five second penalty

  • Thread starter Fantic
The special stages part of the game is no longer fun. (Hard) ice tracks just make me want to throw my PS2 out the window. Not only having to do a very hard race, but avoid touching the corse or rival car with your front end is enough for me. Its TOTALY ruined the whole game for me, and pretty much means i wont be buying another GT game. I played GT 1, 2 and 3 to death, and played GT3 untill my playstation blew up. GT4 isnt anyware near that, more annoying than fun.

Anyone else lose hair over this stupid "5 second penalty"? Just when all is good, you clip a wall .... 5 second penalty, car hits YOU .... 5 second penalty. UGH!
I do sometimes but it doesnt bother me because my car was always faster so i was ahead but cost me ALLOT less A-Spec points, for the ice/snow for the first few i used the Toyota Rally car i won was fast enogh to get lead but not good for a-spec points
I actually wish you could turn this feature on for normal races outside of arcade mode. Just like Enthu points in EPR, it encourages you to race more cleanly, which is a good thing.
Only in EPR the AI don't drive like your not there and you don't get penalised by a limited speed penalty. The 5 second penalty is utter crap, the system in EPR is superb, the two systems are as similar as a Goldfish is to a shark.
My ability to race cleanly is directly proportional to the amount of grip my tires have.

In other words, I don't race cleanly in the rally races.

And the ice races might as well be demolition derbies.
I can make it round all the rally tracks without hitting the barriers or invisible walls, but if it's in a race against an AI car they always just ram me, and then in the GT mode, I end up with the 5 second penalty. In EPR you lose points, and when all your points are depleted your have to spend a week resting, and that means you haven't gained any points that week so you lose ranking. It's not half as frustrating, it's not frustrating at all really, but it still makes you try to race clean. GT's 5 second penalty is complete rubbish.
I feel the pain with this subject.

Everything else in GT4 was pretty fun and easy, the hard rallies were just annoying.
The AI can't drive well and the penalties rob you of wins with nearly every attempt.

My suggestion to you...

Learn that hitting your car's rear-end against something will avoid giving you a penalty the way hitting your front or side will.

Also, try to make sure you don't run with fully modified cars.

I found that running with fully modified rally cars will just reduce your grip because the power makes you sit and spin rather than grip and go.

Using less hp may actually make you faster than using more.

Another thing to remember is to keep your cool and use your brakes... Try running the race with a level head and instead of racing to win, try racing to keep up just so you can judge what needs to be done to win.

Do a few races where you keep it slow enough to stay clean and in controll.
After a bit of that you may be able to keep up with the AI.
Pushing too hard in races like the hard rallies will just lead to penalties.

Race with a level head and eventually everything will fall into place (even if it takes a bit of time before that happens).

Also, be patient, you're going to have GT4 for a long time.
If you're stuck on the rally, go do some other stuff and build up your skills a bit more, then come back and attack the rally. 👍

License tests are a good place to work on that (although the rally tests are hard as hell for me).

The Weekly Race Series is a good place to sharpen your skills as well, although I woudn't go there if you can't handle working hard just to come in mid-pack... The WRS is mega-fast. :eek:
But the WRS is one of the best features of the GTP as well. It offers great atmosphere, great friends, great racing, and great experience. Racing in the WRS for 6 months will make you a faster racer than you have ever been before I garuntee it. 👍
heres a lil trick i use, drive like takumi on akina. use the invisible walls to make quick turns. lean in on the walls early and glide along the path of the invisible wall. make sure u steer or ull bump into the wall too hard and cause the 5 second penalty. cheap but very handy 👍
Most people started like that, over time that 18 seconds becomes 10, 5, 4, 3, 2 and before you know it your less than 2 seconds rfom the top and feeling good about yourself. I'm not exactly 2 seconds from the fastest but I did take part in the WRS a long time ago and just recently re-signed with it and I have improved imo. And now I have a MaxDrive I can watch the fastest drivers laps and learn from them, which is nice.
Neither did I until last week, all it means if you can't verify your time is that if you get the fastest or anything like that it won't be counted officially. You can still take part and get in the listings though.
This is headed off topic and I apologize. :bowdown:

I think that if you are honest with yourself and everyone else in the wrs, no issues will come up regarding your verification.
By your own admission, you have a considerable gap with the leaders.
Of course, you probably weren't being very specific in this example so I will not linger on the 18second gap.

What I mean to say here is this...
Verifying replays and lap times is never an issue when everyone can see that you are on the learning side of the WRS.

When your keeping up and competing for division wins, then you may be in the position to have a member "call out" your times.
In your case, or anyone's, a size-able gap with the podium just puts you in the position to learn more than anything else. 👍

Run the WRS and come in last place? :nervous:
Finish last and learn. :banghead: :ouch: 💡
Learn to race.:mischievous:

By the time you've really learned to race on the WRS level you will want to go out and buy a maxdrive.
Right now a maxdrive may seem like a burden to you but eight consecutive weeks of WRS'ing and you will be ready to buy one at the first chance you have.

