FIFA 17 OT: Engine Swapped (Out Now)

Please mention more about your bitterness towards the game because there is no actual/valid proof in your claim about 'scripting'.

Just looking at the game files and what they contain show proof that it exists...

Multiple people have shown their game files and it is quite obvious that it's in there.

I can understand to a certain degree why the "scripting/handicap/momentum" is in the game, but i'll never respect EA for putting it in and not letting people know. They actually did something public with the chem "glitch" last year (Fifa 16), but still it's amazing how long it went on for before it got fixed, if it even did get fixed. Seen multiple people saying that this years game has the same problem with SBC cards and IF etc. I personally have only tried a few special cards this year so I can't say for sure, but last year was pathetic.

And it won't ever be a real competetive game when a large portion of the matches are being in some way or form "fixed/rigged".
Yes, you can beat the handicap, with some luck and skill. But most times when its against you, you just don't stand a chance no matter how good your team or how good you are as a player.

This is coming from a person with 1000+ wins and a regular top 100 and elite player. The touches depend on your players attribute (dribbling / ball control) and the way you are responding to the ball coming to the feet of the player.
I really doesn't matter how many games you've played or how high you finish in FUT Champs...

When a player like Ronaldo or Messi or you name him have worse ball control than a 50 rated bronze CB, you know something is wrong... Of course this isn't happening in every match but quite often. There are so many other examples that also people who stream/make youtube videos are showing when e.g Ronaldo are in complete control of the ball just inside the 16 yard box with no defenders close by, right infront of goal, completely balanced and then about to shoot... He somehow slips and tries to make a slidetakle instead... I mean... It's gamebreaking...

I have seen people who are pros tearing their hair out because of how broken some of the game mechanics are.

Even when they are winning 7-0 or whatever.

As for the button delay, that is also all over the internet. And I know for a fact that it's not my internet connection.
In some games it's quite decent (meaning almost no delay), but some games are infuriating.

I know after 5000+ games the last couple years, it's rigged... It always has been. Whatever you say won't change my opinion as it's all based on my own and others experiences and in the last year, the public outbreak of alot of broken mechanics and flaws.

You may say "wow, you have played so many games, how can you think its rigged yadayada"....

Well, 85-90% or more of the matches are from 14 and 15... When the game actually was playable and most of the times very fun (though even noticable rigged it was not as often and obvious).

I'll end my rant here. There is no point to continue.
Seen multiple people saying that this years game has the same problem with SBC cards and IF etc. I personally have only tried a few special cards this year so I can't say for sure, but last year was pathetic.
Who exactly? Because my special cards have been very noticeable in comparison to their normal cards. And yes I have quite a experience with these cards


Yes, you can beat the handicap, with some luck and skill. But most times when its against you, you just don't stand a chance no matter how good your team or how good you are as a player.
Well, that is a load of BS because this pro managed 37-3 in FUT Champions with a bronze team.

When a player like Ronaldo or Messi or you name him have worse ball control than a 50 rated bronze CB, you know something is wrong... Of course this isn't happening in every match but quite often. There are so many other examples that also people who stream/make youtube videos are showing when e.g Ronaldo are in complete control of the ball just inside the 16 yard box with no defenders close by, right infront of goal, completely balanced and then about to shoot... He somehow slips and tries to make a slidetakle instead... I mean... It's gamebreaking...
Ronaldo does not have a rubbish touch and him can just be game breaking player himself as he is unbelievable in the box and my opponents have won games solely because of him.

I know after 5000+ games the last couple years, it's rigged... It always has been. Whatever you say won't change my opinion as it's all based on my own and others experiences and in the last year, the public outbreak of alot of broken mechanics and flaws.
I have heard this many times before and it comes from people being bitter about their losses and refusing to accept a defeat.

Well, 85-90% or more of the matches are from 14 and 15... When the game actually was playable and most of the times very fun (though even noticable rigged it was not as often and obvious).
So you really can't say anything about FIFA 17 as you are judging these claims base off your experience off a different game running on a old different engine.
@Phoenix out of curiosity, what is your current record on FIFA 17?

So yeah, I know a thing or two about Fifa...

Who exactly? Because my special cards have been very noticeable in comparison to their normal cards. And yes I have quite a experience with these cards
As I said, this year me personally haven't tried many special cards, but my TOTY Neymar last year was utter garbage compared to the regular gold version. ^^

Well, that is a load of BS because this pro managed 37-3 in FUT Champions with a bronze team.
He is also a really good player, and if bronze benching is anything to go by, he could get alot of advantages in his favour. But I am not stating that as a fact, just a suggestion.

