FITT FT-86 Concept Challenge - congratulations to all the podium finshers

  • Thread starter shaunm80
I need to start adopting these controls. I use R2 and L2 on the PS4 but haven't made the switch on the PS3 as yet.

I guess it is like owning a Ford Fiesta and then upgrading to a Ferrari. You find it difficult going back to your learner car. :lol:

You are super talented with a DS3. I don't know how you get the speed and lap times you manage.
15 years of practice including the digital input days of GT1/GT2 & never using TC or other driving aids unless it was mandatory.
I remember when I came across the Viper GTR or something, like the Oreca maybe and couldn't do it with the buttons and then learned you could use the right stick for throttle and brake, analog, and switched over. That was approximately… forever ago. Now the wheel, woo wee. And the feedback. So good. Almost like I'm really driving a car.
I remember when I came across the Viper GTR or something, like the Oreca maybe and couldn't do it with the buttons and then learned you could use the right stick for throttle and brake, analog, and switched over. That was approximately… forever ago. Now the wheel, woo wee. And the feedback. So good. Almost like I'm really driving a car.
I bought a wheel and pedals when GT4 came out & loved the feedback your talking about. I remember being blown away by the sensations coming through the wheel driving the Group C Le Mans sportscars down the long straight at Le Mans.
In the end though, I had to set it up/pack it up every time I felt like having a steer & that got a bit too much so I reverted to the DS3 & traded in the wheel when I upgraded to PS3 & GT5.
So eating and sleeping in the driver's seat isn't normal?

You're pretty close to the actual situation. I was living in share accommodation at the time & everything I owned was packed into a bedroom. The desk I had was what I used to mount the steering wheel, the pedals were on the floor, located well so that they didn't move & said desk also doubled as my dining table and strangely enough for desk duties. Not the most ergonomic driving position as I recall but beggars can't be choosers can they.
FITT FT-86 Concept Challenge Reviews

All tunes were tested under FITT conditions with the same conditions (i.e. me being awake and alert enough to drive this track!)

Captain slow is back again with his X button bashing and AT transmission driving. I hope that you can read the positives in my reviews if the time that I achieve is slower than what you (the tuner) managed. My testing regime was the same as the last event. Two getting to know you laps and then eight laps of hammer time.

Thank you as always and enjoy!

Best Lap Time: 1.52.898
DC: 9.7
Impressions of the tune:
Like the other tunes, my own tune has some under steer going on but the rear of the car definitely gives this car confidence to push it through the slalom section which made a huge different in the time I could get out of the tune. I will leave the critical analysis of my tune to other testers but this tune is fun, fast and consistent in my hands. That’s all a tune needs to be really.

Best Lap Time: 1.53.159
DC – 9.7
Impressions of the tune.
It’s a grifter! For those of you who are thinking, what is a grifter? Well, a grip/drift tune combo where you can push the car to slide but have the grip and speed in a straight line. It works well around this track. The fastest lap appeared on the final lap of the test and it is testament to the tune that it was very competitive in terms of time, as well as the handling characteristics it possessed. The brakes were spot on, rear end rotation was loose and grippy at the same time, the front had perfect rotation for the style of the tune and the transmission worked a treat. Most of all, I had a hoot driving this thing at the limit! Well done, Great tune.

Best Lap Time: 1.53.606
DC: 9.0
Impressions of the tune:
A stable tune with a lot of grip. Transmission is very good and combined with the LSD settings, wheel spin is limited and controlled well. Handling is good but like my tune, this car under steers through some corners and the rear is planted which limits what I can do with regards to controlled drifting of the rear to offset the slight under steer present. If you get the right line in the corner, it isn’t an issue but go off line and some clever throttle blipping is required to realign the car for the next straight. All in all, this is a very good tune, and one that I was able to drive easily. Bravo good sir!