Don't get discouraged when you're falling behind people like those in the WRS... Just stick with them and you'll learn to run like the pack.

It just takes time.

Good luck with your choices.

Btw, I think there is a Weekly Rally Series (more or less) in the long race forum run by a member of the "official..." so you may want to check that out as well. 👍
(I highly suggest it since rally racing is the heart of the discussion here)

(the final stage of the WRC run by jump ace just ended "recently")
Quik Suggestion for Special Conditions races;

1) Use something light and firm, Lotus Elan maybe for the first ice stages, it is also good maxed out at the canyon in easy

2) first chance you get acquire the Evo8 mit rally car, the uberevo!, it can handle most all of the specials w/ care to tuning

3) get in front in all the hard races or ule have problems w/ ai antics, that is mebbe after the first corner not outbraking into a bend as the ai will nibble ure ass off and claim a peno, entirely unrealistic & unfair.
in the canyon, dog the ai for a lap in hard as getting in front early may not pace u cleanly.

good luck & remember the specials are the real a-spec races in 4 👍
In actuality, it comes down to not only skill but luck and possibly hours of redoing them. It is a cheap way to increase the difficulty of the game. For me, it's like getting all gold on the licenses. Could I do them? Sure; do I want to spend hours doing them again and again and again and again until I show not only skill but luck? Nope.

As more variables and complexity increases in gaming luck is coming into play more and more, not only in this game but others as well. It's a shame and a bit of a con from game producers IMO.

PS: For those that did do everything, you do deserve congratulations and you should be proud. However, please understand that I do not feel any loss of pride in never reaching 100 percent. I've played hundreds of forgotten titles and my saying or thinking I completed a game does little for you years later. Hence my ambivalence. Just have fun is my motto. :)
The easy way to complete the rally events:

Get 1 Dodge RAM, add NOS (or whatever system you prefer), custom tranny/suspension, NA2, perhaps port polish and engine balance - whatever grabs your fancy, just don't go overboard with the power. Buy Ice and Dirt Tyres.

Set ASM to 0, TCS to between 2-5 depending on taste. Add 200 kg ballast and shift it all to the rear. Set NOS (or whatever system you are using) to max. Fiddle with susp and tranny if desired.

Enter easy event and win easily. Enter normal event for the same track, win fairly easily. Enter hard event for the same track, win eventually. Do not move onto the next track until you finish the one you are on (this particular advice comes from Famine and I it found invaluable).

As previously stated you can hit things with the rear quarter of your car. Steer the truck by letting the rear slide into the side of the track - this works very well if you use the right technique and is faster than trying to drive properly around the track (the ballast at the rear really helps get the rear to break loose).

On the hard events use the NOS (or whatever system you are using) to get ahead quickly and block the AI if they try to get past - the Dodge is BIG and very hard to get past.

I am not proud of using this method but it allowed me to complete all the rally events in an afternoon with minimal frustration which was my main objective. The only events I remember as being particularly hard were the hard Grand Canyon and events.

I also strongly recommend getting gold on all the special conditions licence tests as they really help you in getting to know the tracks and the gold times for the full laps are quite slow - however I can't remember if I did this bafore or after doing the event - I think it was before. It is amazing how quickly you can pick up the reverse courses if you know the normal one well.
Go for the 206 Rallycar, it has very good handling. Skip the turboupgrades though, and go for clean laps instead. Leave all settings as they come. The secret is to brake very, very (much earlier that you could possibly think!)early in the gravel or ice to get a good time. And make sure you pass the AI early on, as they don´t seem to be able to keep up if you pass them, whereas if they are ahead, they smoke you! Strange but true.
Also, I don´t think ASM/TCS can be used at all in special conditions hall. At least not on gravel/ice.
The ASM and TCS don't come into play in the special condition hall exept for races on the Amalfi and Aria circuits which are on roads.
I found that driving the rally sections was a completely different experience to the track events. Which, in the end, is as it is in real life. I'm a big rally fan and often go to the races, but it took me some time to adapt my driving style, but a lot of the handling seemed very accurate to the real thing. The 5 second thing was a real pain while I was adapting, especially when the AI is so bad, but after a while I got good enough to enjoy the dirt/snow races.
I also managed to come out of it with my PS2 in one piece, but only just!
I didn't mind the way the cars handled in the rally races either, not as accurate as RBR by any means though, but it was just the 5 second penalties that ruined it.
Oi, how I hate those 5 second penalties...but I came to think of it the easy way, even though they're incredibly frustrating...they only exist in Rallies and Missions, which in the grand scheme of things amount to a very small part of the game so it's easy to come to terms with the fact I have to deal with them
1. - I think PD should stick to the pavement. I like rallying but not in this game, it's poorly done.
2. - Car damage would be better than penalties. Imagine knocking the wheel alignment off and having the DFP pull to the side for the rest of the race, losing downforce as you ruin your bumper, lowering the rev limiter to prevent overheating if you damage the radiator ....
3. - I'm going to cheat my way thru it using the Dodge.