FITT - Federation of International Tuners and Test-Drivers

  • Thread starter DigitalBaka
As I suspected, oil changes wear off at the same intervals as GT5.
Starting at 200KM/124Mi, ending at 300KM/186Mi.

Hello CSL, i didn´t check this in details because we don´t have Bspec for the moment and i only have 4 cars broken over 300km.
It seems that one thing is different than GT5, when you buy a car and go to drive it , you still can benefit of the oil change changing even after a few km .
In GT5 ,if you take the car on track even for a few meters, oil change was not adding power anymore.
Can you confirm this in your test ???
Thanks for the informations.
I didn't lose any power on the Enzo until the 200km mark, the same as GT5. (828)

I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but there are only 2 differences I've found:
1. Chassis wears out at 500km, instead of 5,000
2. No engine break-in

The final possibility that I haven't tested yet, (don't know if I'll really have the chance) is if cars without an oil change will fall below stock power eventually or not, and if so, what mileage it occurs at. (I'm guessing 5,000km)

Edit: BUUUUT, if there's no engine break-in, there may not be engine wear either. 💡
Only time will tell, hopefully I can get a race car up high enough for a series, that's my only chance at seeing it.
I'm kinda hoping they get working on a better GT7 almost, tbh. My PS3 is cooking and acting up sometimes, it's only a matter of time now. Don't see myself shelling $250 for another PS3 when I'm PS4 bound in most likely, less than 2 months.

I do wish they'd fix a few things though, like being able to pit in online races would be 🤬 super.
Guy's has there been a verdict on flat floors and 1-2 inch up rims in relation to handling and speed?

I have a 91 NSX running at 480 pp. I don't think I've ever had an issue with handling (MR in GT6) with the NSX.
The Audi GT3's however are just pigs (for me) to drive.

I am going to start removing all wheel and flat floor mods I've made and setting all camber and toe to zero. My typical camber is 2.0 front/1.0 to 1.5 rear. I am interested in what this group has to say. If I should take this to a different form just let me know. No problem.
Running camber and toe works for now on some cars, running a flat floor can hurt the car more than help it pending on which solid pp number you're going to run. Every lobby I've been in testing my street cars in a group number format instead of a solid pp number; 95% of the time I'm out pacing the whole field or being out paced. It all depends which cars are being used along with how far the motor has been de-tuned.
Flat floor is great when PP do not matter ( replica ) or when running short twisty track like Tsukuba, 3 of my latest replica have flat floor, and it gives them excellent handling and stability at Tsukuba. The Knight Sports RX7 SE with comfort soft that I recently posted can easily run flat 1:03 ( similar to RL lap time with N tire ) at Tsukuba - this won't be possible without flat floor.
You said it @Ridox2JZGTE, it wouldn't be possible without the flat floor. So how can it be a true VR replica? I've been talking with some of our watchers on GT6 and I know for a fact that we're getting another model update across the board. They've been finding cars that are to slow or to fast to their real world counter part, mainly in the premium cars which are being looked at the most due to the manufactures being involved. (The manufactures want their cars to act true within GT) A number of changes are on the way.
@Dagger311 @HTR Tuning Welcome! Glad to see you are interested in joining us for some fun! :) While the current shootout is wrapping up this coming weekend we'd definitely like to see you participate in the next one.

Speaking of which, we should come up with some ideas for that sooner than later. @demonchilde had one he posted in the shootout thread and we had a few others from the first brainstorming. What do we think for next? Other than way shorter than 5 weeks.... :embarrassed:

FITT COTM will be up some time.....uh.....soon. Need to compile some info and get it all posted up pretty and such. If anyone wants a headstart on tuning it will be the XKR-S. I'll make sure to add the poll properly this time and probably expand the options, though I will remove "supercar" for March so we get variety. It will be back for April so no crying. May remove the "modern" option but that might be too limiting. I'll consider the options.
I'd like to see an extended shootout, a series of small shootouts. We'd start with 420pp CS FF at Autumn ring, then 450pp SH FR at Trial Mountain, 500 MR SS at Apricot Hill and ending with 550 4WD SS at Bathurst. The idea being to run each type of drivetrain. One week to tune and a week to test, with tuning and testing running at the same time. It should only take 5 weeks.

That is a decent idea^^

Heres a few more;
- big city shootout. Any car under 120k in the dealerships, from the country the city is in.
so one would be Tokyo. So any JP car under 120k (easier for testers), and make it like 530pp, or 480pp or something low enough to bar the race cars from being effective.
I like the limit we had, with no lower then 95%.
-next city would be like London, and we would hit up UK under the same conditions.

I do think as I stated before that we should do "3 days to tune, 3 days to test, and 1 final day to tally results and clean up."
This would hopefully eliminate any unwanted mid-contest updates. Anything longer, and were bound to get at least 1. The game is still new enough to expect a lot of them.
I really think, no matter what is decided, we should at least incorporate the Price-Cap.

I mean, come this summer, everyone should be at a point where price cap events wouldn't be a problem, but at this point, there is no real easy way to grind cash to a point where your going to spend millions on 7 or 8 different entry's. I can handle my own needs pretty easily right now, but I'm not going to want to be spending 20-30 million on OTHER peoples ideas simply to test for a contest. It's just not realistic.
For now anyway, to avoid this issue, I vote at the very least, a 300k cap. Although I advise a lot less then even that, like the 120k I mentioned previous.
Going on what @demonchilde has been suggesting about the next shootout - I think a set budget is the way to go, so we don't have to tune no 2.8million GT40's in testing.

