[FGTA] multiple series and events, all details inside | Always welcoming new drivers and media staffOpen 

  • Thread starter gtpcaine
OK mate would be best to perhaps speak more after your current running season (we have a lot on our hands trying to get everything into place), for a better idea of how our FGTA rules and regulations would look you could look at the rules and regulations link in the current WGTC thread, they will only give you an idea of what sort of thing to expect as they were written before the FGTA was even thought of, so any general rules that can transfer to any racing will go inti the general FGTA racing rules and regulations, any series specifics will have a section on our website for race directors to make or choose existing :D
Would be great to have another race director so please keep watching this space and see if you think we can work together when more info is released 👍
I will add you into the OP as a driver very soon :D
Could you just do me 1 little favor and complete this:
Time Zone:
Series/Race Interested in: (TBA if none atm)
GTP ID:azidahaka
PSN ID: karsten_beoulve
Time Zone: gmt+1 rome
Series/Race Interested in: my own serie, btcc lol
There is a possibility that we could soon see a Super GT300 series join the FGTA at the start of their season 2, confirmation and further information will be released soon.

So watch this space :D

On a note of series I am really happy that the FGTA is growing such good interest already in this very early stage and without wanting to sound like an Oscar winner :lol: I really do want to thank all the drivers and race directors for helping make this take off so quickly, still very early day's and plenty of new things to come.

:cheers: :gtpflag:
There is a possibility that we could soon see a Super GT300 series join the FGTA at the start of their season 2, confirmation and further information will be released soon.

So watch this space :D

On a note of series I am really happy that the FGTA is growing such good interest already in this very early stage and without wanting to sound like an Oscar winner :lol: I really do want to thank all the drivers and race directors for helping make this take off so quickly, still very early day's and plenty of new things to come.

:cheers: :gtpflag:
:tup:Keep the great work up
New FGTA race coming towards the end of the year, it is for a very select group of drivers here on GTPlanet that have all been declared champion in one or more series.

Do well in any of our series and you will automatically qualify to race :D

Drumroll please............

I present the Race of GTPlanet Champions
RoC logo.jpg

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Hey guys! I came across the FGTA through @CodDemon101 as I will be running in his GT3 series. I love the idea of FGTA and would like to sing up as a driver. I won't put a series in my sign up data as I will be busy with the GT3 series now.

GTP ID: pyrates
PSN ID: pyrates2000
Time Zone: GMT+1 / CET (Poland)
Series/Race Interested in: TBA

As far as I understand it, the FGTA will host series as well as single (endurance) races, right? Will it be limited to race car based series or street cars as well? I personally am mostly interested in GT3, GT300/500, LMP and DTM.
Welcome aboard D: right now most of what we do is race car's, although Glen's 10-10 series starts in street cars and end's in race car's. We don't only do race cars though and will see some series using street cars 👍
Hey guys! I came across the FGTA through @CodDemon101 as I will be running in his GT3 series. I love the idea of FGTA and would like to sing up as a driver. I won't put a series in my sign up data as I will be busy with the GT3 series now.

GTP ID: pyrates
PSN ID: pyrates2000
Time Zone: GMT+1 / CET (Poland)
Series/Race Interested in: TBA

As far as I understand it, the FGTA will host series as well as single (endurance) races, right? Will it be limited to race car based series or street cars as well? I personally am mostly interested in GT3, GT300/500, LMP and DTM.
My serie is going through the fgta approval progress and we always welcome new drivers. Season 2 will start in 2 or 3 weeks. The serie is a gt300 endurance serie with no tuning allowed. Look at my signature!
My serie is going through the fgta approval progress and we always welcome new drivers. Season 2 will start in 2 or 3 weeks. The serie is a gt300 endurance serie with no tuning allowed. Look at my signature!

I might be interested if it doesn't collide with the GT3 series. I will definitely keep an eye on it, though.
Could all FGTA drivers get involved in the voting for the car and track for the Gran Turismo 6 GTPlanet Race of Champions.

Could all race directors please also ask their drivers in their series or race thread 👍

Details on the vote can be found here
Details on the race event can be found here
Voting form can be found here
I liked the idea of the ROC. I even voted for a track and car, though I obviously won't be participating (just look at my standings at Kamy's BTCC!). I'm not in the OP yet, but I'll be racing at the 1.5h Laguna.

GTP ID: MatheusBond
PSN ID: Matheus-007
Time Zone: BRT
Series/Race Interested in: 1.5h Laguna
I liked the idea of the ROC. I even voted for a track and car, though I obviously won't be participating (just look at my standings at Kamy's BTCC!). I'm not in the OP yet, but I'll be racing at the 1.5h Laguna.

GTP ID: MatheusBond
PSN ID: Matheus-007
Time Zone: BRT
Series/Race Interested in: 1.5h Laguna
Welcome to the FGTA, hey, you never know about the RoC, plenty of time to grab a championship between now and then ;)
It's a toss up between this series and the BMW 10-10... I really like GT300 cars but I have already signed up for the 10-10 so I think I should probably race there. It's a shame that the two series actually clash with each other, as I'd be open to racing in both, commitments permitting.

NM :(
It is a shame, maybe I will talk to race directors before each season 2, but the idea is that eventually there should be every type of series running at staggered days and times to make them all accessible to everyone :D
It is a shame, maybe I will talk to race directors before each season 2, but the idea is that eventually there should be every type of series running at staggered days and times to make them all accessible to everyone :D
Yeah we should have two time slots each night... say 1 between 7pm-9pm and then the other after ?
That is the plan but the issue is the Super GT300 has already run a season in this time slot and I don't want to ask series host's to move their time slot as it might mean drivers previously signed up can no longer attend. I am looking that in the future series will be staggered and hopefully series will require multiple lounges being open at different times allowing drivers to sign up to a series and then choose a time slot to race in.
Here is a list of new drivers being added to the OP list.

If you are tagged below it is because you are currently signed up to a race or series now being governed by the FGTA.

GTP ID / PSN ID / Timezone / Race or series

@Damon Foster / Dman_513 / TBC / 1.5h Laguna
@Tstockrahm / Alphasniper314 / TBC / 1.5h Laguna
@laurent501 / ymcmb501 / TBC / 1.5h Laguna
@Roflwaffle / Am36925 / GMT / WGTC
@gippone / gprili / TBC / Super GT300
@masterplan / JornLande666 / TBC / Super GT300
@Stephen Vann / LOGICLINE / TBC / Super GT300
@BAZZER / Flanked / TBC / Super GT300
@ekke / ekke-_ / TBC / Super GT300
@Harsk100 / HarskGaming96 / TBC / Super GT300
@SkengD / Skendigi / GMT / Super GT300

Could those of you without a timezone noted please update me with your timezone and difference to GMT if known 👍

Welcome to the FGTA everyone, please have a read of our OP and familiarize yourselves with it.
Being an FGTA driver does not mean we expect you to sign up to every series we host although you are more than welcome to do so if you think you have the time. All it means is that you will be given information on any upcoming events or series we host and may even be able to sign up before the thread goes public. Please feel free to introduce yourselves and get involved, if you have any idea's or suggestions, we encourage you to come forward and put them to us, as keeping our members happy is key to the success of the FGTA.