FIA Events '18 - World Finals Monaco Finished! Congrats to Team Lexus and Igor Fraga for Brazil!

  • Thread starter Wardez
I try and keep my employer in the know as soon as I possibly can even if I don't know dates. For GT Academy 2013, I told them in January when it might be based on previous events, I was off a bit but they always knew I was going for it. I got exceptional leave for the European final as that was in September. That was my old college and I got a new job 2 months later so felt bad for them but we left on good terms, still visit and stuff.

The world tour event was very last minute in the grand scheme of it, and September.. working in a college.... It's normally a big NONO. Fortunately I had worked the bank holiday and a weekend so I basically said I did that for you, you can do this for me and it was fine. They're generally good about it to me, as I work out of hours a lot so it's kind of a mutual thing a little? Would be good to get dates well in advance though.
I think Kerokkuma was unable to compete in the Nations Regionals because he wasn't free the days of competition (judging only by Twitter auto-translate here :lol:). My Japanese teammate seems pretty clear he's competing in both Nations and Manufacturers for the World Finals.

By then everyone in that race has already qualified for the Worlds so nothing is immediately on the line (except World Final seeding I presume). If they are so keen on car variety in Nations (even though Manufacturers exists purely for this reason) it should only be once everyone has qualified. Before then it has to be One Make to ensure fairness and integrity, otherwise why turn up and compete if it's 90% luck?

Also they really need to give greater notice to those competing about dates of upcoming competitions. Contrary to popular belief most top guys actually have jobs or studies :lol:. I believe they've already decided the World Final location and date so why not give all of us qualified for it notice so we can arrange time off in advance (also saves them a lot of money on flights the earlier they can book it!). I really need to arrange my time off work shortly and I'll have to rely on 'sources' this week which is ridiculous.
I agree with you on all of the above. As we've all discussed, online results had a great influence on determining the top 10 advancing to the world finals, mind you being in the top 2 in your block race didn't guarantee a spot in the world's. The top 2 in each block race started as follows: AUS 5th and 3rd, JPN 1st and 4th, Rest 1st and 4th.

The only thing immediately on the line for the top 10 were trophies, a Tag Heuer smart watch and bragging rights which is nice but not that important in the overall grand scheme of things so it's OK if they mess with the format of the regional top 10. Hopefully world final seeding is done with a one make qualifier like in Salzburg because there's no fair way to create the seeding looking at regional finals results only.

One other thing from the Asia/Oceania finals, poor Adam Wilk (Adam_2167) in the N500 race had no choice but to race with Amuse S2000. We found that very... amusing :sly: as he had to try to keep up in a drift car from the back of the pack.
One other thing from the Asia/Oceania finals, poor Adam Wilk (Adam_2167) in the N500 race had no choice but to race with Amuse S2000. We found that very... amusing :sly: as he had to try to keep up in a drift car from the back of the pack.
Wilk he be Amusing again at the World Finals? Or he gets it Wong?
and the cars for day2(race 1&2) will be awarded to the players on the last briefing of day1 completely random!

Apparently, there is simply not enough time
That line of logic makes no sense to me, because when the 10 finalists did their draft back in Asia (11th-30th were still there for the debrief), it took 10 minutes. That's a conservative estimate, and they had to pick for all 3 races in the finals too.

Whilst not perfect, I can understand the logic of not having a qualifying session for the block finals. The 'selection match' took 4 hours to get through even without qualifying, and we didn't have that much time to spare on practice day between stage rehearsals, interviews, camera shots, and actual practice. But ditching a draft that won't take much more than 5 minutes because of 'time constraints' is stupid.

The only other thing I can think of is that they wanted to make the championship round less predictable. But throwing RNG into an E-Sport that shouldn't be about RNG is arguably even worse than the bad N class BoP's, and it reeks of PD trying too hard to inject drama into these events instead of letting it happen naturally.

and calling it now, the Manufacturers Final at the World Finals is gonna be a one day, few race event starting in a Final Season seeded grid order that's going to be completely eclipsed by the Nations Final in both promotion and race quality isn't it? Ugh.
Some of this sounds plausible, but I don't think they would sell the Manufacturers Series that short in regards to promotion. It was every bit as popular as the Nations Cup during the online season, and was arguably given main event billing at Salzburg, being held after Nations there. As much as we all criticise PD for 'I N T E R E S T I N G' format choices, I think they'll try to give Manufacturers as much time as possible given the ever looming time constraints.
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Wilk he be Amusing again at the World Finals? Or he gets it Wong?
I think we were all bemused at the inclusion of the amuse. But if we see it in the world finals, I think everyone will be cemused :P.

I just checked the results again and K. L. Li (KarS_0627) had a very strong performance finishing both races in 4th starting from last position. I sat next to him on the players bench during the top 10 races and we were fan-boying it up together. I also gave him the 22B in repechage B :ouch::dunce:. Considering my poor first half in the repechage, to be "only" 15 seconds behind the winner wasn't too bad of a performance.
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They're making slow steps in the right direction, even if it is woefully slow :lol:

Credit where credits due, maybe we'll get One Make only Nations races by the end of the year...
Or at least free choice like online, but then again I'm not very good at picking cars :dopey:.
Been thinking how they can structure the Manufacturers Final and the Nations format at Hangar 7 is almost the perfect template.

Basically we've had the semi final already culling the manufacturer count from 25 to 16. 3 drivers in each team (like at Hangar 7) all do qualifying in regional groups and you add up everyone's laps to determine the starting grid for Round 1 of the Final. 3 individual races of 20-25 mins (subsequent round grids by previous result) then a double point hour long Round 4 with driver changes to decide the Champions.

What car is this?

Edit: Ok sorry, it's the Daihatsu Coupen VGT. Thought it was a new car :banghead: