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You have to post up the picture of Will, I think it's the best one you have on Flickr :)
haha seriously? It was just a quick shot that I thought showed the relaxed mood of the whole day. thanks man!


Will by Request :D

For some reason it just stands out, I does'nt look posed, set-up or fake and being B&W really adds weight to the image.

I'm probably talking rubbish, but I like it 👍
SweetshopUnion, I really like that shot too. This is something I haven't gotten right yet - shots of people. I need to study and practice more.

GTP_Grenade, your Le Mans fake tilt shifts are excellent. The Le Mans classics really stand out - very toy-like.
Hey Guys, Long time no Update.

I've recently acquired an old Fujica STX-1 35mm Film Camera that used to belong to my grandad, it also came with 3 prime lenses - X-Fujinon 1:2.2 f=55mm, X-Fujinar 1:2.8 f=135mm DM and a X-Fujinar-W 1:2.8 f=28mm DM. Anyway when I first got them out I noticed straight away that the mounts are nearly identicle to the Minolta AF/Sony Alpha Mount, they even use the same orange dot system to line the lens up! I bought them home and tried them on my Alpha and guess what, they fit!. Great news you may think but here comes the BUT and its a rather large one. The lenses won't lock into place so as soon as it take my hand away they just fall out. Can anyone recommend a way of holding the lens in place because I would really like to use them but don't want to have to learn to use a Film Camera. As much as I would love to learn to use Film, I don't have to money to do so.

Oh and thankyou for the comments aswell, Mr.Grenade you are spot on actually, I kinda poked my camera out from round a tree :lol:
I'm really annoyed I've not been able to post here much recently, exam studying has taken up all of my free time, the only chance I have to get the camera out is when my mum wants so flower pictures. So guess what, this update is all flowers, again!




Overcooked the contrast mabye?
I'm really digging the tones. The first one with the reflections is fantastic. 👍
The tones in all of these are fantastic, and the first shot with the reflections looks superb. It's a nice twist on a plain looking subject. 👍
Thankyou Guys! I think the reflections photo is one of my favourites I've taken so far.

Anyway my birthday is comming up and I've been looking into getting another lens for quite some time. I pretty much decided a few months ago that I'd get a Sony 75-300mm zoom lens but all of a sudden every single retailer has decided to bump up the price from £116-130 all the way to £190, and I'm simply not going to pay that much for that lens, not when my kit only cost £230. But thankfully I've found that I can buy a Sigma 70-300mm lens for £150 so I'll most likely be getting that along with a couple of much needed filters, a cheapo* remote and a bag to put them all in.

*When I mean cheapo, I really mean seriously cheap, like £3.99 cheap
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Haha the lens bug has bitten. I can’t really comment on either lens but I would recommend reading as many reviews you can on both and then going with the one that has better overall reviews even if it costs more. I’ve got a pretty ordinary 75-300mm that was a kit lens and I never use it as the image quality is just deplorable compared with my other lenses.
Well another lens has come into play, well actually it was two. I read up on some reviews of the Sigma 70-300mm and it seems that everyone that uses it is having trouble getting clear shots at the 300mm end of business, apparently the tube is too long when at 300mm which makes most shots a blur because of weight distrobution and the quality of the glass itself isn't great either. So while I was browsing though prices I came upon a Sigma 55-200mm lens which has had much greater reviews given, the lens is compact and light but the draws back are the glass again, it seems most are bashing away at image quality issues. Anyway, eventually while reading some more reviews I came across a review for a Tamron 55-200mm lens, this it seems is much better in the image quality department and at £110 I can afford to double up on filters to fit the 52mm size of the Tamron and the 55mm size of my Sony. Hopefully I shall order it soon along with all the other extras I've listed previously.
What lenses have you been using previously?

I've got a Nikon 55-200 and very rarely use it, but that will change when I get shooting motorsports.
What lenses have you been using previously?

I've got a Nikon 55-200 and very rarely use it, but that will change when I get shooting motorsports.

Just the Sony 18-70mm Kit lens that came with my Alpha 200. The main reason I've been wanting a zoom lens is that I can go shooting at motorsports events, I've had the chance to go for a couple if I really pushed my dad but I decided not to bother because 18-70mm isn't enough to get close to the action at the track in all except 1 corner.
haha Just wait, you'll get a 200mm and then wish you had a 400 or 600mm :lol: Trust me it will happen. If you are keen on motorsport shooting it will be important to keep an eye on the f stop. with the 55-200 what's the aperture open up to?
haha Just wait, you'll get a 200mm and then wish you had a 400 or 600mm :lol: Trust me it will happen. If you are keen on motorsport shooting it will be important to keep an eye on the f stop. with the 55-200 what's the aperture open up to?

f4-5.6, which is actually a wider range than my kit 18-70mm lens, is that a good or a bad thing?

