[FGTA] multiple series and events, all details inside | Always welcoming new drivers and media staffOpen 

  • Thread starter gtpcaine
Looking to form a team. I am located in southwestern Connecticut. I am looking for 3 other drivers that can represent my team driving car number 68 for "I'll Owe You Won Racing". I can not promise victory, I can not promise an incident free race, but what I can promise is a 24 hour period of pure racing bliss, a home for 2 days (although maybe not the most comfortable), we will work out proper food, an above all, great booze served by a professional bartender with the finish of the race, yours truly :-). Those interested and can make the journey not matter how near or far are welcomed into my abode.
Interesting. Can you friend TNR_LILBUDDY on Psn to talk about this?
Hey guys. I just want to announce that i WILL NOT be able to continue in the series that i had committed myself for. I thought i would be able to when i was playing GT6 on a daily basis. Some life commitments and work have gotten in the way. I'm sorry for being so late to write this, i was planning to earlier in the week.

I had registered into GP3 and GT3 Class Series. So i will officially leave these series and open up the room for others. Thx for the opportunity by the way. :(
Hey guys. I just want to announce that i WILL NOT be able to continue in the series that i had committed myself for. I thought i would be able to when i was playing GT6 on a daily basis. Some life commitments and work have gotten in the way. I'm sorry for being so late to write this, i was planning to earlier in the week.

I had registered into GP3 and GT3 Class Series. So i will officially leave these series and open up the room for others. Thx for the opportunity by the way. :(
K. Do you want me to put you on the reserve list, or remove you completely?
just came up with it today, so it's working progress. any questions feel free to ask :)
I have just had a quick read and looks good, are you looking to be regulated by the FGTA? I would assume yes but when you assume you make an a** out of u and me :lol:
If yes, open a convo with myself, @gtpcaine and @Glenalz81 and we can start talking properly and maybe start work 👍
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Hi guys,

There's a single Event coming up in a month using a multi class race, GT3 CARS and Megane Trophys 8 of each. We are hoping for a full house with great racing.
Full details are linked in this flyer to the thread.
We are holding a test session Friday night 16th may 12am GMT / EST 7pm.
If any of you racers fancy it your more than welcome to join the Test session and also get yourself signed up.

cheers :gtpflag:
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With thanks to @Glenalz81 the FGTA now have a new thread header logo, could all series hosts please change their current header to the new one :cheers:
FGTA new.jpg

Can I share a spot race I made here? If you like it sanctioning would be awesome.
Only if we regulate it will we advertise it, can you open a convo with myself @gtpcaine and @Glenalz81 with information of what you have so far, also if you have a google account, could you include your email, so I can allow you to edit and docs you will need 👍
One of our drivers (@swiftsmith ) is hosting s fun relaxed spot race, as a fun and relaxed race, it will not be regulated by the FGTA, but you should still go and have a look here 👍
I know we are being a pain, but we have a slight;y edited logo, would be nice to see it in use, so if series hosts could change in their next edit, that would be great 👍


  • fgtalogo_full.jpg
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For those that are not so sharp eye'd, we have slightly changed the OP of this thread, as it was starting to look untidy with too many logo's and too much other stuff to keep updated easily.

So, information is in post 1:
*images may be link's*
*image will be link to website once complete*
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Before signing up to be an FGTA driver please take the time to thoroughly read all the below information and ensure you are clear on our rules and regulations.
If you have any questions after reading all the information, feel free to ask.
We are also open to, and welcome all comments and suggestions you may have.

The FGTA was created by three Gran Turismo players who met on GTPlanet. Two of which currently host their own race series on GTPlanet. (@P1K3Y_M1k3Y -> WGTC + @Glenalz81) The third creator, @gtpcaine, is a co-host in the WGTC and the one responsible for our website (currently under construction). Between us, we came up with the FGTA.

The FGTA is basically a governing body for online racing. Similar to the FIA in real life racing. Events run by the FGTA all share the same core regulations, and attitude to racing. One of the reasons the FGTA was formed, was to make things simpler and easier to access for the members of our race series.