Ronaldo does not have a rubbish touch and him can just be game breaking player himself as he is unbelievable in the box and my opponents have won games solely because of him.
All players can have rubbish touches no matter how good their stats are... It's how the game is.

Godlike some matches, utter crap others.

I have heard this many times before and it comes from people being bitter about their losses and refusing to accept a defeat.
I'm only bitter when I know I should have won by e.g 3-0 because I had 17 shots on goal from within the box but I end up losing 1-2 from his 1 shot. Again, example, but it happens.

If I lose to player that outplays me, all credit to him.

So you really can't say anything about FIFA 17 as you are judging these claims base off your experience off a different game running on a old different engine.
I can, and I have.

Edit nr 2:

I also haven't played a single game since mid November because of the input delay. But I see on a daily basis that pros, streamers and youtubers are still pissed off that its still there, so I probably won't be playing much upcoming months either.

Edit nr 3:

The tweet might be gone soon, but it's funny how like 4/5 of the people commenting are in an agreement that momentum/scripting/handicap is there. :rolleyes:
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So yeah, I know a thing or two about Fifa...
It looks like you are willing to commit real life money into the game to buy many packs even though you say the game is scripted. :rolleyes:

Also, what is your Divisions record and how come your club is only established back in September?
@Phoenix All you seem to do is put the blame on everything but yourself.
And why is that???

Because I am winning most of my games doesn't mean the game doesn't work against me (and others) from time to time.

Sure, I know for a fact that I do get the momentum with me also from time to time, which is very noticable when opponents start making stupid touches and goalkeepers letting in every single potato shot.

I never said it was only against me, but it's most noticable when it is of course. Again, losing to a player that outplays me, not a problem. Losing to someone who I should beat with 10 goals, but his 75 rated 1.75 cm goalkeeper is suddenly superman and saves 37 shots and he wins 1-0 with only 1 shot on some stupid defensive AI touch on my players is making me mad.

It looks like you are willing to commit real life money into the game to buy many packs even though you say the game is scripted. :rolleyes:
True, I do have spent some real life money on packs, though I only ever got around 400k coins from packs. Rest of the profit are from playing matches and doing SBC's. I still stand by my point that the game is rigged.

Also, what is your Divisions record and how come your club is only established back in September?
Don't remember exactly the record, but it's something like 55-60 wins, 4 draws and 1 loss. I know that I have 4 losses and 36 wins from the 1 FUT Champs i've taken part in.

Because in all previous years i've been playing on PS3/PS4 (though I did play on XB1 for quite a bit in 2015), but this year me and some friends wanted to have a go at the new legends so we moved to Xbox One. Savvy?

I still stand by my point that the game is rigged.
So why do you still buy it?

And this was you only 2 weeks into FIFA 16:

I'd rather have FIFA 15's pace where Ronaldo is actually quicker than Terry, over FIFA 16's pace where Mertesacker and Terry are quicker than Ronaldo and other "pacey" players.

I packed Ronaldo actually, and used to much money on fifa points. On top of that I made around 4 millions from trading, and around 1 mill from playing matches (season and cup bonuses etc). And that was on Xbox alone. Haha, i've spent to much time on this game.

The goalkeepers are just as bad in 16 as in 15, hell they've done more mistakes the first 6 weeks on 16 than on the whole year of 15 for me... So yeah, theres that.

FIFA 16 got a bit better lately as I changed a couple settings on the controller options. It's actually possible to pass sometimes now.

But I still think that the faster players should be faster than the slower defenders/midfielders etc etc. But they won't fix that.

That's my opinion though.

Constant whining. And that was the only contribution to the FIFA 16 thread from you and again 2 weeks into this FIFA you say this:

I don't think it's actually a form of scripting, just a very weird and unbalanced way to "balance" the match between players. But it definitely exists and can be a pain in the rear... But all players have it the same way, just some people handle it better than others.

Why don't you be like the majority and play the game and stop crying?

Again, losing to a player that outplays me, not a problem. Losing to someone who I should beat with 10 goals, but his 75 rated 1.75 cm goalkeeper is suddenly superman and saves 37 shots and he wins 1-0 with only 1 shot on some stupid defensive AI touch on my players is making me mad.
Not quite sure I believe this. Well that goes to say everything you say.....
It was the 27th December 2016. A day that should go into the record books of my Fifa history. I started my day with 3 matches left to play in Division 6. I had 13 points, 16 points were needed to the promotion to Division 5. I started my first game. I lost. Had a one hour break. Started the second to last match. It started rather well, until I lost... again. After the loss I decided to prepare myself for the worst, already taking out my old PS3 controller to smash it. But then. In the last match in Division 6. Everything. Turned around.

