that someone posted a list of games that will have issues. That’s what’s making this confusing to me.
That makes sense, but isn’t there games from a certain point that are definitely being affected regardless, so if there was something underlying to identify you and that the displayed name is just a name for people to see and that’s it, than why wouldn’t all the games be affected the same way? I could have sworn that someone posted a list of games that will have issues. That’s what’s making this confusing to me.

It looks like some people are affected in certain games, yes. These will be the edge cases. Only 9 titles have been identified as having critical issues which are defined as:
  • User may lose in-game currency whether paid for or earned;
  • Loss of game progress, including scores and progress toward trophy unlocking; and
  • Loss of user-generated content or parts of the game may not function properly, both online and offline.
It looks like some people are affected in certain games, yes. These will be the edge cases. Only 9 titles have been identified as having critical issues which are defined as:
  • User may lose in-game currency whether paid for or earned;
  • Loss of game progress, including scores and progress toward trophy unlocking; and
  • Loss of user-generated content or parts of the game may not function properly, both online and offline.
So far. It has also been mentioned that there was only limited testing too, mainly for the most popular games. Like I said, just odd why it's like this if the name is just a name, and not the primary identifier of the account.

Then there's things like this:
The game must have launched for the first time on or after April 1, 2018, to support the online ID change feature. For example, a game that first launched back in 2013 that has since been re-mastered or re-sold as a ‘complete edition’ in 2018 does not apply.
Stupid question: regardless the game (even the ones that are causing trouble) if you change the psn ID there would be any kind of problem when starting the game fresh new afterwards?

Or are the problems related to only when the user already has the said games?

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