Best Lap Time: 1.53.265
DC: 9.2
Impressions of the tune:
This tune reminded me of my own. A little under steer but with the addition of slight over steer thrown in which enhanced the control I had through the long corners. A quick tune and well balanced. I could have improved my time by 0.5 of a second had it not been for driver error so a mid-high 1.52 was on the boards at one point. Two points to mention though, the transmission was a little too long (although it had no negative effects on the car itself) and the front end rotation could have been a little better/quicker for the slower corners but these are minor things as the tune handled the fast, long corners like a natural grifter tune. Very well done. I really liked this tune.

Best Lap Time: 1.53.299
DC – 9.3
Impressions of the tune. Positives first. Transmission was good, brakes were good, front-end rotation was good. Handling was either spot on or felt sluggish depending on corner entry and it wasn’t consistent enough for me in this regard. The rear was prone to oversteer which cost time and the under steer on some of the corners was too much, again costing time. Acceleration was an art with this tune and I am not sure I have part alien in me to really extract all this tune has to offer. This being said, When I was on a hot lap and it all fitted together, this was a fun tune to drive. Just needed more consistency with the rear grip. Good tune and one that will get a much better lap time with some of the other testers.

Best Lap Time: 1.52.916
DC – 9.1
Impressions of the tune.
Okie doke. Good points first. The front end rotation was good, sometimes very good depending on how much the rear tyres smoked. The transmission was also very good, Ideally, it could have been a tiny bit shorter in the final gear but this was by-the-by in terms of how it affected the tune. Grip was okay if you stayed on the racing line and carried the correct amount of speed through the corner entry. If you went too fast, it would spin up the rears and cost you time, keep it smooth and precise and this tune would produce an awesome lap time. Over steer was the one issue I had with this tune, I know this tune has standard diff settings and this is where the wheel spin can be controlled, but bearing this in mind, the standard settings were only an issue when I went off the racing line and really pushed this tune. If I was sensible and trying to drive naturally, the tune felt light, easy to drive and very controllable. The brakes were standard, which aided this tune by not locking up the tyres. However, the braking distances were slightly longer for it. The main negative point for this tune was lap time inconsistency but it didn’t change the fact that I enjoyed this tune a lot when I was in the groove and it was all going well. All in all, a good tune that worked very well if you drove it smoothly, and wasn’t trying for a do or die lap. Great job considering LSD was standard! You are fast becoming an accomplished tuner.

Best Lap Time: 1.52.636
DC: 9.8
Impressions of the tune: A fine tune. Balance was really good, putting the power down was easy and well controlled, Wheel spin was present but easily managed and it was a hoot to drive. Under steer.. yes, it was also present but the way the car handling minimised this beautifully. A very impressive tune. The only thing that stopped this tune being perfect was the transmission was slightly too short. Other than that, a great job here. Well done.

Best Lap Time: 1.53.185
DC: 9.7
Impressions of the tune:
At the time of testing, this was one of the most neutral feeling tunes I had driven. The rear rotation was spot on, front end grip was very good but for me, needed a tiny bit of looseness through the fast-flowing section at the back of the R246 track. Transmission worked really well and LSD settings were great at controlling the wheel spin out of the slow corners. A great tune and one that I really enjoyed testing. Well done.

Best Lap Time: 1.54.121
DC: 9.0
Impressions of the tune:
I mentioned when this tune was posted that it looked aggressive. I was wrong. It is more like passive aggressive. The grip level of this tune is really good but the amount of power going through the rear with that LSD setting can make this tune prone to sudden over steer. I learnt half way through the test that if I employ proper throttle control, instead of mashing the x button fully, the line it took through the corner was perfect but getting back on the power could be a step into the unknown if I wasn’t paying attention to what the car was telling me. The time should have been closer to a 1.53.2xx but the last corner caused the car to fish tail a little so I had to come off the throttle costing me the time I had gained through the rest of the lap. I like the balance of the car and it certainly put a smile on my face. Like many tunes before this, I could certainly adapt to this tune over time and it would improve me as a driver in the process. A great tune, just a little above my driving skill to fully extract all this tune has to offer. I expect a lot quicker times to come from some of the alien testers among us. Great job though, I really enjoyed this tune. The DC hopefully reflects that.

