Final Fantasy XII

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Meh if you like I have posted a game save with all weapons and armor and accessories at Codebreakers in the forums . Along with some others that are there to help those who opened the wrong chest or messed the game up with codes.

You need a max drive and a code breaker to download them.

Other downloads are available at game Faqs under different formats.

Hope this helps. I would just finish your game and then use one of the have all items saves of mine...with all kinds of other benifits....but no hacked stats or bugs..and then do all the stuff I left for everything but the main quest.

remember I used grinding and farming to grow the codes except for the have evertything ones....and I have that as a seperate file from my maain game I am playing...I even put it on a seperate memory card.

I likee FINDING new stuff and weapons , its part of the joy of the game this is really for a second palythrough or for someone who cares not and just wants to get through the game .

having 99 Ribbons does have its uses .
I probably will do something like that eventually. But maybe I'll finish the game off first then go through it afterwards with the weapons etc that I could'nt get before. I like to struggle a little before getting help. It must be the masochist in me!
I just bought the Collector's Edition (in that tin case with the art collection disc in it) and...


I was sucked in like I've never been sucked in before in a game since Final Fantasy IV. I'm still--after a night's sleep--at a loss of words on how awsome this game is.
Every time I read this thread I get more anxious to play the game. But I know I need lots of free time or I'll stop playing it after a few weeks so I'm waiting until the holidays.
I'm at the final battle ...getting ready now its side quest time...I deliberately focused on the main quest for the most part..but now its time to explore the game inside the game. I got an air ship that I can use to travel with. Not to mention I opened up almost every teleport crystal.

So here we go.

I was just going to finish the game and start over and enjoy it ...but since no new game plus exist...meh..not an option..I'll finish it and just watch the ending..and reload a save to go exploring with.
Yeah, it's a shame there's no New Game Plus option. All that hardwork only to find it's no use on a new game and you'd have to do it all again!

Some of the items needed for bazaar weapons and armour are such a pain to get I've given up. Currently trying to get a Gnoma Halcyon to drop from the Gnoma Untite elemental. Such a pain. Must've done 30 of them in around 6 hours (only appear in sandstorms) and not one drop. Personally I don't see the point in spending an entire day trying to find one thing. That's one thing that annoys me about this game. Finding items can be too bothersome and time consuming. There's so much you can find if you know where to look. But to know where to look you need to buy the guide (or visit GameFAQ's!).

But I do enjoy the game. Recently got the Fafnir hunt. That was a beast! Hardest one so far. But I am only at lvl 68 with my characters. Oh, and I just discovered that if you use one character in a fight that character gets all the Exp. With 3 characters in the party it's divided up. I never knew that! No wonder I'm only at lvl 68 after 130 hrs..I always keep everyone around the same lvl!
Yeah, it's a shame there's no New Game Plus option. All that hardwork only to find it's no use on a new game and you'd have to do it all again!

Some of the items needed for bazaar weapons and armour are such a pain to get I've given up. Currently trying to get a Gnoma Halcyon to drop from the Gnoma Untite elemental. Such a pain. Must've done 30 of them in around 6 hours (only appear in sandstorms) and not one drop. Personally I don't see the point in spending an entire day trying to find one thing. That's one thing that annoys me about this game. Finding items can be too bothersome and time consuming. There's so much you can find if you know where to look. But to know where to look you need to buy the guide (or visit GameFAQ's!).

But I do enjoy the game. Recently got the Fafnir hunt. That was a beast! Hardest one so far. But I am only at lvl 68 with my characters. Oh, and I just discovered that if you use one character in a fight that character gets all the Exp. With 3 characters in the party it's divided up. I never knew that! No wonder I'm only at lvl 68 after 130 hrs..I always keep everyone around the same lvl!

