FH3 Hot Wheels Expansion - Now Available

  • Thread starter Justuxful
I dont like this. April fools again?

To be fair, some people might see the fun in this, and at the very least, its something different. However, im sure this will turn shallow soon. Looks more like TrackMania or MicroMachines then Forza. That being said, i dont like the direction this franchise is taking. I will skip this.
FH3 in general has turned pretty shallow to me, but this exact expansion is the reason I'm coming back in the first place. This kind of stupid fun is exactly whats needed in games that aren't aiming to be Sims.
Horizon's not meant to be taken seriously, and that's why this expansion looks good to me 👍

If I want realism I'll get plenty of it when the next Forza Motorsport title launches. For now I just want fun with cars in Australia :cool:

If this expansion is something you don't want to see in future Forza games, vote with your wallet and send them an email explaining why.
I was always pretty sure it wasn't going to be Porsche, but this is shocking. I'm not sure how I feel about it. I liked Hot Wheels quite a bit as a kid, but at 50 seconds into the trailer I still thought it was an April Fool's joke. Guess I'll have to try and if I don't like it I'll just move along
Well I know one young boy that will flip out when he comes back from school today. :D

Just as long as it's standalone like the other expansions and I don't have to duck big orange ramps if I want to go back to the vanilla game, I'm all for it.
April fools again?

I think expansions are allowed to deviate from the conventions every now and then. I fail to see what the alternative could be without coming across as something too insignificant for requiring its own expansion. This brings new gameplay elements.
Even if I don't end up liking this, I think I'll be more satisfied with the expansion pass this time around. Porsche expansions really rubbed me the wrong way in the past and this is the first game to get two really big, additive expansions.
While I would prefer something more realistic, I can't pass this up. It looks like a blast and the Stunt Swap feature definitely caught my attention. It sounds like we can design our own courses to a degree, unlike with the Blueprint feature. I'm getting this day one for sure.

Also, this isn't the end of Forza as we know it because of an optional expansion, people. I'm being reminded of the time when people were flipping out over the direction Forza was heading when the first Horizon was released. Folks over at FM.net are ripping their hair out over this expansion, but that's no surprise.
I've moved all the relevant posts to their own thread. 👍

I'm... really not sure how to respond to this. It looks like a bunch of fun, but any talk from T10 and PG about FH3 being a semi-sim can be thrown out the window now, especially to casual onlookers.

On the other hand, this really does play to the talk of wanting to tie together all automotive enthusiasts. Who doesn't love Hot Wheels?!

I really hope that the continued embracing of the more out-there arcade stuff in Horizon means FM7 will move further into sim territory.

Thank you for that, I didn't even think about making a separate thread for this :lol:
Not terribly excited about this one, I've never liked anything Hot Wheels...

Could be fun in FH3, I guess?
Just as long as it's standalone like the other expansions and I don't have to duck big orange ramps if I want to go back to the vanilla game, I'm all for it.

Isn't this a new map like Blizzard Mountain? There are so many areas I do not recognize in the trailer and the cityscape looks different. Then again, some spots do look familiar.

Not terribly excited about this one, I've never liked anything Hot Wheels...

Could be fun in FH3, I guess?

I think it could.
Well I know one young boy that will flip out when he comes back from school today. :D

Just as long as it's standalone like the other expansions and I don't have to duck big orange ramps if I want to go back to the vanilla game, I'm all for it.
It will be a standalone map.

I was told that any changes to the main map (be it additions or fixes) would require a mandatory 20GB patch for every single player of the game as the map file is so large. By being an extra the only things that need patching are the new cars, minor features and UI elements; the map can be downloaded separately from the store like Blizzard Mountain was.

That's why you typically see new maps with expansions like this, and not simple add-ons. Gone are the days where Burnout Paradise only asked for an optional 1 GB update ;)
Any ideas why there is an angry dinosaur in this expansion? :odd:
I wonder if the secret barn find is the Jensen Interceptor:tup:

Wouldn't be surprised if it was the 3-window, and it featured more customization options than most cars. Just in case, I'll bring my ghost flaming and pinstriping skills up to speed.

P.S: with its two 500 c.i. GM engines, the Twin Mill should have the largest displacement of a car in the history of Forza - at a whopping 16.4 litres. Yikes!
I'm kinda split on this one. Yes it looks cool and brings back the childhood memories of when I played with Hot Wheels, but I feel that adding all the Hot Wheels track around the (granted separate) map completely kills the realism that has kept Horizon 3 mostly grounded to avoid going into complete GTA 5/Ridge Racer/Burnout territory.

The only thing missing would be to add 400mph Batmobiles and laser rocketships *wink wink*.
Also, looking at the Rip Rod, this may be the closest thing we get to a Baja Beetle in this game.

Damn you VW for your clouded reasons to not be in the game.
Where is all this talk of realism in FH3 coming from? Yes, the cars behave more realistically than they do in the average arcade racer, but it's still the same game in which we can jump sand dunes and plow through thick snow in supercars.
Exactly. Realism went out the window the minute I saw the V12 swap while browsing engine swaps for my Holden Sandman. And no, I would never swap a V12 into a classic car, or any car for that matter.
Looks fun even though a little bit out of place but i would rather spend my money on FH2 and explore the map rather than this at the moment.

Never understood why everyone over here thinks that anything that isn't Mario kart driving style is boring. Both arcade and simulators could be fun in different sort of way.
Never understood why everyone over here thinks that anything that isn't Mario kart driving style is boring. Both arcade and simulators could be fun in different sort of way.
Can't say I've seen, well, anyone say that. It's definitely not a general consensus, either.
Dang. I may be accused of being boring, but this isn't my cup of tea. Sure, Forza Horizon's never been realistic (it's not tried to be), but this is too over the top and silly for me. I like good old fashioned cruising around on normal roads with cars I'll never even see in real life. Passing on this one.