Best Lap Time: 1.54.336
DC – 8.8
Impressions of the tune. A tough tune for me to get my head around. For the first part of the lap, this car was keeping up perfectly with the fastest tunes I have tested, In the second half of the track, this tune dropped off and I could not find any line or driving style that would extract the speed that this car demonstrated initially. Brakes were okay but could have been a little better for me, front end rotation worked well and the rear was planted (maybe a little too much?). I could have used a little more looseness in the rear for me to really drive this tune. I think the biggest thing this car lacked was the correct gearing. I only just shifted into 6th gear and it was already time for braking. Not sure if that was intentional or designed but I think that cost me some time overall. Not a bad tune and it was stable but perhaps too stable for this track. The positive thing I can say about your tune is that for the first half of the track, it was very precise and fun to drive so well done for that.

Best Lap Time: 1.52.122
DC – 9.5
Impressions of the tune. A solid, balanced tune which enabled me to put the power down with confidence. Brakes were consistent and the transmission worked well. A tad more front-end rotation would have been better for some sections of the track and the rear was a little too planted at times causing some over-steer issues. A solid tune which achieved a really great time and one that was setting consistent lap times. A great job, well done.

Best Lap Time: 1.52.025
DC – 9.9
Impressions of the tune. I will start with all the positives. Transmission was perfect, traction through the fast corners was perfect, brakes were spot on, balance of the car was virtually perfect. The slight issues. A smidge more front rotation for the slow corners would have made this perfect as well as the reduced wheel spin in the slow corners. Saying that, the way this car handled was consistently fast throughout the whole test made these slight flaws insignificant. Great job. This is a tune that I was comfortable with straight away so awesome job!

Best Lap Time: 1.52.513
DC: 9.5
Impressions of the tune:
Like some of the other tunes, this tune had hints of under steer but the rear rotation of this car was perfect. I had to do some throttle control to keep everything in line but it was a very enjoyable drive. The transmission was perfect and the brakes were consistent and confidence inspiring. I kept lapping around the 1.53 – 1.52s each time apart from when I had a massive spin due to a driver error. One thing that I would have liked personally was more front rotation/grip for the slow corners. Really great tune this one. Well done.

Best Lap Time: 1.52.893
DC: 9.2
Impressions of the tune:
A grippy and confidence inspiring tune. Wheel spin was limited by a well-designed LSD and transmission combination. The brakes were perfect for this track and the cornering was nearly spot on. There was the slight under steer issue once again but this was definitely balanced out well by the grip of the car. The mechanical grip this car had caused some issues with the front-end rotation however. The positive aspect of this was the speed it could carry through the fast flowing sections with minimal effort. The main issue I had with this car was inconsistency in lap times. It seemed to reach a performance peak where the balance and neutrality just dropped off an invisible cliff. A great tune and a great time but a little inconsistent at times. I can guarantee that at least one of the other testers will love this tune as it has a lot of positive aspects to it.

@steve nfs
Best Lap Time: 1.52.937
DC – 9.6
Impressions of the tune. A well balanced tune, good traction and grip levels. Transmission worked really well and was efficiently tuned. The under steer was minimised quite a lot but suffered a little bit through the fast flowing sections. Brakes were consistent, as were the lap times throughout the test. The wheel spin was minimised but could cause issues when accelerating out of the slow corners and when a corner entry was too hot. These are little things really as I really enjoyed this tune and it felt more at home when you just cruised along smoothly. Really fast times for relatively easy driving. A great job. Well done.
Thanks. I had similar problems but I eventually found a line which worked fine, but i guess instead of you having trouble finding it, I could have simply adapted the car.
I'm sorry, what was that you said about love and security? I couldn't hear you over the sound of the awesome mini-bike/stripper party happening in my garden/house because nobody told me I couldn't :lol:
I thought the point of a batch house was to get away from the batch pad not be in the backyard :lol:
Sounds to me like you need a crazy women to keep up with you.
I remember when I came across the Viper GTR or something, like the Oreca maybe and couldn't do it with the buttons and then learned you could use the right stick for throttle and brake, analog, and switched over. That was approximately… forever ago. Now the wheel, woo wee. And the feedback. So good. Almost like I'm really driving a car.