The general members are the most important thing to us. We are always interested in what you have to say. Whether it's about this thread, our website, or an individual race series. Get in touch with us if you have any feedback. Things you like, things you don't like, all is welcome!



The aim of the FGTA is to bring as many variations of Race Series' together under one banner. Resulting in a wide range of enjoyment for an ever growing member base. With all events following the same core regulations, it allows drivers to chop and change between different styles of racing without having to remember different sets of rules for the different championships.

As we have only just formed this governing body, out current target is to build up our reputation for good, clean racing. Which is what everyone who races online is after. This can only be achieved by our largest feature. The community. It's the commitment and attitude of the general members who make running in a race series fun and worthwhile.

So, want to help make the best race series out there? Then please sign up and enjoy yourselves!


Once complete this thread will have all the links and information (including general FGTA rules and regulations) you will need to become a FGTA driver or even series organizer.
This thread should be the main hub of communication between the FGTA series organizers and their drivers for general discussion and future series information. Drivers are always welcome and encouraged to put ideas and suggestions forward to the series organizers and all ideas and suggestions will be considered.

Please feel free to introduce yourself to us, you don't even have to want to join any of our current series or even apply to become a driver (unless you wish to race) although there is spaces in our current series and many many, more series coming in the future once all the FGTA features and details are complete (details below)


Watch this space as we will slowly be releasing information about our website. I would like to include what features and advantages we would like you to have and will try to include for you as both a driver and race director.
Some things I know are already know I are going in are:
News section - for all the most up to date news and information.
Race series and calendar - All our race series in one place and full race calendar.
Stats - All the series and driver stats in one place.
Media - Where anyone can post their favorite pictures and videos.
We are also aiming to build a full database of car specs and regulations for various types of series using various types of cars at various level's of power, meaning you should be able to find the right set of cars and regulations for your series with already balanced spec's. This will take time and help from other race directors would help with this.


Full FGTA Rules and Regulations can be found here


Any of our committed drivers are welcome to apply to become an FGTA series organizer, only thing we ask is that you can prove you are able to put the effort needed to host an entire series.
Any current series organizers are welcome to apply for their series to be governed by us, you will keep full control of the series and be responsible for keeping your own GTPlanet series thread and once complete your series will be added to our website (currently under construction) and you will be asked to keep this up to date.

@Mini Stiggy



If you wish to join one of our series, please do so in the respective thread (you will be automatically added to the FGTA driver list).



In the coming months you will see more series and events where we have teamed up with the guy's from CORE to bring you some of the best racing possible. Along with these series you will see lot's of media coverage including livestreams, driver interviews and much, much more.
Below you will find all the links and information you will need to keep up to date and links to their current series.


*click image for link*

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19:00 GMT -- Fun Cup -- by @iwasere

7:30pm ACST -- Australian GT3 Series -- BY @TDZdave




19:00 GMT (fortnightly) -- WEC (Season 3) -- Race 2 -- by @memto89

18:00 GMT (fortnightly) -- WEC (Season 3) -- Race 2 -- by @memto89

28/02 - 01/03/2015 - Nurburgring 24 hour


FGTA drivers

All FGTA drivers for all series will be listed here, we will also be releasing details of driver evaluations so that all drivers can have a grade for easy classification in our multi class series.
Being an FGTA driver does not mean we expect you to sign up to every series we host although you are more than welcome to do so if you think you have the time. All it means is that you will be given information on any upcoming events or series we host and may even be able to sign up before the thread goes public.


To sign up as an FGTA driver please complete this form.

Please also complete the sign up in the series thread.

If you wish to join current or future FGTA events you must ensure your name is on the above list and keep an eye out for information on the grading process.
Grading process probably won't be decided until future series start to be planned.

We hope you will never need it, but, if for any reason you wish to cancel your registration, please complete this form.


@P1K3Y_M1k3Y, @gtpcaine, @Glenalz81 .
And @Mini Stiggy (as quickest to post when I opened thread) has agreed to use this post for the racing schedule.


