
Does anyone disagree?
Well I Was responding to someone who did
Have you seen feminists saying that it's OK that only men get drafted? Have you missed the movements by feminists to have women allowed to enlist in the military?
Well I certianly haven't seen any Feminists calling for Women to be part of the Draft or remove it entirely if it didn't allow both genders in the same conditions.

Countries having mandatory drafts or service for males isn't some brand new 21st century radical feminism thing, as mentioned above it goes back generations to the idea that men are the protectors and breadwinners and women are the caregivers and homemakers.
Again missing the point, I understand it isn't however in todays modern world where Women are treated equal to men the question lies in how there isn't a Single country on this planet that subject Women to the same Draft standards as Men in Forced Constription, Also to note there is plenty of 1st world Countrys where Men are forced to do Military Service, where in those same countries Women only have the option if they choose, Yes women have Protested to get the right to Fight in wars or Join Military but their standards are still Lower then Mens in many armed forces, not to mention those countries with a Forced Draft allow Women to opt out of potentially dying at war where as Men don't, and their ability to live Free in their own country depends on them doing it if need be where as it doesn't apply for women.

And this is before we even get to the lowered physical Tests for Women performing the same Role earning the same money.
It's not a grand hypocrisy of feminism that laws made hundreds of years ago by men from an era where men were the only ones who fought wars are disproportionately affecting men.
The argument lies in Feminism is Equal rights from a female perspective fighting for where Women are disadvantaged and rarely if ever Men who clearly have many themselves, in a previous responsibility based culture for one gender.

If Women want the Ability to Vote and do things exactly like men, they should also burden the Responsibilities men face as well such as the Draft and under the exact same conditions (which if I didn't already note lacks a single country on planet earth doing said thing).
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Well, I don't typically post here on the opinions forum, as I have trouble debating an opinion (can't find the right words, keep digging myself into a hole I shouldn't have been in), but my view on this is very simple.

You want equal rights? No problem, 100% fine with that, I believe it should be the case already.

However, the hypocritical "Tumblr feminists", that believe men are inferior and bash them constantly? Nope. They aren't feminists by definition (going by the one given in the OP), anyway. Just people ranting about various "Reasons" that men are the scum of the Earth.
Well, I don't typically post here on the opinions forum, as I have trouble debating an opinion (can't find the right words, keep digging myself into a hole I shouldn't have been in), but my view on this is very simple.

You want equal rights? No problem, 100% fine with that, I believe it should be the case already.

However, the hypocritical "Tumblr feminists", that believe men are inferior and bash them constantly? Nope. They aren't feminists by definition (going by the one given in the OP), anyway. Just people ranting about various "Reasons" that men are the scum of the Earth.
I think you'll find the Feminists who see past that, rarely call themselves feminists anymore.
You are presuming that the word "distraction" implies that men will be distracted by women wearing more revealing clothing without a dresscode.
I'm not really, that's literally what we told by school administration in elementary school (grade 6-8 mostly) when they talked about girls needing to wear shoulder straps that were at least 3cm wide and couldn't have bra straps showing and so on. At school dances they separated people dancing too close to "make room for Jesus". The whole thing had a clearly puritanical slut shaming undertone to it. It makes me feel pretty uneasy looking back on it, 40+ year old teachers were talking about 13 year old girls and being too sexualized. As if a 13 year old girl's shoulder is something that's inherently sexual.
First, as I understand it, the purpose of dresscodes in Canadian schools is to keep the focus on learning and away from who is wearing the latest fashion trends, who has the most money to spend on clothes, who is the coolest etc.
What I was talking about was mostly about dress codes outside of school uniforms. Public schools where there isn't a uniform but there's a dress code based on how short your shorts/skirts can be etc etc. I went to a Catholic high school and we had a uniform, it was basically leather shoes, slacks/shorts/kilt, and a golf shirt, I didn't mind it because as you said it made it a lot easier that there was less worrying about brands and fashion at school.

Even within a uniform framework we still had problems with this stuff. There were a lot of (especially taller) girls who basically couldn't wear shorts even when it was 30 degrees out in June because there were literally no shorts available for them to buy from the uniform company that weren't too short without being too big for their waist. I never wore shorts because the only shorts that were big enough for my waist were long enough that they basically became capris. The girls pants didn't have pockets, even with a uniform there were still problems with this because it's really hard to do a one size fits all approach. Even the length thing, the rules was shorts had to be longer than your finger tips, and as I said above my arms are short as hell, I could basically wear the shorts from Bruno and be within the rules.