I thought I mentioned that ..i solo my dudes on exp runs..with the exp armlet they shoot up in levels then I cycle in a fresh victim.
I just picked it up this morning. If I can manage to get through 3 more hours of work, supper, sending the wife off to work, kids baths and bedtimes, I'll be playing in about 7 hours. :D

One other thing. Why did no one tell me it was THX certified???
It's THX certified! :)

I had noticed that. But as it's still Dolby Pro Logic II, even in the CG cut scenes, I didn't think it was a big deal. However I did notice the sound was very good, particularly on my 7.1 system.👍
I've got 6.1 at home. Actually, I have a son who likes to play with the speakers, so I have 3.0 running right now. :grumpy:

I'll have to dig them all out tonight and see if he has grown up enough to leave them alone now.
Started the fishing mini-game too.
I've played this game off and on since its release here in the States. It can really be a pain to get the ingredients necessary for many of the Bazaar Items, but the cruelest joke was not getting the Zodiac Spear because I had opened up certain Treasure Chests that I had found. What self-respecting adventurer doesn't open up every Treasure Chest that he encounters in the wild? This has got to be proof of collusion between Square-Enix and Brady Games to sell a strategy guide.

Anyway, I finished up the Bestiary, and I believe that I have just about every figurine in the Sky Pirate's Den, but I am determined to obtain the one weapon that I really want (even though I don't really need it anymore).

Anyway, this gets us back to the subject of what this game calls fishing. I suppose that the only thing that I have left to accomplish in this game is to get the final ingredient for the Wyrmhero Blade (or whatever it is called). This can only be done through this so-called fishing, but for an old guy like me, it seems almost impossible. I've had more than fifteen perfect rounds in the Hidden Shoals, but I have not yet obtained the item that will allow me to move on to the next and final phase.

One very rare creature that was rumored to be in this game was a Level 99 Red Chocobo. It doesn't count specifically towards the Bestiary, but it actually does exist. By the way, this guy dropped a Ribbon, which is perhaps the best accessory in the game.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what gambits I should be using? Keep in mind that I'm only 14 hours in so far, and being inherently cheap (I've been like that for every single FF), I haven't purchased many. :D
Wow really have to adjust your gambits to each area. But generally two guys/girls have a healing gambit FIRST..then attack anything in sight..gambit. Then esuna..but there is NO gambit list that works for everything have to adjust to the area and enemy or your toast.

Your going to want to buy the status cuasing / removing and item using gambits or you are doomed .
I'd still like to see the Gambits being used in the future, but I'd like to have a half dozen or so pre-set so you can quickly go from a defensive Gambit to an attacking one without adjusting them individually or where a certain enemy is weak to something you can use a Gambit you've already set up for that. At the moment you have to adjust the Gambits in real time by pausing the game and doing them one at a time which can be tedious and breaks up the flow.
Of course you can try to set up each character with their own very specific Gambits, but you may find you only use them very, very rarely.
Anyway, I do hope they continue with a refined Gambit system (or whatever they'll call it) for FFXIII.

Also Gambits are generally cheap to buy, but the really useful ones don't appear until much later in the game.
So pretty much what I'm doing, just to a larger degree. Thanks guys.

I should have said this earlier, but I was also wondering if it is worthwhile to buy all of the gambits you come across (the ones I remember seeing as of late that prompted the question are the Ally HP ≤ 30, 40, 50, etc. %) or just pick up one from each "group" like that.
One tip, if you didn't already know, is to have a Gambit for Ally>Esuna. All that will happen is that anytime an ally gets a status effect on them the one with this Gambit will cast Esuna as opposed to using a spell for specific status effects like blind etc. Eats up more MP but simpler to manage. Anyway, I think that's how it works. :confused: I'm sure there are all kinds of Gambit combinations. That's half the fun!
Update on my progress. I'm 50:50 and technically at Archades, but I've been too busy building up my LP and doing some hunts. Not to mention getting all the Bazaar items is a pain in the ass. Oh and my highest chain that doesn't involve the Negalmuur is 124. But my highest chain using Negalmuur is infact 721 and still counting--I'm actually doing the auto leveling thing right now with my backup party getting them to where my main party is. My main party--Vaan, Fran, and Ashe average level 42. The other three were rarely used and averaged level 24 before I started the Negalmuur autoleveling thing. I'm just going to max out the chain and continue my hunting and item gathering.