I remember the exact moment I started using the sticks. GT2 super license event with the TS020 on Cote' d Azure. I just didn't have the finesse to get it done with the buttons. Forced myself to learn to use both sticks and have been doing it ever since. I would love to buy a wheel, but never have a spare $3-500 laying around just to spend on that.
I remember switching to the sticks in GT3 on the "complex string" Then with the PS3 and GT5 I switched again to the triggers after learning to use the manual transmission for even more control... Then a few months ago I was on Facebook and found a post for a $35 PS3 Steering wheel. I jumped on it and found out it was DFGT!! This wheel and pedal combo has completely erased my need to play any other game! Lol My advice to everyone who wants a wheel but can't shell out the $200-500 for a brand new one is to keep an eye out for a used DFGT! :cheers:
Yes not everyone can live in the drivers seat. My kids would run amuck and my wife would kill me. :lol:

@Pete05 ya know if you're not in that situation anymore get a new wheel man, you're already crazy fast. Would love to see what you could do with a wheel.
It's something I'll have a serious look at if/when I do the GT7/PS4 upgrade.
I'd definitely want a professional ergonomic setup though. No more mounting the wheel to a desk or table that isn't the right feel and definitely somewhere stable for the pedals.
Evening all

Fantastic turn out again, and really good tunes too. Good to see some new blood around as well.

Here are my testing results.

All tunes tested for 10 laps using DS3 (d-pad for turning, x go, square stop) using auto transmission. All aids off except ABS1 and driving line.

Lap time - 1:51:614
DC - 8
Impressions of the tune
Great car to throw around the track. Feels light and nimble but you will have to manage the rear end.

Lap time - 1:51:692
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Light and nimble. Good under braking and some oversteer to manage. Easy to set consistent lap times in.

Lap time - 1:51:557
DC - 9.0
Impressions of the tune
Stable and fast. Took a few laps to get used to as it was so planted. Some understeer present and would benefit from sharper turn in but this may compromise stability. Good effort.

Lap time - 1:50:979
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Nicely balanced tune when you hit your marks. Brake or turn in late however, and you wont recover the understeer. Consistency is key for a fast lap. Fantastic traction out of the 1st and last corners.

Lap time - 1:51:253
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Some understeer present through the slower corners, and you will have to manage the rear.

Lap time - 1:51:576
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
A tune you will have to be precise in. Has decent turn in but some mid corner understeer, then some oversteer if too heavy on the throttle. Has a twitch over the little crest on start finish straight.

Lap time - 1:50:961
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Looser than the last few tested so took a little time to get used to. A little twitchy under braking and the brake release oversteer both assisted and hampered. Quick enough though.

Lap time - 1:51:991
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Struggled to settle into this one. Stable under braking but found it hard to get on the power out of 1st and last turns. Amount of barrier collisions also hints at some understeer.

Lap time - 1:52:590
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Strange little thing this one. Turn in good, mid to exit unpredictable and exit requires throttle control.

Lap time - 1:51:735
DC - 8
Impressions of the tune
Nice and stable, although a little unforgiving. If you can hit your marks it will provide consistent lap times, but the understeer will kill them if you can't.

Lap time - 1:50:934
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Does exactly what you ask of it. Solid under braking, good turn in and rotation. Easy to get on the power. Good effort.

Lap time - 1:50:762
DC - 10
Impressions of the tune
Fantastic tune. I've talked in the past about tune fitting tester, This is one of those in my hands. Bravo sir.

Lap time - 1:50:723
DC - 9.5
Impressions of the tune
Another fantastic tune. Easy to run consistently quick times. 80% in the low 51's or 50's. Handled the S in the middle of the circuit well.

Lap time - 1:50:995
DC - 9
Impressions of the tune
Solid tune. Stable under braking and good turn in. Some understeer present, and some wheelspin on corner exit. Good effort.