Second, teenage boys being distracted by sexy teenage girls is normal and vice versa. You can't change human nature, it is what it is, and from my high school experiences, the sexiest, best dressed girls got all the attention and the frumpy ones not so much.
Sure, teenagers will be attracted to each other is human nature and that's not something we can, would want to, or should want to change. But I don't agree that being so distracted you can't do your schoolwork is just human nature.
We can debate whether or not this is actually a distraction from learning or not of course, but the concept of boys being distracted by girls and vice versa isn't anything new or sexist either, nor is a policy that accepts that reality and attempts to deal with it.
The idea that boys and girls would be attracted to each other isn't sexist, but the way that idea is handled certainly can be. I really don't like the implications of it, boys being told that the onus isn't on them to stop ogling a girl's legs, and girls being told that it's their responsibility to keep boys from being distracted. It all comes back to a girl's body being seen as inherently sexual in a way that a boy's isn't. It really just makes me feel uneasy when you consider things like women being told they shouldn't have drank so much after they get sexually assaulted.

When it comes to schools the whole idea of a uniform makes sense to me. You are there to learn and socialize but you are only in school 30 out of 168 hours in a week, so you have plenty of time to show off your individuality outside of school.
I don't really like the idea of school uniforms in every public school, but I don't really mind the idea of Catholic or private schools having them. I don't really think Ontario should have publicly funded Catholic schools but that's a whole other can of worms :lol:.

Well I Was responding to someone who did Well I certianly haven't seen any Feminists calling for Women to be part of the Draft or remove it entirely if it didn't allow both genders in the same conditions.
He didn't say he thinks it's OK, he said the same thing as me, that feminism isn't to blame for the draft targeting men and it's not an indictment of it.
Again missing the point, I understand it isn't however in todays modern world where Women are treated equal to men the question lies in how there isn't a Single country on this planet that subject Women to the same Draft standards as Men in Forced Constription
No I don't think I'm missing the point. You're coming back to this as a knock against feminism as if feminism is the reason why only men are drafted in some countries. As if it was feminist women that created the draft laws. There's plenty of countries around the world where neither men nor women are forced into conscription. I've lived in two of them. Why would we want an unjust and unfair policy like conscription to be even further extended?

You're wrong that feminists haven't tried to change it. In the 1980's feminists took it to the supreme court, and were voted down 9-0 (by 9 male justices). Five times since 2003 there's been an attempt to make the draft equal and it's been rejected in Congress. Over the next few years women will be permitted to serve on the front lines in the US military. In Canada all military jobs have been open to both sexes since 1989. Doesn't sound like women are trying to shirk responsibility if they've campaigned to be allowed to volunteer for direct combat roles.
And this is before we even get to the lowered physical Tests for Women performing the same Role earning the same money.
That's another discussion entirely. I don't agree that the physical requirements for combat troops should be different for men and women. I don't know enough of the specifics about other areas where women serve to say if the physical tests matter or not.

The argument lies in Feminism is Equal rights from a female perspective fighting for where Women are disadvantaged and rarely if ever Men who clearly have many themselves, in a previous responsibility based culture for one gender.
This doesn't mean that feminism is a bad thing or shouldn't exist. Are LGBT rights advocates bad because they aren't advocating to stop child abuse at the same time? Should we suspend welfare programs because there's children who don't have water in Africa? Are mental health advocates bad people because they're not raising money for cancer research? This just doesn't make sense as a criticism, of course feminists spend more time on women's issues, that's the whole point of the movement.

If Women want the Ability to Vote and do things exactly like men, they should also burden the Responsibilities men face as well such as the Draft and under the exact same conditions (which if I didn't already note lacks a single country on planet earth doing said thing).
I agree. If we're going to have a crappy thing like the draft it should at least be applied equally.

I don't know why you think it's a trump card to feminism though, or why you think feminists should have to campaign to be subjected to the same crappy system as a draft for the movement to be "true". Should whites have petitioned to be bought and sold as slaves, or should we abolish slavery?
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Well I Was responding to someone who did

Noob already addressed this but that's not correct, I did not and would not disagree - I was saying that the reason conscription is like that may well be born out of discrimination towards women, and not out of some man-hating agenda that I hope you're not looking for. Either way, I'd also agree it's a feminist issue - just not such an important one perhaps.
He didn't say he thinks it's OK, he said the same thing as me, that feminism isn't to blame for the draft targeting men and it's not an indictment of it.
I wasn't saying that, I was just stating a point of how Male Responsibility by law exceeds Female.

No I don't think I'm missing the point. You're coming back to this as a knock against feminism as if feminism is the reason why only men are drafted in some countries. As if it was feminist women that created the draft laws. There's plenty of countries around the world where neither men nor women are forced into conscription. I've lived in two of them. Why would we want an unjust and unfair policy like conscription to be even further extended?
But im not, all im saying is, when one wants to be in Military service this should also be considered

You're wrong that feminists haven't tried to change it. In the 1980's feminists took it to the supreme court, and were voted down 9-0 (by 9 male justices).
Hard to say an all Male Anti-war group is classed as Feminist

Five times since 2003 there's been an attempt to make the draft equal and it's been rejected in Congress. Over the next few years women will be permitted to serve on the front lines in the US military. In Canada all military jobs have been open to both sexes since 1989. Doesn't sound like women are trying to shirk responsibility if they've campaigned to be allowed to volunteer for direct combat roles.
Hard to say Feminists had anything to do with the draft legislation as it was proposed by a congressmen, Also the allowance of females in combat roles is something I am not disputing and nothing I have said was even about it, im solely talking about things forced on Males on not Females such as draft and not Volunteered service, these lack choice and then come under responsibilities for one and not the other.

This doesn't mean that feminism is a bad thing or shouldn't exist. Are LGBT rights advocates bad because they aren't advocating to stop child abuse at the same time? Should we suspend welfare programs because there's children who don't have water in Africa? Are mental health advocates bad people because they're not raising money for cancer research? This just doesn't make sense as a criticism, of course feminists spend more time on women's issues, that's the whole point of the movement.
Certainly it had it's purpose and did it really well in allowing
women to achieve the same rights as men, but it has mainly benefited women with next to none for men when the far majority of women's issues have been eradicated, leaving it very Female Bias and thus tainted I am coming from the egalitarian view that it should start to do so.

I don't know why you think it's a trump card to feminism though, or why you think feminists should have to campaign to be subjected to the same crappy system as a draft for the movement to be "true". Should whites have petitioned to be bought and sold as slaves, or should we abolish slavery?
well what happened in the end is what we want right, but this is a next to a non issue when it only effects men.
Hard to say an all Male Anti-war group is classed as Feminist

Why is the fact that they're all male relevant? They're people arguing for equal rights for women. That's what feminists do.

You're aware that feminists aren't necessarily female, right?
Why is the fact that they're all male relevant? They're people arguing for equal rights for women. That's what feminists do.

You're aware that feminists aren't necessarily female, right?
Yes I fully understand white knights exist.

But my point still stands, the group in question don't come off as feminists rather Anti-War more then anything.
white knights

The moment I hear this used in any conversation regarding gender equality, I get up and walk away.


Amazing that people feel so defensive of misogyny that they feel the need to create labels to insult and demean pro-equality people or groups... even if the labels aren't insulting at all.


Loaded language is a sign of poor debating skills. If you can't argue a point without using a jingoistic label for the group pushing forward that point, then you're not confident in your own argument. I'm not saying this is you... merely that this applies to the person or group that originated that term.

(I know, it's tangential to the argument at hand, but whatever. Carry on.)
I guess my question is how if women supposedly don't want the "responsibility" of being drafted, how could trying to include them in the draft be "white knighting"?

Amazing that people feel so defensive of misogyny that they feel the need to create labels to insult and demean pro-equality people or groups... even if the labels aren't insulting at all.
It's because they don't believe misogyny still exists in a major way. So things like women not getting drafted are "proof" that women actually have it easy and the feminazis are just whining now.
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Yes I fully understand white knights exist.

So because a man believes in equality for the sexes, that makes him a white knight?

You're not making a lot of sense here. Particularly as @Noob616 points out, getting women included in the draft isn't exactly doing them any favours. It's equality, but it's equality to go out and get shot in the face with an AK. White knighting is generally considered to be working to protect women, which that particular case really is not. If they were being white knights, they'd be arguing to keep women out of the draft.