With a budget of 250k I think the range of possibilities is pretty hefty, but a theme would need to be set. Which is where @demonchilde 's idea of using a city track and then cars local to that track. So Tokyo with Japanese cars or Rome with Italian cars, Brands with UK cars etc. So how about that for the next shootout?

DC also mentioned a week long shootout, but I think that's too short with 3 days tuning and 3 days testing. I think 2 weeks is more than sufficient in fact with a week for each. Just my two cents as I've recently been both tuner and tester in shootouts.
staff can expect another 10 days my ps3 chipped (and all HD system) lost everything forgot to save the gt6 but already bought another but delivery takes 9 days. thank everyone.
Going on what @demonchilde
DC also mentioned a week long shootout, but I think that's too short with 3 days tuning and 3 days testing. I think 2 weeks is more than sufficient in fact with a week for each. Just my two cents as I've recently been both tuner and tester in shootouts.

I get most of my playing time on weekends. During the week I don't always get to play and when I do, it is usually like an hour or so session.
I get most of my playing time on weekends. During the week I don't always get to play and when I do, it is usually like an hour or so session.

That's the reason why a one week shootout is too quick. I thought two weeks would be more suitable but you've got a point, some people are limited to weekend playtime or only a few hours in the week, but the whole idea is that this first shootout we had was way too long. Maybe three weeks is more suitable then?
Hi My name is ste me and my team mate are looking for someone to sponsor us with tunes for Scanaibebe's series the stcc what he is running on gt6 the tuner would be there to help/guide us on setting the car up for each race if anyone is interested in this please pm me as me and my team mate have 0 experience in setting the cars up for each track
Cheers ste
That's the reason why a one week shootout is too quick. I thought two weeks would be more suitable but you've got a point, some people are limited to weekend playtime or only a few hours in the week, but the whole idea is that this first shootout we had was way too long. Maybe three weeks is more suitable then?
I think 1 fixed car / 1 track can be done within a week. The problem is GT patching. I like these tuning events but what we should do is being able to have an adaptating day or something in case of patch.
Now for testing, patching in the middle, consequencies would be terrible. There is more risks having long times than short one.

So I don't know, people here write the rules, I'll be critical but will comply :)

Hi My name is ste me and my team mate are looking for someone to sponsor us with tunes for Scanaibebe's series the stcc what he is running on gt6 the tuner would be there to help/guide us on setting the car up for each race if anyone is interested in this please pm me as me and my team mate have 0 experience in setting the cars up for each track
Cheers ste
Did you had a look there?

All, bow to our Ferrari masters. :P
Seriously, that will be difficult to choose something else than here... The problem is their newest car (ie 79 or 80 depending) will dominate the competition as they dominated the european scene at this moment...
German cars BMW/Audi/etc were not as good as today. At this period, driving an Audi, in France was like driving a Lada. Or the Lada was better.

French cars were good but quite ugly. But way behind italian cars performance wise. UK and Italians almost invented supercars there so we will see most good cars coming from these two countries I think...

If I have guts I will choose that Alpine ^^
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I think 1 fixed car / 1 track can be done within a week. The problem is GT patching. I like these tuning events but what we should do is being able to have an adaptating day or something in case of patch.
Now for testing, patching in the middle, consequencies would be terrible. There is more risks having long times than short one.

So I don't know, people here write the rules, I'll be critical but will comply :)

Did you had a look there?

That's a nice site thanks but we are using normal road cars we have a tuner onboard now anyway
Throwing another idea out in the dust, or rather, continuing one.

I've been looking at the s2000's closely. You basically have 3 real design set ups over the years the model is in the dealerships.
Powerful/heavier, medium/medium, and less powerful/lighter.
And even though the base's are different, they are still very close to each other. The difference's they have make a real cool option for tuners to decide from I believe, as long as you don't set the pp limit too low.
In the tests I did, it seems around 470-480pp gives enough room to add parts/play with weight, but at the same time, not enough room to add every part and weight, ect.
With the cars being so different, but at the same time, so close to each other, I think it's a real great idea to think about, as the individual tune will make so much of a huge difference in lap times. But at the same time, like with this last Shootout, everyone would still be within the same 4 seconds of time.

Another idea, on the same method as above, I was looking at the roadsters, and miata's. Same as above, as long as your PP limit is perfect, you will have a good test of tuning abilities.

Yet another idea, LOL, and I really like this one, goes off of an old seasonal race from GT5;
The Japanese cars between 1990-1999 seasonal event. Really great range of cars to choose from, but at the same time, not going to break the bank of testers^^.
We would have to really look at the cars close to see if there are any so overpowered to be considered 'super class', but I advise just banning those that qualify if there are any, and keeping to only one group. A simple max PP of like 480pp would curb a lot of juice from some of them, and at the same time, allow for lesser powered ones to reach an ability to compete with the naturally higher ones with added parts.
The same can be done with 80's JP cars, and would be fun, but I like the look of the 90's cars more, lol.

As you can see, I've been researching the possibility's a lot.
Don't have enough yet, lol?
How about drivetrain 4wd only, on a snow track, and adding 'normal car only' to the rules, baring the Rally cars from playing. Keeping the PP low still, like 480pp, to bar the overpowered Nissan 4wd monsters from blowing everyone away. Initiating another 95% limiter limit to seal that condition.

What do you guys think about those ideas?