The match started. I quickly intercepted the ball from my opponent. Made some passes to confuse his defense. Defoe to Rémy - 1:0 in the 2nd minute. 4 game minutes later: 2:0. 10th minute: 3:0. In the 43rd minute my opponent scored the 3:1. Didn't bother. 56th minute: 4-1. A couple of minutes it was 4:2, thanks to a stupid penalty for my opponent. After that, my defense was just pure world class. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, after countless (probably 100 tries, Fifa 16 and Fifa 17 combined) tries, I finally made it into Division 5.

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So why do you still buy it?
I wasn't going too, but a friend of mine said I should give it a chance. But oh well...

And this was you only 2 weeks into FIFA 16:

Constant whining. And that was the only contribution to the FIFA 16 thread from you and again 2 weeks into this FIFA you say this:
Yeah, I complain about the game when something is wrong with it. And so should everyone else.

If something is wrong with any game, and nobody bothers to say anything, it will never get fixed.

But knowing this community, people are so naive and protective of their precious Fifa title that they refuse to look at anything other than their own opinion.

Why don't you be like the majority and play the game and stop crying?
That's funny, because it looks like the majority is actually in the same boat as me. We know its there, some just don't talk about it as loudly as others.

And then of course there is the group that refuse to believe that any such thing can ever exists...

Not quite sure I believe this. Well that goes to say everything you say.....
I don't care what you believe.

I've stated my opinion, you've stated yours. None of us will ever change our opinion either so lets just leave this discussion dead now.
It was the 27th December 2016. A day that should go into the record books of my Fifa history. I started my day with 3 matches left to play in Division 6. I had 13 points, 16 points were needed to the promotion to Division 5. I started my first game. I lost. Had a one hour break. Started the second to last match. It started rather well, until I lost... again. After the loss I decided to prepare myself for the worst, already taking old my old PS3 controller to smash it. But then. In the last match in Division 5. Everything. Turned around.

The match started. I quickly intercepted the ball from my opponent. Made some passes to confuse his defense. Defoe to Rémy - 1:0 in the 2nd minute. 4 game minutes later: 2:0. 10th minute: 3:0. In the 43rd minute my opponent scored the 3:1. Didn't bother. 56th minute: 4-1. A couple of minutes it was 4:2, thanks to a stupid penalty for my opponent. After that, my defense was just pure world class. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, after countless (probably 100 tries, Fifa 16 and Fifa 17 combined) tries, I finally made it into Division 5.

I saw your SBC Defoe. His 88 shooting stat looks quite tasty, gutted I didn't choose to get him. :lol:
I saw your SBC Defoe. His 88 shooting stat looks quite tasty, gutted I didn't choose to get him. :lol:
Oh it definitely is. He's just amazing. Managed to score a 20 meter banger right under the bar with his left foot once. ;)

Edit: The Squad I got promoted to Div 5 with is now called "TheLegendary XI". :lol:
Oh it definitely is. He's just amazing. Managed to score a 20 meter banger right under the bar with his left foot once. ;)

Edit: The Squad I got promoted to Div 5 with is now called "TheLegendary XI". :lol:
Somebody scored a 30 yard finesse off the crossbar with him against me and that is when I realised I should of got him. :banghead: :lol:
I never said it was only against me, but it's most noticable when it is of course. Again, losing to a player that outplays me, not a problem. Losing to someone who I should beat with 10 goals, but his 75 rated 1.75 cm goalkeeper is suddenly superman and saves 37 shots and he wins 1-0 with only 1 shot on some stupid defensive AI touch on my players is making me mad.

Not quite sure I believe this. Well that goes to say everything you say.....

Thoughts below;

Believe it or not, that was one of the inexplicable flaws that would pop up every now and again a few years ago. I dimly remember more than once where I was comprehensively outplayed, and the other guy had at least half a dozen clear-cut chances, but my keeper would keep everything out. Finesse/power shots, corners... he would keep everything out. And oddly enough, something like one silly long-range effort in the 89th minute with the other keeper weakly flapping at the ball, or an overhead kick from Mertesacker (yes, really) with 4 defenders and the goalie stood right next to him... and seconds later, I would have the win. Completely undeservedly, and this would happen in reverse as well.

What I'm trying to say is if people are still complaining about something like that in the current generation, don't dismiss it out of hand. Now that probably won't count for much, since I seem to be straying into the realm of bitter-vet, but when I posted here a few months ago you used the phrase "occasional BS" to describe such silliness. Back then it was indeed occasional, so I would need to give it a long run myself to see if it's gotten worse... but alas, I can only play it on PC, and I've never heard anything good about FIFA in that regard (something something inflation...).