A white knight is someone who believes that women should be protected. That's not equality most of the time, unless you're extending the same protections to men.

A feminist is someone who believes that the sexes should be treated equally. That works whether the person who believes this is a man or a woman. Women may be more invested in having the sexes treated equally, but it doesn't mean that men can't think it's important too.

You'll notice that these things are not only not the same, that they're mutually exclusive a lot of the time.
I think you will find that I said from the start, either have them included in the draft under the same conditions or remove it entirely, what both of you have been saying implies I didn't say the latter.
I think you will find that I said from the start, either have them included in the draft under the same conditions or remove it entirely, what both of you have been saying implies I didn't say the latter.
And then called people trying to do just that white knights.

You're not making a lot of sense here. Particularly as @Noob616 points out, getting women included in the draft isn't exactly doing them any favours. It's equality, but it's equality to go out and get shot in the face with an AK. White knighting is generally considered to be working to protect women, which that particular case really is not. If they were being white knights, they'd be arguing to keep women out of the draft.

This is a really important distinction and it ties into a lot of the powder kegs on this issue (the draft, divorce/custody laws, men as child care providers seen as inappropriate, etc). If anything the white knight positions are as sexist as other forms of misogyny, they both come from the same ideas of women being weak and needing a man to protect her, or being better suited for nurturing children.
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Once there was an ordering of civilization based on kingship, castles, knighthood, and feudalism. The knights took vows to protect the weak, innocent, women and children. All that was swept away centuries ago.

A fragment of chivalry still pops up when a man opens a door for a woman. Women appreciate this, but like to think they are well able to fend for themselves.

Back in the 60's, a man with a high school education could expect a job in a mill or factory to readily pay for a house, a stay-at-home wife, a muscle car, a boat and a fishing cabin in the mountains. I know 'cuz I did all this.

In the 70's feminism came along and suddenly the labor force doubled and soon enough prices rose and wages stagnated. The old order is more or less constantly being overturned. It's no wonder the younger generations are having identity issues.
I just read the thread title as "Famineism"

Famineism it is either a type of movement or a type of philosophy.

I am thinking the latter.
And then called people trying to do just that white knights.
And yet I didn't, it was a jibe at a Stupid question that was more condescension rather then a real question, So I responded on what I thought would be just as condecending.

This is a really important distinction and it ties into a lot of the powder kegs on this issue (the draft, divorce/custody laws, men as child care providers seen as inappropriate, etc). If anything the white knight positions are as sexist as other forms of misogyny, they both come from the same ideas of women being weak and needing a man to protect her, or being better suited for nurturing children.
Here is what lies in the problem of identifying the "Feminist" there are genuine people such as your self who want equality and others who clearly don't also identifying themselves the same name, which makes an argument incredibly difficult as you can't exactly indentify who is actually what.
Today men are unable to compete with women for preferred education and jobs. They have smoked too much pot and grown boobs, belly fat and arteriosclerosis. They are psychological basket cases whose highest calling is to be a sniper in an unwinnable war, then come home disabled and die young in dementia.

The age of patriarchy is dead. Now is the time for women to assert themselves and rule the world as best they can. Think of Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland as the avatars of a new caste of warrior monks destined to guide civilization to a glorious future - a future without the need for men.
I think you will find that I said from the start, either have them included in the draft under the same conditions or remove it entirely, what both of you have been saying implies I didn't say the latter.

And yet you still haven't mentioned that of course you didn't mean to imply that men couldn't be feminists, which tends to support the assumption that you in fact did mean to imply that men couldn't be feminists.

How interesting.
And yet you still haven't mentioned that of course you didn't mean to imply that men couldn't be feminists, which tends to support the assumption that you in fact did mean to imply that men couldn't be feminists.

How interesting.
That's your assumption with your own answer.

what I said feminisim was is entirely possible for anyone with the ability of thought to be.
what I said feminisim was is entirely possible for anyone with the ability of thought to be.

Do you mean this?

The argument lies in Feminism is Equal rights from a female perspective fighting for where Women are disadvantaged and rarely if ever Men who clearly have many themselves, in a previous responsibility based culture for one gender.

I'm not sure many people with the ability of thought could decipher clearly what that is supposed to mean. It's about three steps from "has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

How about you explain what that means in short, clear English sentences so that there's no more confusion about what you actually think feminism is?

