All tunes are now linked in post 2 and split into the two groups. Tuners please check everything is linked correctly and that I have named the correct model, particularly for those cars that have similar models/years.
Testers, hope you've been stockpiling in your bank account! Over the next two weeks please test these tunes to the best of your ability. Don't worry if your times are slower than someone else. The variety of styles and abilities is what makes the results interesting. You can choose to do one of the groups or both, but you must post results for all of the cars in a group for your results to count.
Again, record your fastest clean lap and rank them on a scale of 1 to 10 for other factors such as ease of driving, improvement from stock, etc. Driver's Choice is per car, not car against car, so multiple cars can have the same score. If you wish and have the time please also provide some comments about your experience with the tune. Many tuners, especially those who have not entered before or are just getting started, will use the comments as the biggest takeaway for how they can improve or what they did well.
Sorry to hear that. I definitely recommend a wheel if you play a lot of GT. Even an old one off eBay like my DFGT.

Best 50 bucks I've spent in gaming.