Ok, maybe I need to clarify my previous statements a little more. I was implying that sticky race tires on a stock street vehicle would make it very easy to flip the car/truck under braking, cornering, or both at the same time. Race cars use stiffer suspensions to limit body roll with the stickier tires and they use downforce and ground effects to keep the car on the track.
The game appears to let a car roll to the point of hitting the bump stops on one side and fully extending the suspension on the other side, but it is difficult to get those wheels off the ground. Furthermore, evasive maneuvers in vehicles that have poor handling rarely result in what would be a catastrophic real world accident.
Your videos show that in the right hands, at the right speed one can control a large vehicle in a slide. However, many drivers in real life, and in this game too, don't quite have that control. Attempting to turn under hard braking (abs or not) can easily flip a vehicle. Especially if a wheel comes in contact with an uneven surface like the side of a track or rumble strip.
These aren't the best examples...but its hard to find accidents with live footage. I've driven past plenty of 1 car rollovers where the car did not come in contact with the guard rail, they simply weren't paying attention and when traffic slowed down they hit the brakes too hard then at the last minute decided to swerve out of their lane...thus resulting in a rollover. Modern technology helps reduce the whiplash affect by using ABS and stability control but it still happens.
Yeah, those are actually as bad of examples as you could get, being that every single one crashed into something before rolling over.
I did really enjoy watching the total moron in the van swerve into the filming vehicle just to stop 100 feet short of what they so desperately needed to avoid.
But anyway, like you said, it's possible to roll SUV's and trucks fairly easily, but if you going to convince me cars roll so easily like your original statement, well, you're gonna need more then videos of a few nimrods.
You can roll a car, but 99.99% of the time, it involves hitting something, or a drastically uneven surface.
Of course none of this detracts from the fact that cars don't lift off the ground easily enough in GT5, you're right, they don't.
Without downforce, most of the cars in this game would flip over with racing tires.
This is the comment I took issue with, after all.

We also still haven't addressed if down force can even help keep a car from flipping in the scenarios it usually requires to flip a car.
I simply can't see how it would help prevent it, being that it adds grip, kinda like the racing tires you mention do. One might be inclined to believe extra grip from down force would compound the issue.