@steve nfs
Lap time - 1:51:037
DC - 9
Impressions of the tune
Nice tune with manageable understeer and oversteer present. You tuned it to run 1:51's. Mission accompished in my hands. Only 2 out of the 10 were outside due to meetings with the barriers. The slowest was 1:51:889. Very consistent car. Well done.
Evening all

Fantastic turn out again, and really good tunes too. Good to see some new blood around as well.

Here are my testing results.

All tunes tested for 10 laps using DS3 (d-pad for turning, x go, square stop) using auto transmission. All aids off except ABS1 and driving line.

Lap time - 1:51:614
DC - 8
Impressions of the tune
Great car to throw around the track. Feels light and nimble but you will have to manage the rear end.

Lap time - 1:51:692
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Light and nimble. Good under braking and some oversteer to manage. Easy to set consistent lap times in.

Lap time - 1:51:557
DC - 9.0
Impressions of the tune
Stable and fast. Took a few laps to get used to as it was so planted. Some understeer present and would benefit from sharper turn in but this may compromise stability. Good effort.

Lap time - 1:50:979
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Nicely balanced tune when you hit your marks. Brake or turn in late however, and you wont recover the understeer. Consistency is key for a fast lap. Fantastic traction out of the 1st and last corners.

Lap time - 1:51:253
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Some understeer present through the slower corners, and you will have to manage the rear.

Lap time - 1:51:576
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
A tune you will have to be precise in. Has decent turn in but some mid corner understeer, then some oversteer if too heavy on the throttle. Has a twitch over the little crest on start finish straight.

Lap time - 1:50:961
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Looser than the last few tested so took a little time to get used to. A little twitchy under braking and the brake release oversteer both assisted and hampered. Quick enough though.

Lap time - 1:51:991
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Struggled to settle into this one. Stable under braking but found it hard to get on the power out of 1st and last turns. Amount of barrier collisions also hints at some understeer.

Lap time - 1:52:590
DC - 7.5
Impressions of the tune
Strange little thing this one. Turn in good, mid to exit unpredictable and exit requires throttle control.

Lap time - 1:51:735
DC - 8
Impressions of the tune
Nice and stable, although a little unforgiving. If you can hit your marks it will provide consistent lap times, but the understeer will kill them if you can't.

Lap time - 1:50:934
DC - 8.5
Impressions of the tune
Does exactly what you ask of it. Solid under braking, good turn in and rotation. Easy to get on the power. Good effort.

Lap time - 1:50:762
DC - 10
Impressions of the tune
Fantastic tune. I've talked in the past about tune fitting tester, This is one of those in my hands. Bravo sir.

Lap time - 1:50:723
DC - 9.5
Impressions of the tune
Another fantastic tune. Easy to run consistently quick times. 80% in the low 51's or 50's. Handled the S in the middle of the circuit well.

Lap time - 1:50:995
DC - 9
Impressions of the tune
Solid tune. Stable under braking and good turn in. Some understeer present, and some wheelspin on corner exit. Good effort.

@steve nfs
Lap time - 1:51:037
DC - 9
Impressions of the tune
Nice tune with manageable understeer and oversteer present. You tuned it to run 1:51's. Mission accompished in my hands. Only 2 out of the 10 were outside due to meetings with the barriers. The slowest was 1:51:889. Very consistent car. Well done.
Thank you for the review. Some very fast and consistent times set too. I am glad that you found the time to test. It seems that the new comers are creating quite a stir with their tunes. Nice to see a new mix of tuners in FITT.
@biffa3 Great job testing and I'm glad to see you found the time!:bowdown:

@Otaliema this is what I have so far including biffa's numbers. I don't have the DC score on this sheet, but they can easily be added.


It is a complicated little sheet, but all of the highlights and colors actually mean something!:lol:
@biffa3 Great job testing and I'm glad to see you found the time!:bowdown:

@Otaliema this is what I have so far including biffa's numbers. I don't have the DC score on this sheet, but they can easily be added.

View attachment 469355

It is a complicated little sheet, but all of the highlights and colors actually mean something!:lol:

Good to see our times are close again!