Oh and once I entered the Heine (sp?) Mines I was beating things too quickly and the game started to seem easy. Then almost miraculously as that happend it reversed itself and the game got challenging again.


Oh and a tip for all you new players, if you decide to explore and you see a monster that's 10 levels higher than

And the Gambit system is genius. I can't wait for the next Final Fantasy to expand on it.

*edit 2*
Here's a pic of the 999 chain.

Just pre-ordered this today, 23/02/2007 cant come soon enough.
You know what's messed up? The fact that they couldn't of just simultaniously released it in North America, Aus., and the UK. The dialogue is more English than American...I guess they have to translate the European copy into about 5 or 6 languages? Lesse...
  • French
  • Spanish
  • English English (lol)
  • Portuguese
  • German
  • Swedish

This begs the question on why game companies just don't wait until ALL languages and regions are done. I mean its clear that gaming is a global why release it in Japan and the US first? Seems unfair to me. You guys in the UK/Aus. should mod your PS2/PS3 and just import it from the US yourselves.


Oh and I've realized that the Sledgehammer is one of the best weapons. Disable rocks. I used to use the Stone Bolt, but the accuracy was pathetic with the Bowgun. Right now I've got my hunting party equipped with Chaos Mace, Sledgehammer, and the Platinum Dagger. And that combo seems to be effective.

So post your favorite weapon combos!
Dude I haven't played this game in ages when came out few months ago.....I'm almost at final boss....Im been playing Gt4 Imma come back playing this bout this week.
should mod your PS2/PS3 and just import it from the US yourselves.

You don't need to mod a ps3 as you can play any game from any region on any ps3 because its region free for games, but yes importing would be a good idea and I used to do this with the ps1 but too much hassle and to be fair we sometimes get extras anyway and bug fixes so not too bothered I'm happy to wait for EU release.
Hey you want to bring back memories...provided you are old enough to have

Get FF III for the dual screen.
Hey you want to bring back memories...provided you are old enough to have

Get FF III for the dual screen.

Funny enough, I decided to go a little way down my FF memories and purchased FF VII second hand, but the disks are immaculate and I'm 17 hours in :D .

Decided to do this game again from scratch till I get FF XII, I just hope its just as good.

Plus also got MGS 👍
I only stopped playing FFIII (DS) when I bought FFXII. I will go back to it once I beat FFXII and get all the secret stuff. FFVII was a good game, but I thought the story for FFVIII was better. But FFVIII lacked in challenge and difficulty. It was way way way too easy.
On the other hand, I found FFXII to be really difficult in places. Not that I'm complaining. I borrowed it for a week from the local video store and I did alright from the start to the Tomb of Raithwall, but the Garuda out the front, Belias and the next boss gave me heaps of troubles. Then I had problems getting across the Ozmone Plains and through the Henne Mines in one piece, and my victory over Tiamat was 90% luck. Somehow I accidentally ended up in the Feywood after taking a wrong turn and got my backside kicked easily before realising I should be going in the other direction, but I never got past the Elder Wyrm before I had to return the game.
Is it better than FFX?

That kinda depends on how much you liked FFX. Simply put they're not the same games, not obviously the story, but the dynamics and gameplay.
But one way of looking at it is that many game sites and mags gave FFXII very good reviews and high scores, certainly with regards to FFX. Edge in the UK gave FFX 6/10 and FFXII 9/10. Of course that's not the whole story. There are many who loved FFX and do not like FFXII anywhere near as much.
My personal opinion is FFX was more interesting and had better characters and story, but FFXII has the edge in gameplay and is more of a challenge (generally speaking). The Gambit system in FFXII is the clincher for me as I really like it and does away with the monotonous turn based fighting and repetitious menu commands. FFXII has its faults, but it's gameplay isn't one of them.
Just to add to that, Ivalice feels like an actual world, whereas Spira was quite cartoon-ish. That's not to say I didn't like FFX (I loved it), but Tidus wore bright yellow, Auron was in red, Kimhari was blue, etc. which did make it feel as if the game were a cartoon. Ivalice, on the other hand, is a little more muted in its colours, which makes it look like a real place.