[FGTA] multiple series and events, all details inside | Always welcoming new drivers and media staffOpen 

  • Thread starter gtpcaine
Kinda pointless to make a same version of a series when we aren't even full in the original.
Well it isnt exactly the same and at least it would give members choice of what series they would like to enter.
Dont you think it would be cool to have multiple series on the same day and have members pick the series they would like and even possibly grow FGTA
Well it isnt exactly the same and at least it would give members choice of what series they would like to enter.
Dont you think it would be cool to have multiple series on the same day and have members pick the series they would like and even possibly grow FGTA
If there was enough drivers signed up to the WGTC then a 2nd room at a different time would be an option I would consider :D
What i picture FGTA in my opinion to be is a refined gtplanet where everyone is in a community and organized with the
possibility for them to chose series they would like to race in... Obviously it wouldnt be as big as gtplanet...
What i picture FGTA in my opinion to be is a refined gtplanet where everyone is in a community and organized with the
possibility for them to chose series they would like to race in... Obviously it wouldnt be as big as gtplanet...
In a way yes, eventually there will be many series at many different times but right now the individual series are not filling to full capacity, so to make another series similar on the same day could potentially see drivers either leave the original series or not sign up to the new series resulting in one either losing drivers or the other just not getting any.
Once there is enough drivers then it might be possible to pull off.
Bear with us as we are still in the development stages and have a small driver list, once more is complete and in place then more series and racing will follow, right now trying to get all the pieces of the puzzle into place :D
In a way yes, eventually there will be many series at many different times but right now the individual series are not filling to full capacity, so to make another series similar on the same day could potentially see drivers either leave the original series or not sign up to the new series resulting in one either losing drivers or the other just not getting any.
Once there is enough drivers then it might be possible to pull off.
Bear with us as we are still in the development stages and have a small driver list, once more is complete and in place then more series and racing will follow, right now trying to get all the pieces of the puzzle into place :D
ok i compltely agree with you and plus our series wont start before the end of laguna seca endurance
I'm a bit confused by this FGTA; i guess i understood that as FIA it would look over different championships and rules, technical regulations etc etc... and give its "seal of approval" or "thumb up" to a handful of series...
That would allow people to know what standards as driving and rules the FGTA championship the join has right? And as that i was planning to join with my serie (if possible obviously).

But i do not understand all these procedures of teams and drivers signups; can someone explain me better? This is starting to sound more like "driver's association" than FIA?
I'm a bit confused by this FGTA; i guess i understood that as FIA it would look over different championships and rules, technical regulations etc etc... and give its "seal of approval" or "thumb up" to a handful of series...
That would allow people to know what standards as driving and rules the FGTA championship the join has right? And as that i was planning to join with my serie (if possible obviously).

But i do not understand all these procedures of teams and drivers signups; can someone explain me better? This is starting to sound more like "driver's association" than FIA?
The sign-ups are realy for the director, but FGTA is also entering members in a data-base sometime soon.
What i picture FGTA in my opinion to be is a refined gtplanet where everyone is in a community and organized with the
possibility for them to chose series they would like to race in... Obviously it wouldnt be as big as gtplanet...
FGTA is like a FIA for GranTurismo
I'm a bit confused by this FGTA; i guess i understood that as FIA it would look over different championships and rules, technical regulations etc etc... and give its "seal of approval" or "thumb up" to a handful of series...
That would allow people to know what standards as driving and rules the FGTA championship the join has right? And as that i was planning to join with my serie (if possible obviously).

But i do not understand all these procedures of teams and drivers signups; can someone explain me better? This is starting to sound more like "driver's association" than FIA?

The main base idea of what the FGTA is to do exactly what you are thinking. I suppose in a way you could say this thread is a bit of a "drivers association" for the FGTA in that drivers will receive information on future series, FGTA changes etc. etc. and can have general discussions about almost anything and possibly make pre formed teams for future races or series.
The point of a drivers being on the sign up sheet is so that eventually, once all the pieces of the puzzle are in place, drivers are graded etc. a race director can post all the information about a series idea in this thread, giving our drivers the option to show interest in said series and possibly sign up before the main series thread goes public. Once signed to a series (once evaluated of course) if there is multiple driver classes (as in my WGTC- PRO / AM) then the series host can find all drivers in the sign up and place them in the correct class of driver for their series.
We also aim to have a lot in place for race directors aside from the interest check and driver classes, this eventually will include:
Base regulations: covering everything from racing to general and then series specifics will need to be made for each series
Car specs: A data base of various car specs for loads of different types of car and racing.
and much much more.
we are still in the development stage of the FGTA and it might seem like we don't have much to offer but once everything is complete we hope to take the FGTA from development to a fully running association that overlooks as many series as we can get to join us.