13/06/14 -- 90 Minutes of Motegi -- 18:00 CST{GMT-5} -- by @Brutaka & @merlinrichards

Date unconfirmed -- Race of GTPlanet Champions -- Time unconfirmed -- by @P1K3Y_M1k3Y



18:00 GMT -- Super GT300 Endurance -- by @azidahaka

04:15 GMT -- Global Sports Car Championship -- by @flip55

18:00 GMT -- VW GT24 Stock Championship -- by @DirtyNurbKing58



16:30 GMT -- World GT Championship (Season 2) -- by @P1K3Y_M1k3Y & @gtpcaine

21:00 GMT -- GP2 World Championship -- by @Mini Stiggy
We have just made some minor edits to our rule book [link]

One to keep it up to date with the new endurance timed race feature:

Timed finish
This will be used when a race distance is set to a time rather than a distance.
The race will end when the leader first crosses the finish line once the race time has been completed. This will be done by using the new “endurance race timer” feature, setting it to the predetermined race time. The other drivers may race until they next cross the finish line.

Also, we have reviewed our disconnection procedure (for WGTC drivers, we will be keeping the old rule for the final race)

Disconnection Procedure

Single Driver Disconnection
Before 60% race distance.

In the event of a single driver disconnection before 60% of the race distance has been completed, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race and will not be qualified.

After 60% but before 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection between 60% and 90% race distance, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race, but will be classified as last in class at the time of disconnection.

After 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection after 90% race distance is completed, the race result will be taken from the start of the current lead lap, meaning the affected driver will be classified in the position they were in before disconnection.

Multiple Driver Disconnection (3 or more)
Should multiple drivers disconnect from the lobby during the race all drivers are to assume the red flag will be called and continue their current lap under yellow flag conditions (no overtaking) to park in running order on the grid. The race director and stewards will then communicate to get the running order from the start of the previous lap, before the disconnection. Once complete the race director will order the drivers to exit the track, the restart procedure will then begin. If the mass DC happens after 75% race distance the race will be stopped and will not restart, drivers will be classified at the end of the last completed lap.
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We have just made some minor edits to our rule book [link]

One to keep it up to date with the new endurance timed race feature:

Timed finish
This will be used when a race distance is set to a time rather than a distance.
The race will end when the leader first crosses the finish line once the race time has been completed. This will be done by using the new “endurance race timer” feature, setting it to the predetermined race time. The other drivers may race until they next cross the finish line.

Also, we have reviewed our disconnection procedure (for WGTC drivers, we will be keeping the old rule for the final race)

Disconnection Procedure

Single Driver Disconnection
Before 60% race distance.

In the event of a single driver disconnection before 60% of the race distance has been completed, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race and will not be qualified.

After 60% but before 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection between 60% and 90% race distance, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race, but will be classified as last in class at the time of disconnection.

After 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection after 90% race distance is completed, the race result will be taken from the start of the current lead lap, meaning the affected driver will be classified in the position they were in before disconnection.

Multiple Driver Disconnection (3 or more)
Should multiple drivers disconnect from the lobby during the race all drivers are to assume the red flag will be called and continue their current lap under yellow flag conditions (no overtaking) to park in running order on the grid. The race director and stewards will then communicate to get the running order from the start of the previous lap, before the disconnection. Once complete the race director will order the drivers to exit the track, the restart procedure will then begin. If the mass DC happens after 75% race distance the race will be stopped and will not restart, drivers will be classified at the end of the last completed lap.

I already had plans for next season to use timed finish, but i do classify all drivers that started even if they disconnected; they are all classifed and get points. In case of more then one disconnection the first disconnected driver is classified last, then the others.

Also i do not think a good idea the after 90% rule for in endurance racing a lot can happen and 10% of laps can be 4-5 Laps where one might lose position due to rain or worn out tires. And one might disconect on purpouse.

hope this are not mandatory for they suit far more a 15-20 minutes race then any other longer serie.
View attachment 160104
We have just made some minor edits to our rule book [link]

One to keep it up to date with the new endurance timed race feature:

Timed finish
This will be used when a race distance is set to a time rather than a distance.
The race will end when the leader first crosses the finish line once the race time has been completed. This will be done by using the new “endurance race timer” feature, setting it to the predetermined race time. The other drivers may race until they next cross the finish line.