But back to the topic of momentum/scripting/handicaps, it's understandable if it is actually present in the game; for one, it's a force (for lack of a better word) that can and does determine results in matches around the world, therefore why not include it*? Secondly, and this is something I find far more contentious, is that it would conceivably keep more people in the game**, and thus keep more people buying packs... which means more money in the bank for EA. After all, I can't think of many people who enjoy being spanked 5-0 on a regular basis.

Adding to that, if all of the above is a complete fabrication to cover for mistakes, then why did some people sub in 3 players ASAP, especially if they were players from the same league/nationality and thus would've had max chemistry anyway? Why would they bother with bronze benching? And why did some people, including various Youtubers, periodically make new teams on new accounts?

In reference to the latter, this is something I tried out myself, more extensively in the case of '14. In that game I tried playing FUT on 3 accounts, and each time it was all fine and dandy at the beginning... the players would behave as they were supposed to, results were actually determined by who had played better/made the most chances e.t.c. Each time, around abut the point of 60-70 matches played, it would be like a switch was flipped; defenders would suddenly decide ball-watching was infinitely more exciting compared to the alternative of actually marking their man, the goalie's limbs would be replaced by something akin to hot butter, the midfield would have the collective agility of an oil tanker in the high seas... I could wax lyrical about this for hours, but the point I'm trying to make is that at a certain point in FUT you could literally play the same side twice in a row, in the same conditions against a similar team and yet they would feel completely and utterly different.

I'm not posting this as an attack against those of you who think @Phoenix is talking out of his posterior as I understand where both sides are coming from, even if my argument is rather weighted, but I would love to know (and be quite surprised, in truth) if you've never experienced any of the above in one form or another.

*Disclaimer, I'm not advocating for such a system in-game
**FUT specifically
then why did some people sub in 3 players ASAP
And out of all the 300 or so in FUT Champions I have never seen a person subbing a player on from the start of kick off who plays in the exact position with the player being subbed off and had full chemistry if they had started unless which most people do is they bring on players such as Ronaldo, IF Salah, IF Embolo, Bale and many others to play in ST which they would normally get 7 chemistry if they were in placed in the ST position in the starting XI. And this year the pros run midfields consisting of Kante, Pogba Renato Sanches, Nainggolan and many others outside the Liga Sanatander which the players I had listed above would not get full chemistry due to lack of strong links and changing to a 4-3-1-2 or a 4-1-2-1-2 (2) formation which is hard to make hybrids out of.

Why would they bother with bronze benching?
In the past FIFA's when there wasn't any such thing as Divisions, people would have normally ran bronze benches to get a lower rating team to match up against a weak team and this theme has just carried on plus there is no valid proof to say this puts your team at an advantage in terms of gameplay.

And why did some people, including various Youtubers, periodically make new teams on new accounts?
Because most Youtubers get there coins from a coins generated sites which is against the terms of EA so their account gets banned and they would subsequently just make another one.
Fun playing against you @lxmmy, learnt a lot. First game I was like "Dude, I almost had you." The others were more like how I expected, trying to avoid it becoming a one sided rugby score line. :lol:

Video of first game:

Out of interest, do you change tactics at all as your defence and attack seemed to improve a lot in latter games or just trying harder? Also anything you do to make yourself have attackers to pass to? I just keep things standard.
Fun playing against you @lxmmy, learnt a lot. First game I was like "Dude, I almost had you." The others were more like how I expected, trying to avoid it becoming a one sided rugby score line. :lol:

Video of first game:

Out of interest, do you change tactics at all as your defence and attack seemed to improve a lot in latter games or just trying harder? Also anything you do to make yourself have attackers to pass to? I just keep things standard.

Really good first match. :)

I just use the default formation, change around some players and set instructions for my attackers to get behind the defensive line. It should help when attacking.
Really good first match. :)

I just use the default formation, change around some players and set instructions for my attackers to get behind the defensive line. It should help when attacking.

We need to play some matches again. I'll probably freak out a bit, but that doesn't matter. :lol:
So new Xbox One update today, decided to have a quick online match to try out the improved Game DVR. It's now more integrated into the OS and worked fine recording last 5 minutes. Below is video of the match I just played, two five minute videos joined together. Thankfully it was against a Man City player, always have a bit more motivation to win against them. I really need to improve my shooting, this game was a bit better than normal for me. I remember once having something like 10 shots in a half and not scoring any and most of them one on ones. :lol:

These are the FUT Birthday cards that are coming out in just over 10 minutes. Damn.


I so freakin' want that 85 Candreva card.
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