What are equal rights from a female perspective and how is that different to equal rights from a male perspective? To me, equal rights should be equal rights no matter who is looking at them, otherwise they're probably not equal.
What is a "responsibility based culture"?
What does "rarely if ever Men who clearly have many themselves" refer to in that sentence? It seems to be just thrown in the middle. Many what? Rights? Disadvantages? Responsibilities?

Don't make me wade through your confusing, disjointed sentences. Explain what you mean in a fashion that is easy to understand, and then there can actually be some productive discussion, and I can easily identify which of your posts are actually indicative of your opinion and which are jokes.


You're the one that assumed a valid question from me (Why is it relevant that the anti-war group was male?) was condescending, and decided to respond with a flippant answer.

Now, we can ignore all that as distraction, establish what your position on feminism actually is (and what you think feminism itself actually is) and go back to having a discussion sensibly like adults. You clearly have opinions that differ from those of some other people and it would be interesting to hear what they are, if only so that I can decide for myself whether I agree or not.

Or you can continue attempting to take cheap shots. It's up to you.
Do you mean this?

I'm not sure many people with the ability of thought could decipher clearly what that is supposed to mean. It's about three steps from "has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

How about you explain what that means in short, clear English sentences so that there's no more confusion about what you actually think feminism is?

What are equal rights from a female perspective and how is that different to equal rights from a male perspective? To me, equal rights should be equal rights no matter who is looking at them, otherwise they're probably not equal.
What is a "responsibility based culture"?
What does "rarely if ever Men who clearly have many themselves" refer to in that sentence? It seems to be just thrown in the middle. Many what? Rights? Disadvantages? Responsibilities?

Don't make me wade through your confusing, disjointed sentences. Explain what you mean in a fashion that is easy to understand, and then there can actually be some productive discussion, and I can easily identify which of your posts are actually indicative of your opinion and which are jokes.


You're the one that assumed a valid question from me (Why is it relevant that the anti-war group was male?) was condescending, and decided to respond with a flippant answer.

Now, we can ignore all that as distraction, establish what your position on feminism actually is (and what you think feminism itself actually is) and go back to having a discussion sensibly like adults. You clearly have opinions that differ from those of some other people and it would be interesting to hear what they are, if only so that I can decide for myself whether I agree or not.

Or you can continue attempting to take cheap shots. It's up to you.
I mean exactly what I said, and it still stands.

If you can't comprehend facts or English that isn't my problem.

Nothing I have said says men can't be feminists, what I said is it mainly focuses on female Disadvantages and rarely men.
I mean exactly what I said, and it still stands.

If you can't comprehend facts or English that isn't my problem.

You, the person who routinely adds random capitals and punctuation into your four line run-on sentences, are accusing me of lacking an understanding of the English language?

I ask you for a clear explanation of a point that was unclear, and the best you can come up with is to tell me that it's my fault for being dumb? You have an opportunity to enlighten and educate another person, but you'd rather not bother.

Honestly, why would anyone want to have a discussion with such a person?

Carry on. Best of luck, buddy. You'll need it. :rolleyes:
You, the person who routinely adds random capitals and punctuation into your four line run-on sentences, are accusing me of lacking an understanding of the English language?
The words don't change regardless of the size of the first letter, and that would be the by product of the phone im using.

I ask you for a clear explanation of a point that was unclear, and the best you can come up with is to tell me that it's my fault for being dumb? You have an opportunity to enlighten and educate another person, but you'd rather not bother.
Well I did explain how you're misinterpreting what I'm saying and then making your own meanings, Not to mention you seemed to have missed the part of my Quote where I did some explanation for you:
"Nothing I have said says men can't be feminists, what I said is it mainly focuses on female Disadvantages and rarely men."

Honestly, why would anyone want to have a discussion with such a person?
I Already had that Approach due to your Condecending Question.

Carry on. Best of luck, buddy. You'll need it. :rolleyes:
Well I certianly haven't seen any Feminists calling for Women to be part of the Draft or remove it entirely if it didn't allow both genders in the same conditions.

Seems to me that your argument is that if feminists haven't successfully identified, catalogued, and spoken against every single instance of inequality in this world, then their entire cause is invalid.

Before I continue with my thoughts about that, it's only fair that I allow you to confirm or deny. Would you care to?