I would really like to get into motorsport shooting mainly because I've not actually been to in a long time and it's something I miss, I just can't get enough of those stunning machines and the noises they produce, capturing that feeling would be awesome indeed.
If you are serious about motorsport, I'd say save for a longer lens with the widest possible aperture you can get. At the moment I'm shooting most of my shots at 200mm with f/4 but I'm now looking at my options, especially for motorbikes where I could easily do with a 400mm or 300mm with 2.8f. The 400mm f.28 would be ideal but it costs about $10k so I need to look at other more cost effective options in the canon line up.

With the lens you are looking at, if it has multiple aperture ratings you will have to remember that the larger f stop (in this case 5.6) will be the widest aperture setting you can have when the camera is at full extension (200mm). Not to say it’s bad but it’s a little slow. I had a quick dig at the lens line up for Sony, and I’ll say right now that I have not done all my home work on it so I don’t take my word as gospel and make sure you read reviews from people who have actually used these lenses but the simply going off stats alone, the Sony 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 might be a good one to consider. The cost is a little more but you get more range with the same f stop as the 200. This lens seems to be a rebadged Minolta so I’d bet good money that the reviews are decent.
the Sony 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6 might be a good one to consider. The cost is a little more but you get more range with the same f stop as the 200. This lens seems to be a rebadged Minolta so I’d bet good money that the reviews are decent.

This is the exact lens I was considering to start with :lol: But ever since all the retailers in the land decided to bump it all the way up from the £120 region to the £190(for no obvious reason) it is now at, it's just too far out my price range. If I had a job then I probably would of bought it ages ago but unfortunately I'm still in school so my money income is virtually non-existent.

I know the cost is a little more at your pro level, I mean your spending thousands on amazing lenses so the odd £80 here and there isn't that big a deal but when that £80 would get 2/3rds of your lens it really matters. I'm really grateful for your help in this minefield of terminology and numbers but I think in the end it's going to be the small amount of money I have that will stop me from buying better(which I would really love to do of course).

Damn expensive interests!!:lol: I only have to look at GTP_Grenades photos to see what I'm missing out on.
I only have to look at GTP_Grenades photos to see what I'm missing out on.

Now we both know that's not true :lol:

I see what you mean about Sony's price increases, have you seen the prices of the new A230, 330 and 380 models:crazy: I'm guessing it'll only be a short term thing, so they'll be able to massively discount them later.
Now we both know that's not true :lol:

I see what you mean about Sony's price increases, have you seen the prices of the new A230, 330 and 380 models:crazy: I'm guessing it'll only be a short term thing, so they'll be able to massively discount them later.

Dude your photos are great, I love your track stuff and the fake tilt-shifts are well executed.
I know what you mean about the prices of the new additions to the Alpha family, seriously high considering the differences between current models.

I will really try and push to get the Sony 75-300mm lens, your photos, Syntaxs unlimited knowledge of cameras and sample shots from both lenses have persuaded me it would be a better choice in the long term, and I wouldn't have to buy double the amount of filters which would probably equate to the price difference anyway :lol:

EDIT: Sony Lens has been Purchased!
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My Lens, Bag and UV Filter arrived today which I've very pleased about as I'm going away for 5 days on monday, and that was the estimated delivery date! I'm hoping the CPL Filter shall come tommorow or Friday so I can have that before I go too, thats the one filter I really really want.

Anyway on to the Photos!

Nothing Special just experimenting with DoF and getting used to how far back I have to stand before I can focus my subject! :lol:

Nice shots and congrats on ordering the lens.

I borrowed a Nikon lens with exactly the same focal range on it when I went to Silverstone and it was pretty much ideal, the extra stretch to 300mm makes a big difference.

Have fun with the CPL when you get it, once you get used to using them (and when to use them), they can make a huge difference to the shot.


Nice work there my friend, especially some of the action shots, have you done any post processing on any of the images at all?

Also its a shame you and quite a few other guys on here post small pics on here to comply with the picture size policy, but dont always have links to higher resolution pictures. I really would love to see some close up gritty detail in some of the action shots you have got.
Thanks Scaff, I've already been through some of my old photos and been thinking, if only I had a CPL! :lol:

Cheers semilife, I've done PP in all the photos I think unless stated but I'm gradually cutting down on the amount and focusing on getting it right straight from the camera. Full size images can be found by clicking on any of the photos(or my signature link) and you will be taken to my Flickr page where you can find all the original sizes there. :)
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