PSN ID change now live.PS4 

  • Thread starter TJ13
Huzzah! My stupid old PSN name has been replaced with a name that closely reflects my current GTP name. God my old name sucked :lol:
GT Planet: SCPH1000, PSN: SCPH1000-, I can see that dash annoying the crap out of me sooner or later, but it's as close as I can get to what I wanted
I was thinking about changing my PSN ID from the browser, although I'm still playing in my PS3 as I don't own a PS4. Do you know if it's going to affect the game progress data, paid-DLC content etc there? Will the new ID be recognised as a new account or something like that?

I did some research on Reddit (specifically here) and I saw many people saying that the PSN ID change doesn't affect anything related to saved game data, game progress or downloaded content of the PS3 games/apps. I can't confirm the same for the PS Vita, but the same claim might apply. It may stop the trophy progress though, a.k.a in case a trophy is earned after the PSN ID change, it will not count towards the trophy progress, despite the new ID name being "accompanied" with the same basic account, if that makes any sense.

In the end, I changed my PSN ID from the browser. I'll give you some feedback in case I notice something wrong or abnormal. 👍

Edit: I checked some of my games like F1 2013 and Battlefield 4.
Nothing important has changed, the DLC for each game is still there, the game data files are as they were before the change. I noticed that my previous ID name in the leaderboards has been replaced by the new one.
So, everything seems OK, I guess :cool: :gtpflag:
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well I won't be replacing my nosoks ID, but I may do my Indonesian account. My only concern is redownloading games. Will the store recognize your new name? Apologies if this has been covered already
My only concern is redownloading games. Will the store recognize your new name?
Considering the fact that you won't lose your paid content after the ID change, I believe you'll be fine 👍
Just be cautious.
What a joke, I was going to change my account ID but found that my name had too many characters so I clicked out and thought of one that would but when I went back and typed in my new one they wanted to charge what happened to the first one free I didn't make one the first time.
Did anyone test GT5 and GT6 after the ID change? AFAIK their savegames are attached to your PSN ID so you can't use someone else's save data.
But of a bump on this, but+1 On the above, particularly with GT5. I've been holding back since the ID change feature was launched, just to do my research and see how other people have faired, especially with PS3 games, and so far things look promising. Most the PS3 and 4 games in my collection have seemingly passed the test and have no issues found according to what others have reported.

However I've yet to see reports that GT5 and 6 definitely pass the test (though reports have suggested GT6 is ok). I understand trophies and DLC are fine as they're tied to your account, and that 99.9% of the time things are ok. Just want to be double and triple sure really.

Basically I'm just wanting to make sure these two work A-ok with regards to offline saves and DLC for sure if anyone can confirm? Otherwise all save data has been backed up and trophies synced so I'm good to go.
Did anyone test GT5 and GT6 after the ID change? AFAIK their savegames are attached to your PSN ID so you can't use someone else's save data.

sorry to necro but there's still no definitive answer on this. i've searched everywhere

What needs clarifying please?

I have changed my ID multiple times and I have played Gran Turismo 5 and 6 since on my PS3 and my save data is still accessible and as it should be so unless i am not understanding something your game should still work as it always was even if you have changed your ID...
@Racing_Miku omg! I'll do this yet, but, I assume saved replays remain? And how does 5 Prologue behave, start over?

I didn't have any saved replays on the game but I would imagine they should remain since they are stored on your PS3.

Prologue I started over but if you have a save file I think it should still load.
aaand bump!

I've not a plethora of network-heavy PS3 titles I've indulged in, but still I'd like to know if GTPrologue is safe after I finally fix my nick finally keep across all my platforms

Also is this absolute no changes in 5+6 after remedy nick?

EDIT: Because once GT7 finally launches it is on I totally skipping 8th gen along with Sporty-poo I'll throw my half stack in a second for the three transactions
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