Hope this helps and of course we always welcome new drivers and race directors, if you like pop me a PM with your series idea and I will see what we can do for you 👍 :cheers:
The main base idea of what the FGTA is to do exactly what you are thinking. I suppose in a way you could say this thread is a bit of a "drivers association" for the FGTA in that drivers will receive information on future series, FGTA changes etc. etc. and can have general discussions about almost anything and possibly make pre formed teams for future races or series.
The point of a drivers being on the sign up sheet is so that eventually, once all the pieces of the puzzle are in place, drivers are graded etc. a race director can post all the information about a series idea in this thread, giving our drivers the option to show interest in said series and possibly sign up before the main series thread goes public. Once signed to a series (once evaluated of course) if there is multiple driver classes (as in my WGTC- PRO / AM) then the series host can find all drivers in the sign up and place them in the correct class of driver for their series.
We also aim to have a lot in place for race directors aside from the interest check and driver classes, this eventually will include:
Base regulations: covering everything from racing to general and then series specifics will need to be made for each series
Car specs: A data base of various car specs for loads of different types of car and racing.
and much much more.
we are still in the development stage of the FGTA and it might seem like we don't have much to offer but once everything is complete we hope to take the FGTA from development to a fully running association that overlooks as many series as we can get to join us.

Hope this helps and of course we always welcome new drivers and race directors, if you like pop me a PM with your series idea and I will see what we can do for you 👍 :cheers:
First of all i have no clue if i have the right to signup concerning your eventual speed/pace/cleanliness standards, and secondarily, would the serie i'm running be eligible to enter? Would i have to change rules to comply to fgta ones?

Asking because i worked hard to achieve a balance in my tuning prohibited gt300 endurance championship and managed successfully, and i already plan for promotion of performance system for next season that will start soon.
Hey CORE WEC seems to have reserve drivers. Could I maybe be able to post my draft of gt3 racing series separately but not mentioning FGTA yet hopefully?
First of all i have no clue if i have the right to signup concerning your eventual speed/pace/cleanliness standards, and secondarily, would the serie i'm running be eligible to enter? Would i have to change rules to comply to fgta ones?

Asking because i worked hard to achieve a balance in my tuning prohibited gt300 endurance championship and managed successfully, and i already plan for promotion of performance system for next season that will start soon.

Everyone has the right to sign up to become a driver if standards of a driver were to fall to far below the minimum expected then they would be asked to leave, we hope never to have to do this of course.
The FGTA racing regulations will apply to all series wishing to regulated by the FGTA (and IMO should apply to all series but of course some host's prefer to use their own, and often are very similar).
Car spec's atm are limited to what we have so far (LMP and GT3 so far) so you could keep your own GT300 spec's although we would ask to be able to test them to ensure they are balanced (that is not saying they are not, just that we would like the opportunity to test them) They would then be added to the database (still being constructed) as FGTA specs for any FGTA race director to use with of course credit being given to yourself for the work involved in balancing them.

Hey CORE WEC seems to have reserve drivers. Could I maybe be able to post my draft of gt3 racing series separately but not mentioning FGTA yet hopefully?

Of course you are free to do as you wish outside the FGTA, and perhaps a partnership can be worked out in the future, as said before we wouldn't really want to get involved in another GT3 series at this moment (partly because we already have a lot on our hands, partly because I wouldn't want to risk losing drivers from our current series to join the new series).
@P1K3Y_M1k3Y i'll submit gladly my regulations when season ends. I'll soon provide season 2 rules too, that will balance things even more in true supergt spirit.

I'll sign up as a driver too
@P1K3Y_M1k3Y i'll submit gladly my regulations when season ends. I'll soon provide season 2 rules too, that will balance things even more in true supergt spirit.

I'll sign up as a driver too
OK mate would be best to perhaps speak more after your current running season (we have a lot on our hands trying to get everything into place), for a better idea of how our FGTA rules and regulations would look you could look at the rules and regulations link in the current WGTC thread, they will only give you an idea of what sort of thing to expect as they were written before the FGTA was even thought of, so any general rules that can transfer to any racing will go inti the general FGTA racing rules and regulations, any series specifics will have a section on our website for race directors to make or choose existing :D
Would be great to have another race director so please keep watching this space and see if you think we can work together when more info is released 👍
I will add you into the OP as a driver very soon :D
Could you just do me 1 little favor and complete this:
Time Zone:
Series/Race Interested in: (TBA if none atm)