Also, we have reviewed our disconnection procedure (for WGTC drivers, we will be keeping the old rule for the final race)

Disconnection Procedure

Single Driver Disconnection
Before 60% race distance.

In the event of a single driver disconnection before 60% of the race distance has been completed, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race and will not be qualified.

After 60% but before 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection between 60% and 90% race distance, it will be treated as an engine failure, meaning the affected driver is then subsequently retired from the race, but will be classified as last in class at the time of disconnection.

After 90% race distance

In the event of a single driver disconnection after 90% race distance is completed, the race result will be taken from the start of the current lead lap, meaning the affected driver will be classified in the position they were in before disconnection.

Multiple Driver Disconnection (3 or more)
Should multiple drivers disconnect from the lobby during the race all drivers are to assume the red flag will be called and continue their current lap under yellow flag conditions (no overtaking) to park in running order on the grid. The race director and stewards will then communicate to get the running order from the start of the previous lap, before the disconnection. Once complete the race director will order the drivers to exit the track, the restart procedure will then begin. If the mass DC happens after 75% race distance the race will be stopped and will not restart, drivers will be classified at the end of the last completed lap.
I don't host any series but I can't say I'm a fan of te 90% rule. In our GT300 series the last 10% can be the difference in a one stop or two stop. So if the race is ended at 90% the people on 2 stop strategies won't have to make that pit stop at the end of the race.
I already had plans for next season to use timed finish, but i do classify all drivers that started even if they disconnected; they are all classifed and get points. In case of more then one disconnection the first disconnected driver is classified last, then the others.

Also i do not think a good idea the after 90% rule for in endurance racing a lot can happen and 10% of laps can be 4-5 Laps where one might lose position due to rain or worn out tires. And one might disconect on purpouse.

hope this are not mandatory for they suit far more a 15-20 minutes race then any other longer serie.
I don't host any series but I can't say I'm a fan of te 90% rule. In our GT300 series the last 10% can be the difference in a one stop or two stop. So if the race is ended at 90% the people on 2 stop strategies won't have to make that pit stop at the end of the race.
We have decided to review the disconnection rule to allow for different stages in the race.
@azidahaka no these are not mandatory, but I would recommend that you at least take the 60% rule (put's off anyone who constantly has issues and stops anyone scoring even if they DC on lap1).
This new set of rules brings luck more into the racing, sometimes IRL you will have an engine give up, would you score points for that? (that is part of our thinking behind the new rules.
An intentional DC is easier to spot than might be thought. Any IRL race could be red flagged in the final 10% for any reason and would screw people's strategies (same as a red flag any time in the race), so again luck comes into the racing.

I hope this helps you understand why the ruling has been changed.
First of all i'm not trying to push my opinion, i'm glad to be part of FGTA and i try my best to make it grow in the little i can with my ability and insight :)

sometimes IRL you will have an engine give up, would you score points for that? (that is part of our thinking behind the new rules.

I understand using IRL situations as a start for regulating the races and it's the reason i joined up FGTA :)

but even if i understand what you mean, you should consider that a DC may put an aerly end to a championship fight, and scoring some points would help the drivers that disconected not "dropping the ball" also in RL racing if there's no other cars running and you retire while in i.e. 6th position, you'll get the point for that position. It happened many times in F1, and at monaco i think just 4 cars ended the race yet all were classified and points awarded.

Also IRL if you ram a wall you completely drop off a race not get a crubled car to box and restart with a fresh car after 20 seconds :) how could we enforce that? even with real damage you can fix your car or somehow bring it to pits even if you had a crash that would have most likely killed the driver.

that said i mean in short that we have to face that we can't get a 100% perfect system unless we'll be give the instrument in the game (i.e. real damages, eventual technical failures, driver's injury that would make you skip races etc etc). So we should keep doing the best we can as YOU guys have been doing! :)

that said to sum it up i think i won't be enforcing the "90% rule" or the "no points on disconnect rule" but i'll have a discussion regarding the new rules with my most experienced and rapresetative drivers about it.

I guess i'm the first organizer arguing about FGTA guidelines lol :D