The untold stories of Team Chevvy
1) FT_Ant was part of the team and was replaced LAST MINUTE by
@perrolocomcquee (Huge thanks for filling the spot) due to Ant unfortunately being super sick this weekend (Sucky weekend to fall ill on)
2) Ant was originally supposed to qualify, I had to fill the qualifying spot on 20 minutes notice, going up against guys who have practiced this since the combos were sent to us 5 days ago. No prior practice. Actually amazed I wasn't last.
3) The car sucks ass at Brands. I invite any of you to hotlap Brands in the Porsche, Renault, Honda etc. and then try the Chevvy, I guarantee you'll be at least 4 tenths slower in the Chevvy, when the ENTIRE FIELD is separated by 7 tenths, thats a small issue
4) Our Japanese Teammate was ALSO a substitute, was 55th in 2018 Exhibition Season 4 in Asia, with 53k DR, due to GSN being unable to make Paris
5) Race 2 was one of the best races I have ever driven, crazy pace, no mistakes, unsure where it came from
6) A charge in the first laps (gained 8 positions) of Catalunya was put to an unfortunate end when someone decided initiating 3 wide on a corner exit was a good idea...
7) We were Last, but this was fully expected, had an amazing time, super fun races, don't care because I knew we were 100% doomed going in anyway